I always like the food for thought in your posts Workin'. I note here you're feeling better and gaining confidence in your quit, as well as working through your lifestyle changes with a positive successful attitude. I appreciate your candor and enjoy your posts. I admit I'd miss your presence if you faded away from here altogether. That being said, my personal take on when it's time to back off from this site is when we feel our time invested here is encroaching on our personal lifetime goals. I'm grateful to have found SSC when I did and know joining this site contributed immensely to my success in remaining smoke free for 911 days to date. I also believe I'm a non smoker for life now! NOPE works! It's great to be busy, happy, successful and moving forward in my journey of life. And I'm eager now to get on with the rest of my life! When busy with work deadlines or out of town on business, I now feel ok to take a break from SSC - I know the people coming here will continue to find and receive the support they need whether I'm here daily or not - and we all gain something for the variety of posts and different personalities that frequent SSC. So am at a point now where I contribute what I can offer without compromising my obligations. I now seek balance in the addiction-obsession-give-take healing that takes place from belonging to this great support network.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 653 Hours: 16
Minutes: 15 Seconds: 30
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 653 Hours: 16
Minutes: 15 Seconds: 30
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Hey Workin'!
I meant to respond to this right after your initial post, but I needed a bit more time for my response. Your presence is valuable to many members here, both new quitters and the not so new! You have great insight on many topics and you express yourself very well! Personally, I don’t think that you “need” to be here or have to use this site as a security blanket, so to speak, but I’m glad you remain.
Everyone eventually begins to distance themselves from daily involvement here, except for me maybe! As I said previously, I had a yearlong hiatus due to my laptop being stolen; it wasn't my choice to be away. I really missed being involved and helping our new quitters along their path to freedom. Once I bought a new laptop, I was back doing what I could to provide support.
Once I had my quit under my belt, I didn't feel I needed the site as a security blanket. I really didn't have any cravings and I knew that I would never smoke again. I guess what I really feel is that all of my quit buddies here saved my life! So, I want to do something in return for that miracle that I received. I do know that those of us who have been through the quit process definitely do make a difference to our new quit buddies here at one time or another and in some instances provide just the right words at just the right time to save someone's quit. I do get some personal satisfaction in knowing that I sometimes make a difference here! Do I feel that it is an obligation? No, not really. It's just something that I want to do if and when I have the time, but I do find the time. I’m pretty much like my wife; I like helping people.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1138 Hours: 10
Minutes: 20 Seconds: 59
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked