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oh help pleas!!

16 years ago 0 967 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0 are you feeling now, any better?  Please check in and let us know.  I know you would feel worse if you smoked, but take care of yourself.  Let us know if you need help.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 12/6/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 182
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,460
Amount Saved: $682.50
Life Gained:
Days: 14 Hrs: 20 Mins: 20 Seconds: 18

16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The members are offering some great words of wisdom. Don't give in! You have come so far, and I am sure that you would feel 10 times worse if you began smoking again.
You can do this, the cravings will pass, and you will be so thankful that you decided to stick with your quit.
We're here to help and support you, you can get through this!
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 598 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are one day closer to never having to feel this way again. You need to take this decision seriously. These cravings will go away whether you smoke or is the smoking that CAUSES the cravings. Smoking will not make them go away, it will only put you back on the vicious merry go round of nicotine addiction. Have a good cry, go to the movies, eat popcorn, ride your bike, take a hot bath, read a nice magazine, go to bed other words, DISTRACT yourself.  You are on the upward side of freedom; hang on girl. Smoking is a choice. Please, for your sake and those that love you, choose not to smoke. My thoughts are with you. You can get through without the cigs.
new me

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/26/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 376
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 9,400
Amount Saved: $2,350.00
Life Gained:
Days: 52 Hrs: 10 Mins: 37 Seconds: 53

16 years ago 0 763 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Jacqui, don't give in.  You CAN get through this.  I had a rough couple of days this week, but I'm feeling better today.  It will pass.  Do whatever you need to do, just don't smoke.  Your stats are amazing!  218 smoke free days, and you've worked hard for every one of them.  Lean on us and post and read, post and often as you can for the next day or so. 

Cheering you on,


My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/27/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 130
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,250
Amount Saved: $1,072.50
Life Gained:
Days: 14 Hrs: 19 Mins: 4 Seconds: 39

16 years ago 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
  1. i am having sooo much trouble trying to type on this thing, it was fione last night but today, it just wont owrk, i hjad to put that number over there to get it to go.... HENCE the blank post b4....
SOOO i still havent smoked, BUT i still wanna... i went to the local store today (we just shifted a week ago, new area, kids at new school) and anyway they dont sell smokes and the next store that does is 20km away... so i didnt get smokes today!!!

I am kicking myself for smoking the other weekend when i was pissed.. dum dum dum, i have gotten pissed many times since i quit and got on all good!!!


My Milage:

My Quit Date: 10/31/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 218
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,360
Amount Saved: $872.00
Life Gained:
Days: 15 Hrs: 18 Mins: 32 Seconds: 24

16 years ago 0 1209 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jacqui,  you know this will go away,  go get an ice cube or ... whatever it is you use.. i use ice or frozen juice pops.   This crave is NOT going to kill you.... but you know smoking will get you... a little bit at a time..
What keeps me from smoking?   Remembering the first 30 to 40 days.  I DO NOT want to repeatthose days for anything.
   I am NOT strong.. going through those 30 days gives me shivers and I do NOT wnt to do it again.  So get that quit back in your head. your reasons,   how much better you smell, etc.    Dont romance the smokes and the junkie thinking.
Take some  deep breaths... look at your skin... see how much better you look.... think of all the wrinkles and smoke lines YOU have NOT put in your skin...   YEAH   there you go.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 2/10/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 116
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,972
Amount Saved: $394.40
Life Gained:
Days: 16 Hrs: 14 Mins: 8 Seconds: 0

16 years ago 0 1073 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sometimes Jacqui, when we hit a rough patch we need to reach back to those tools that got us quit in the first place.  What worked for you then?  ice water? hard candies? breathing techniques?
You can get through this!  Be strong!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/17/2005
Smoke-Free Days: 1176
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 70,560
Amount Saved: $19,404.00
Life Gained:
Days: 117 Hrs: 14 Mins: 31 Seconds: 27

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 936 Hours: 16

    Minutes: 42 Seconds: 0

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

16 years ago 0 102 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


My Milage:

My Quit Date: 10/31/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 217
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,340
Amount Saved: $868.00
Life Gained:
Days: 15 Hrs: 18 Mins: 7 Seconds: 27

16 years ago 0 515 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jacqui
Hopefully you have not given in yet. I had one of those days last Saturday. I almost bought a cigarette
from someone I didn't even know. I stopped and thought about it and continued on walking, knowing that this too shall pass. I don't know if I will ever smoke again. I don't want to for a number of reasons and yet, I do want to for other reasons, not so logical ones of course. I know just for today, I haven't had to smoke. I don't want my quit meter back at zero, I don't want to smell like an ashtray, like all the other smokers I now can smell. I don't want to get any painful, life threatening diseases, just because at the time "it just didn't matter". Try to find reasons for yourself not to pick up, I wish you the best. I know it is hard, but like others say "It is SOOOO worth it!"

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/7/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 149
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,682
Amount Saved: $1,045.98
Life Gained:
Days: 13 Hrs: 12 Mins: 16 Seconds: 7

16 years ago 0 289 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
  You really don't want to be a smoker again that's why you came here and posted, hang tight and ride it out like you did all those other hundreds of craves you must of went thru to get your stats up so high. Good Luck , I'll be pulling for you.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/30/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 66
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,640
Amount Saved: $290.40
Life Gained:
Days: 7 Hrs: 6 Mins: 20 Seconds: 19

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