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cold turkey!

13 years ago 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi JoDee – I’m very happy to hear you are feeling better! Apologies if I came across the wrong way – I was not passing any judgments about anyone or any methods. Quit and let quit! Quitting is all that matters, as Shevie, Aloha, and Ron said.

Shevie, you are very good at your hobby!

Aloha, you’re a bit of a nut, aren’t you? And, of course, I mean that in a good way!

Ron – I like your philosophy on quitting. Never thought of it that way!

13 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I hope you have a good day today. :) Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Doing anything special?
13 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone, took my patch off Friday night before bed.  Woke up Saturday with the same stomach ache I have had all week.  Went to the gym, out to lunch with my 4 daughters, spent the rest of the day with fam, and felt great.  Today, I am getting a little tense, so I am going to get busy to take my mind off of things.  The great news is that nasty stomach ache is gone.  YAY.
13 years ago 0 377 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes Aloha is right.  The fact that all of you are quitting in the key.  We were exactly like you all.  I personally went cold turkey only because I worked at the company that made the patches and I was so used to putting them on and then pulling them off to smoke and then putting them back on. I developed a bad habit with them and my association with them was to quit for only hours or a day at most.  Many on this site have quit with patches and did very well, the key is NOPE (not one puff ever).  Just don't give yourself any option to take a puff.  Post here when things get rough and find those substitutes that will distract you enough to get through any situation.  As others have said quitting will not only save your life but you will begin to realize how great you really are by doing so.  It can be tough but it's also a very exciting time. 
Cheers to you all,
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just absolutely love to see you three new quitters going at it like this....I mean that in a good way....going at the quit i meant. Tho if you wanted to go at it in a different way I'm not saying I wouldn't want to watch. The point being, you ARE doing it! You've quit smoking cigarettes!!!! How amazingly awesome is that??!!!!No matter the discomfort, the twinges, the dreams. You are now Nonsmokers!!! Yay!!! I'm so happy for you.  Now keep on going at it ; )
much aloha 
13 years ago 0 97 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It doesn't matter how we quit.  There is no race to see who "wins".  Everyone is on their path to freedom, no matter how straight or twisty, how smooth or pothole-ridden, or how down-hill or up-hill the individual paths may be.  They all have the same goal - freedom from the addiction to nicotine, and that is the only relevant aspect.  And when each of us individuals have reached our goal, we have won.
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Coz - Thanks for the  Quit Bud!  You are doing great too!  I'm glad to hear the patches are working for you.  This is a personal journey and each one finds their own way to just say NOPE!  The rest of us are here for support in whatever way we can offer - that's the great part!  Unfortunately for the CT Quit, I do have to admit that the bad dreams and insomnia are creeping in after two weeks quit - was just too bagged to dream before the past few days I guess.  But am glad to get out and do some running and go to the gym lately -my lungs sound terrible/crackly.  But I do have a bit more energy than before my Quit and am hanging on to that for motivation.  
JoDee - you have time to prepare for taking your patches off - another count down of sorts! Da Da Duh!!#@$!#~- So here we go!  One day at a time and just saying NOPE every day from now on  
13 years ago 0 15 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Way to go Eya! I have no idea how it feels to quit CT, but you are doing great! Keep on truckin!

Although they have worked for me in the past, and seem to be working this time around as well, I would not consider myself an advocate for patches. Keep in mind, though, that bad dreams, insomnia, and cramping are side effects of other quit methods as well. In fact, it could be something your body goes through from the act of quitting itself. Every quit is different. Obviously sores directly beneath patch locations are a sure sign you should stop using them! Good luck to you, JoDee, with finding the method that works the best for you.

13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
JoDee;  Oh  - Jealous you don't have to be, Quit Bud!  To get the Nicodemon out of my system with my CT quit, I resorted to my own form of cruel and unusual punishment - but it's working for me so far.  You can see my method if you check out the 'PRT versus NRT' post. I didn't do well with the patch after a while - I used it too many times, and would always go back to smoking a few weeks after I stopped using it.  The last time I patched up, I got bad sores under the tape that took a long time to heal - also had bad dreams, insomnia & cramps.  No fun! Was afraid to try Champix - I don't understand its implications (but not against it for anyone whose been successful with it or is giving it a try), so really felt I was down to CT this time.  Your plan to think ahead to how you'll handle taking the patch off is good.  It's your own choice how you find the resolve to resist.  Doesn't that sound good?  It's your OWN choice - not the CIGARETTES talking!  I love that part of quitting! Stay in touch  
13 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eya, I am jealous that you have all the nictine out of your system.  I can't wait to get there.  My stomach is bothering me, and I don't know if it is the patch or not.  I just want to be drug free.  My plan is to stop wearing the patch on Saturday.  I have Monday off of work, so I am thinking I should be in pretty good shape by Tuesday.  I am afraid if I stop the patch during the week, my co-workers may suffer.  I am going to follow the advice from others and drink lots of ice water and pretend like I am on the Biggest Loser Show and excercise all day.  I wish I could go to the ranch and have Bob and Jillian yell at me for a week. But alas, i will gut it out on my own. We will see if I can walk on Tuesday!

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