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Guys, tell me i'm silly!

22 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If life weren't complicated, I suppose it would be boring. I prefer complicated! I used to live on Erb Street in student housing for the University of Waterloo. It was horrible. The walls were very thin and I was cold because I had just moved back to Kitchener from Florida. But that's another complicated story! You have a good night too, Trevor
22 years ago 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey, I'm was also born in Kitchener, what a coincidence! My 'boyfriend' is someone i just met out of the blue, and things happened pretty fast (which is probably why i'm sort of draggin my heels now). I don't waste time with people, so if my dating seems fast paced, it might be to some people! As for the other guy, he has been an aquaintance for several years, and we had dated briefly in the past. Its complicated! Have a good night! Beth
22 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My second question is: what part of Ontario are you in Beth? I was born in Kitchener myself. Canada is beautiful but I had to flee the socialism. Ugh! If Canada ever starts leaning towards libertarian government I'll be back in a heartbeat. By the way, you're very silly, per your request.
22 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Smack me on the butt and call me silly but if you have a boyfriend (and you're trying to make him one of your "safe" people) why were you looking forward to a date with someone else just a few posts back? I must have misread something! Hehe. In any case, it's really helpful to me to read everyone else's personal foibles. It lets me know I'm not the only one who thinks he's going nuts but probably isn't.
22 years ago 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, Dawn. Sure, just click on our Links and Resources. The Stop Smoking Center is listed there. -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
22 years ago 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
suzy can you help me and let me know how to get involved with the smoking support group???? i am ready to take the plunge into a healthier lifestyle!!!! thanks dawn
22 years ago 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Marianne, First of all, congratulations on taking your trip! I hope that everything goes well! I really think that it will! The good thing about this support center, is that although we can't go with you on vacation, you can think of us while you're there, and know what we would say! If you have a panic attack, you know what we would be telling you. Just think of that, and its like someone is there to talk you down. I also think that its so true that when you have to be strong for someone else, it makes the panic attacks go away. I wonder if it just puts them off, or if it gets rid of them? Somedays being strong for others makes me feel good, but other days, its really hard! As for your boyfriend, i really don't know you or him well enough to presume to offer any advice. All i can offer you is something i know about most people, and that is that they like to help others. Especially when they love someone, it makes people feel good to help others. I know its hard not to be proud, but sometimes you have to LET people help you. It'll only make both of you feel better! This may mean asking him to stay when you're scared. Perhaps its your fear of his reaction that intensifies your fear.(????) Maybe once you know how he'll react, you'll feel more comfortable. If he's super supportive and understanding, you'll have that knowledge with you all the time, and unknowingly, you may feel more relaxed around him. This is the case with all of the people in my "safety zone," the reason i don't panic around them is because i know i can! Maybe he feels uncomfortable because he doesn't know what to do! Let him help you! Anyways, i have to run, but i'll be thinking of you while you're on vacation, have a blast!! Beth
22 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok, one last message, you must be bored stiff by now. I'm still set on going on this trip tomorrow, although I've been up half the night worrying about it. Just wanted to say thank you really. Although I may still chicken out I'm much closer to spending a night or two away from home on my own than I have been for years. If this works out it would mean such a huge step for me, it would basically mean I can go on holidays! (With the usual disclaimer: no flights and nothing pre-booked so I can change my mind at any moment). Anyway, I'm new to this and I just wanted to say that talking to you guys has made it possible for me to even contemplate this trip. I've got this feeling when I'll be there in this hotel room you are all with me and I can imagine what you would say. Does this sound silly? Thank you! Marianne (who'll be incredibly embarrassed now if she does chicken out)
22 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth, I think it's great you can get angry at people for not understanding. It seems a much healthier and less self destructive attitude than feeling abnormal and depressed and angry at yourself. I'll definitely give it a try! I've kept my panic attacks and anxieties pretty much secret until about a year ago, I was just too ashamed to admit them and always used a physical problem as an excuse for avoiding certain things. Since I've started seeing my (analytical) therapist this is really changing a lot and I'm much more able to accept myself. I'm so glad I've found her! I do try to tell my boyfriend what I need, but when I'm feeling rotten I just don't feel like explaining much, I just want him to understand and take care of me. Plus I'm too proud to go begging "please please stay with me I'm scared". It's weird really, I think this may be the area where most of my problems come from. On the one hand I'm fiercely proud and independent and can't bear being out of control, and people who don't know me well think I'm scared of nothing. On the other hand I have this longing to be taken care of, which only really becomes conscious in a panic attack. Hmmm. Maybe everybody has this to some degree, though.
22 years ago 0 90 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Beth, first of all, sorry about the pregnancy thing. Please don't start on my phobias! I'm sure if you really want a child (which I don't) you'll be fine, especially with all the happy hormones kicking in! Actually I'm sure having kids can help with PAs. I'v read an article by a travel writer who used to be scared of flying (funny choice of profession really) until she started travelling with her kids. Now she says she has to be strong and there for them and she is absolutely fine. I find that very easy to believe. I'm normally quite good in emergencies, and e.g. someone else having a PA right next to me would 100% get me out of mine. I used to have a spider phobia until I had a friend who was even more scared than me and I had to do the old glass and post card trick. Ever since I'm absolutely fine. Sill don't like the things, but they don't freak me out at all now.

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