Hi WillowMama! Yay for deciding to quit :) I wish there were more of us around here, but I have found reading the archives and just keeping up my own thread to be really motivating. I did the "just smoke at night" thing, too. It ultimately.... did not work, haha. My system was "don't but any, don't smoke during the day, but you can smoke a couple at night with your partner." Which, to be fair, was moderately successful at times in terms of reducing my smoking. But ultimately, it kept the door open for total relapse because I was maintaining such a strong connection to the smoking version of myself. I would maintain it for maybe 2 weeks at a time, but it always ended up with a pack in my purse. I find total abstinence to be the only solution for me. I spent the past 1.5 YEARS effing around with this on/off smoking thing, smoking only at night, its-okay-as-long-as-i-didn't-buy-them, a shared cigarette "barely" counts, okay-only-5-smokes-per-day, etc etc etc etc. The final result was ALWAYS me with a pack of smokes in my purse, sneaking around to smoke them and feeling demoralized. Making the break final (one day at a time!) has been the only thing that has worked for me. I mean, it's working so far. I'm only a month+ in to my quit, but it's an actual quit for a change, not a quit-dabble-relapse-dabble-quit-relapse shenanigan cycle. Please keep posting here, I need some company in my quit!