I made it, The urges really do pass. I just kept on going and next thing I knew I kinda had it off my mind. Tommorrow will be a big test. I have to do all my house calls. I found when I kept a smoking log that when I was in the car and by myself that it when I smoked the most. I keep reminding myself that I am now living a differant life, the life of a NON-SMOKER so I should learn how to live like one, because I choose too. I am enjoying the benefits of Breathing Easier already, I actually felt a big air pocket gasp of air go to my lungs, it was kinda weird, but I can imagine how much is going on to get them back to the way God made them. Ate alot of little Dove Chocolates today and some lifesavers, I enjoyed no guilt as I don't care if I gain a few, I rather work on that later.