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Tomorrow, 6 years smokefree

12 years ago 0 1127 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Jeff,
Thanks for your nice reply.
HOF means Hall of Fame. You can read my story there.
If you need help or more information, feel free to mail me.
Grtz, Dutch
12 years ago 0 33 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Dutch,
Thank you for the encouraging post :) Do you have a link to your story?  I don't know what the HOF is.  Congratulations are in order also, good job on the 6 years!
12 years ago 0 1127 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thank you Sonia.
A smoker has strange thoughts about smoking. He thinks that smoking is something good. That it smells good and that life is better when he smokes. He also thinks that he will miss something if he gives up smoking.
Oh yes there is so much to miss, the chance on a deadley disease like cancer. The smell on his hands, the stains on his teeth.....
Smoking does nothing for someone, it only kills you.....slowly......A cigaret is not a friend, it's the worst enemy.
The reason I wrote a book was because I had so much time.....I smoked 30 cigs a day and when I quit I had more time.....I decided to use that time to tell people what I had discovered about the addiction and the habit.......It's  harder to beat the habit then to beat the addiction. Maybe you can read my story in the HOF. I think somewhere in 2007 with the name Dutch Fini. Mayby someone finds help there.
Today I'm going to celebrate my six smokefree years. I'm going out to diner.
Everyone a good sunday and tak to you soon.
Dutch xxx
I will log on now and then to help the quitters.
12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Congrats on 6 years of smoke free living! What are you enjoying the most about life as a non-smoker?
Also, I'm curious to know : what prompted you to write a book about quitting smoking? Could you please tells us a little more about what you mean when you say "once a smoker changes his thoughts about smoking, it will be easier to quit"?. In what ways would you recommend that new quitters change their thoughts?
Thanks in advance for any insights and for stopping by! Please keep us posted.
12 years ago 0 1127 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone,
Every now and then I check this website to see how you all are and to look at my stats.
Tomorrow is april 1th. 6 Years ago I smoked my last cigaret. Never had one puff again and I never will.
It was the best thing I ever did for myself. I was a heavy smoker, smoked over 30 cigs a day.
During my smokingyears I always told people that I would never, ever quit. But I did it and it was not as hard as
I always thought it would be.
I discovered that it was more a habbit then an addiction. Once I knew that I changed my life and wrote a book about quitting smoking,
The title was: Help!! There is a cigaret between my ears.
Once a smoker changes his thoughts about smoking, it will be easier to quit.
I wish all the quitters good luck and many smokefree days, months and years.
Love, Dutch.

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