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Fear of going crazy!

21 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi, I just joined and it puts my mind so much at ease to know that there are other people that have gone through what I have. The only thing that has kept me in my panick attacks is the fear of going crazy or schitzo, I dont have any other major fears, but I started to question everything I said and did because I was scared of losing my mind. I wondered if other people could see this or think that when I did something or said something. Hence my pancik attacks remained. I hate the dissociation or unreal feeling and I usually feel it worse when I go to bed because I am tired. I am learning now not to fear this sensation and I have to do a lot self talk and tell myself that I cant go crazy and I am not losing it, this isnt the final end every time I have an attack like this. I am not affraid of any other symptoms of panick, most of my attacks which involve the racing heart and electrical rushing go as soon as they come, but this unreal feeling seems to knock me off balance everytime. Does anyone else feel this way.?
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I completely agree.. It's the time when our minds are 'free to think' and they stray to the bad things right away. More so than anything, it's annoying because i just want and need those 8 hours of sleep so i can get up, run, and teach the next day!! Like a frustrating kid brother that won't leave you alone... Emily
21 years ago 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think a lot of us feel this when we are going to sleep, for the most part it's the first time of the day when you aren't distracted by anything and your mind is free to wander, this is why I think this happens at bedtime, all the thoughts we were able to push out of our minds during the day because we busied ourselves with other things are there and we don't have anything distracting us from these thoughts.
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm a veteran i guess and I'm only 23! But like i said before, this is my second phase with PAs (the first being in college 4 years ago, briefly). Anyway, this time they aren't as bad because i am only in the 'going crazy' thought-process rather than the 'i'm dying and going crazy' mode. ANYWAY - the question i have is, DOES ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCE THIS ONLY WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT TO GO TO SLEEP?! I am fine most of the time but the minute my head hits the pillow, i am awake and the crazy thoughts start coming.. or just random, busy-ness of my head - it won't shut down and allow me to go to sleep!! anyone? emily :)
21 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi.. I am completely empathize. This is my second time dealing with panic attacks. The first while i was in college 4 years ago. Now, i am living in Korea, alone, teaching english. They've just recently started again and well, it sucks. This time it's not the 'i think i am dying' thoughts but the 'i'm going crazy' phase. I've found that 'welcoming fear' and telling myself to let it happen because it can't hurt me often makes it never really come that bad. The one thing that does make it difficult though is the fact that my safety/security net is in Minnesota, my friends and family that is. No one but me this time to go through it.. It's a bit isolating. But what doesn't break me only makes me stronger right? ugh good luck emily
21 years ago 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes that is true, your answer makes a lot of sense.
21 years ago 0 78 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I used to get that a lot and I was also worried that I would lose my mind. (Huh) I don't think you know when you're going crazy though. It's my opinion from what I have read that you have no fear, you have no worries, you don't think things through when you are crazy or when your have lost your mind, and when you do care and when you do worry you know you're as sane as they come. It's because you're scared of what you're feeling and that's what makes you panic. Does that make any sense to you? I HOPE THIS HELPS:)
21 years ago 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
At the beginning of my panic attacks the feelings of going crazy were really bad, until, I did a lot of reading that reassured me that panic attacks don€™t lead to going crazy or schizophrenia. I think that made me feel better and I have those thoughts less often now. If you don€™t mind me asking, what if any, medications are you on?
21 years ago 0 33 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cioa Bella, I questioned my commitment to the Catholic church about 8 years ago (shoots it's been awhile) when I realized most religious have simular core concepts. For awhile I felt really guilty, almost embarrased, to feel so uncommited to one specufic practice. But somehow I couldn't justify my wholeness or spirituality by segregating myself to one specific group. I have felt to be in that dream state before. I think it just proves how the power of thought can really determine your future. I find myself self having to say "focus, focus, focus" just to follow through with out getting distracted.
21 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, im new to the message board. I was just wondering if anyone has the feeling that they are on the verge of going crazy or they are slowly slipping into a point of no return. Feels more constant now even my panic atacks are worse!I dont know i guess cuz i feel like things are unreal like im in a dream and i cant snap out of it. Its sooo scary taht i even started doubting my faith (Catholic) does anyone go through this? Feelings of going nuts or any moment or slowly working up to that. Also feelings of unreality big time that everything feels like a dream, most of the time. Also anyone started questioning thier faith! I would love to hear some feedback. Thanks

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