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I Made It w/o My Xanax!!!!

20 years ago 0 125 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Way to go Chanda!! I have yet to go a morning without my .25mgs of Clonazepam but it will come. Congrats!!
20 years ago 0 132 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everybody I just have to share this. I posted several days ago about up upcoming party (with my husbands company) that I was really anxious about. Well that party was tonight & I am so proud of myself. For the last several days I was noticing myself getting a little anxious so I tried something different. Instead of thinking about it for days in advance I didn't think about it at all. Everytime I'd start to get anxious about it I just told myself I'll handle it when the time comes. So the time finally came & as soon as we got in the car I started feeling my usual "shortness of breath" etc. And then I told myself "look I have 2 options, if this gets bad I can either tough it out & in a few minutes it will pass, (it will not kill me) or I can take a Xanax...those are my options" I dont really know how to explain it but when I started telling myself this it was like I put it in it's place or something & it completely stopped. I had no more anxiety or panic (even through traffic jams in downtown) I was fine the entire night. No symptoms & I didn't even have to rely on my trusted Xanax. I can't believe it because I have been dreading this thing for so long. My husband leaned to me about half way through the night & said "see you're doing great huh?? I knew you would..I'm proud of you". I know I know a little mushy right? But I'm just really proud of myself & sooooooo relieved. Thanks for listening.....again (Sorry about the spelling) Chanda I just still can't believe I didn't even have to take a Xanax!!!!!!!!!!

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