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13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Get er done, cgnl. let us know how it's going..and about your Chantix
13 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Have some backup!
Use coping mechanisms and post with us!
You can do this!
Josie, Health Educator
13 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took my first dose of chantix this morning, after seeing my physician yesterday afternoon and finding out that I am well enough to start the treatment.  I am nervous and excited at the same time....kinda scared as well....One good thing I know is going to be for sure..I am about to become a non-smoker!!!  Just hope I can do the chantix through the whole program.........
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Cowgirlndlace!
I am with Aloha; I hope it works out for you!  It is nice to get feedback from someone who's had a successful quit using the same method (Aloha found her miracle with Chantix - maybe you will too!)  There are lots of posts regarding Chantix here on SSC for you to check out.  The mods are a great wealth of info too!  And then there are those of us who are here to cheer you on!  Go for it Cowgirl!  Eya
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hope it all works out for you CGnL.
13 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I haven't started taking the chantix yet as I am getting over bronchitis and pneumonia.  My dr is going to recheck to make sure it is all gone and give me the go ahead to start the chantix.  I have discussed my fears of what I have read about chantix and the FDA but he doesn't seemed concerned.  I have a great relationship with my dr and I trust him...still afraid of the chantix........LOL  I haven't set a quit date as of yet...but will know better after I see the doctor and know its ok to start it.....
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took chantix and for me it was the "miracle" I'd been looking for. After 35 years of smoking, and up to 2 packs a day, and multiple tries to quit using NRTs, welbutrin, etc, chantix really helped. I took it according to directions, and haven't had a single puff in over four years. There's a good thread about "weaning off chantix" that can give you multiple perspectives on people's experiences with it. Probably worth checking out.
13 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Cowgirl ! I used NRT so I'm afraid I can't be of any help with the Chantix thing. BUT we are here to support you which ever path you take .
William - Free and Healing for Five Months, Eight Days, 13 Hours and 8 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 19 Days and 15 Hours, by avoiding the use of 5654 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $2,561.34.
13 years ago 0 54 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have gone over taking chantix with my Doctor and he is very supportive of me.  I am very pill phobic and looked chantix up on the internet and read the FDA may change their stance on chantix because of the number of deaths caused from this prescription.  That surely didn't help me feel safe about taking it.  I have panic attacks to begin with...don't need any help having extras....if I could make it through a month without smoking, I believe I could stay quit.  I just need a miracle.....
Has anyone taken chantix recently that could tell me how they did taking this prescription??  If so please write to me and let me know how you faired or if you have known of someone recently that has taken did they do??  Any information or insight and encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!  I need all your help and support to get started on this journey!!
13 years ago 0 130 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When I finally decided to quit, I had a discussion with my primary care physician about Chantix.  I was given a prescription but didn't have it filled until I was absolutely committed to quitting.  Being disgusted with myself, I chose my quit date and stuck with it.  I smoked as much as I wanted the first week but, wonder of wonders, I found that my craving for nicotine gradually dissipated and the last day I think I had just one or two cigarettes.  I reduced the dosage to one pill a day and found that more than sufficed and I actually stopped taking the Chantix way before the suggested time period was up.  I really didn't have any side effects from Chantix.  My doctor was and is very pleased with me.  I haven't smoked since, although I must admit that time and again I do have the "crave".
The suggestions that you discuss this with your doctor are sound.  Only he/she knows your physical condition and whether or not it will be tolerated by you.  I don't know about now but when I took it, it was by prescription only.  Prescription = doctor, no brainer.
I wish you well with your quit whether you decide to go this route or another.  It is a really great feeling to beat the nicoderm.  And just think of all the money you'll save!

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