Hey chimpmaster ( and everyone else!), I've been having a REAL ROUGH time with GAD and PA's for the last week or so. My Doc wants me to try all these different drugs, (ie Serzone, Depakote, Risperidal), but boy, when I did some research on these drugs, some of the side effects are potentially Life Threatning!! (especially the Serzone!!) With the research I've done , Buspar looks like a better altenative, it seems that side effects aren't as potentially as bad and no tapering off if it doesn't work. As I have stated in other posts in the past, I can NOT tolerate SSRI's! I've been on Paxil, Zoloft, and Lexapro, all three were pretty much disasterous. I currentl take Xaxax .5mg Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, and 1mg at bedtime. I know from your posts Chimpmaster that you have done a lot of research on PA's and some of the drugs, just wondering what your opinion on Buspar is?? Or anyone elses' for that matter!. Thanks! :quest: