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16 years ago 0 93 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you everyone for your advise and information.  Most of all your encouragement. 
I have made an appt. to see my MD tomorrow due to feeling sort of fluish this afternoon. 
and just beginning the patches I'm not sure if its the nicotine (too much, too little?) so I am going to get checked out.
I have to admit the cravings have been really strong this afternoon!! Its so tempting to run take a puff but I am holding on. 
Freedom26,  the patches are expensive and thank you for informing me that it is worth it!  I've thought about this for a long time, and making the decision between Chantix and the patch was difficult.  to be honest I am still wondering if chantix would be different.  I know there is no miracle pill out there to quit, I'm sure we all wish there were.  I've always had a hard time drinking water, always said it was the taste (there was none) maybe after quitting it will start to taste different. I will heed the advise given and keep a bottle close by :-)
Breanne, I smoked a pack to a little over a pack a day so I am on the 21mg patch and am planning to follow the instructions to the letter. I left my first patch on 24 hours, only removing it this morning to shower and then replaced it with a new patch. 
Tonight I will take it off at bedtime and see if theres a difference.  I have been one of those first thing, wake up, light up smokers and was really scared that this morning I would be so very tempted and slip if I didn't have the patch in place. Thank you for the information. :-)
Astrofan,  I bought some of those petite carrots and dressing to nibble on while on the computer, since I did a lot of smoking while on here at home, and also some grapes.  :-)  I think I will make sure to keep them handy.  
I am so glad I found this place, everyone is so helpful! 

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/12/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 2
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 40
Amount Saved: $8.58
Life Gained:
Days: 0 Hrs: 6 Mins: 33 Seconds: 9

16 years ago 0 901 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
glad you're here with us !
i used the patch and it really helped , but you will still have cravings.
deep breathing and healthy snacks worked well for me .
when i wanted a smoke i grabbed some of those small raw carrots and ate them slowly until the craving went away.
you will do great.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/12/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 63
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,890
Amount Saved: $567.00
Life Gained:
Days: 10 Hrs: 8 Mins: 14 Seconds: 55

16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nicotine patches work by delivering a continuous, controlled dose of nicotine into your body to help relieve cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The nicotine is released through your skin over 16 hours. It is absorbed quite slowly compared to smoking a cigarette so you should be prepared to wait a little while longer for the nicotine to get into your system.

As you know, patches generally come in three strengths to deliver different amounts of nicotine to the system which is absorbed slowly through the skin. Nicotine patches should be applied to dry, non-hairy skin like the upper arm, chest or thigh. Side effects include dry, itchy skin. This can be alleviated by changing the position of the patch on your body.

That being said, please consult your MD or pharmacist if the irritation continues, you may be sensitive to the adhesive in the patch.
Hope this helps!

Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 331 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I did the patch and it worked for me!  I believe it helped me quit as it wasn't cold turkey but you still have to want it.  Remember there is no miracle pill out there that will just make you stop smoking.  The patch is an aid in helping you not crave but you still have to do a lot of work on your own.  You can do this!  Do whatever you feel will work and stick with it.  I almost had a little incident because I didn't want to keep paying for the patch around week 6 and almost slipped.  It is totally worth it to stick it out the entire 10 weeks and make sure you are yourself with: water, candies, carrot sticks, exercise, crossword puzzles, etc. 
You can do this!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 11/12/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 184
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 2,760
Amount Saved: $1,656.00
Life Gained:
Days: 12 Hrs: 19 Mins: 52 Seconds: 0

16 years ago 0 93 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am new to this site and am using the patches to quit. Starting with the 21mg patch and trying to follow the 10 week program. 
I would like to hear from others who have used the patch and their experiences.  Today is my second day so I changed arms and the arm I have it on is feeling a bit achy, is that normal?

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