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Fear of going crazy!

20 years ago 0 217 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Do you know what I find thats interesting? Once an attack and the anxiety has diminished and I find myself feeling like my normal old self.....I actually question how it is that I'm feeling so good! It truly ruins the moment. So I've come up with a new plan. When I start feeling anxious I remind myself that "10 minutes ago you were enjoying yourself and feeling fine...why don't we go back there?"
20 years ago 0 293 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Roses, Glad to hear that you are talking with a psychiatrist. Continue posting your thoughts and concerns on the panic center, we are here to help. Susanne
20 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i feel the very same way Like im slowly going crazy and its frusttrating, along with depersonilization, and everything else. I hate this, i hate going through this, im just so tired of it all. I want the old me back before the panic took over. Im new here also. Im going to my psychiatrist today, these are some of the things i want to talk to him about. Roses~
20 years ago 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pamela, I just posted on another thread about how I agreed with what you said there, and here I am agreeing with you on this one! I used to think that God was punishing me with this panic problem for some reason. I thought that I had really made Him mad at me and that everytime I panicked, it was Him, punishing me for something. This just added to the guilt and shame I felt and made the problem worse. I finally realized that it's not God punishing me, that this is something that I have to go thru and learn from so I can become the person that He made me to be. Struggling with this problem has had positive effects on me, I am stronger, I am more sensative to other people's problems, I enjoy the blessings of life much more, and my attitude has changed dramatically. People who don't face struggles in their lifes and try to overcome them, don't grow. We only progress and grow thru the things that we struggle with. Pamela, I would like to talk with you, since we have such similiar ideas! You can email me at if you like!
20 years ago 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I wanted to comment about people losing their faith in God because they think he is somehow responsible for their panic and anxiety disorder.Many times the reason we are having problems in our lives is because we are trying to do our own will rather then God's will. The consequences of trying to carry out our own ideas and plans rather then waiting for God to bring forth his ideas and plans cause us to have way to much stress in our lives which then causes us to have anxiety and panic. When things don't go the way that we want them to then we get angry at God because he is not making everything work out as we want it to. But the problem is not God's doing it is ours. What we fail to remember is what man sets out to do on his own will fail but what God does will not fail. I have had a hard time learning this concept myself, but now that I've realized I have to give control over to him, my anxiety and panic is going away and I feel better now then I did before I develped this disorder.I used to say I just wish things would go back to the way they were before , but now I would never want to go back I'm so glad to be moving forward. If we look at this disorder as a opportunity to grow and become better it can change our whole outlook.
20 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Bella! Wow! YES! In fact, 3 years ago I had a complete crisis of faith in general and had to rebuild my spirituality from the ground up. I'm not sure why, but issues of faith always come up for me when I am having a hard time with panic. And it took me 5+ years to really, truly believe that I was NOT going crazy. Of course, I hadn't found CBT, nor had I found support groups. Once I found those, I got better pretty fast. Please know that you will eventually feel better. Have faith in that at least. :)
20 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
O.K I am getting a little carried away. I came across the board tonight and this is my third post in 10 minutes. It's just that I suffered panic attacks seven years ago but remember them like yesterday. My greatest fear during these attacks was always that I was going crazy or they were symptomatic of a more dangerous mental condition. They are not. Anxiety is anxiety and nothing more and i learned this from the hours I spent researching the condition. I still suffer periodic anxiety (typically every few months or so I'll have a week of it) I have had the feelings of unreality and out of body feeling many times. And its just as scary every time. Think of it this way. You know its anxiety that's making you having these feelings of unreality because when you are relaxed or engrossed in something other than your worying thoughts you feel normal and not disconnected. I have found its all about relaxation. Relaxation is the opposite of anxiety so relaxation should always be the goal when frieking out. Once calm your weird frightening feelings disappear. Don't worry.
20 years ago 0 200 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Dennis! I have heard of the tapes, but haven't tried them. One thing that has helped me is a book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. He has some other good books, too. It's been hard for me to change the way I think, but it's helping. I want it all fixed right now, but struggle is a part of healing I guess! Good luck to you!
20 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys, I'm going through some pretty hardcore derealization, panic, and depression right now myself and I'm slowly running out of answers. Have any of you tried these tapes/cd's that they offer online that supposedly rid you of panic. I'm so desperate, I'm pretty much willing to try anything. If anyone has any input I'd apprectiate it alot. Thanks, Dennis
20 years ago 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Chrissy. Welcome. It's not unusual to have panic attacks with drug abuse. Feeling unreal is quite common too. PLease don't hesitate to show our site to your doctor. Our free Panic Program may help you improve your situation. All the best.

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