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15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Ashley,

Yes, I think a thread about those feelings would be a good idea. I have had trouble with these relationships and the feelings they call up for a long time. I would love to get over it. If they weren't in my father's life I could just cut them out of my life and call it a day, but whatever happens in my life, they are in my life. Plus who says cutting them out would be better?  So I might as well get comfortable with them or at least figure this out.

As for yesterday, yes it felt great to get all my stuff done! I was so tired though after. Then again I took a nap lol. and yeah, I did have a busy week, I guess it explains the increase in anxiety! I did some reading before bed though and that helped! Jane Austen!

Today, I took it relatively easy. I got up did my session one over again and got my homework organized while doing laundry. Now I am here posting. Later though my mom is coming over and that will be great fun. I love hanging out with my mom. and like me she likes to take walks so that is always good. we might walk a bit. Oh and I have two little presents for her! I love giving her gifts as she is always happy with them. they don't need to be big or expensive. With her, just the fact that I thought of her makes he happy. It makes giving her gifts rewarding lol! she is great.

The only hitch in my day is total exhaustion. I am sooooo tired. My week seems long. But tonight will come along and I will sleep then! Oh and my legs are restless! That is so annoying! I keep feeling like I have to twitch and move my legs non-stop. Very annoying!

Anyway, I am sure I will get through my day despite the fatigue. Sometimes though I am tired of being tired! this too shall pass!
15 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I'm glad you are considering examining your feelings. Perhaps starting a thread and writing them down will be a good start.  It will be great for you to see your feelings on paper, others can offer incite and someone out there may be going through a similar situation you are.
Great work on getting all your errands done! It must feel great to have been so productive!  Being a little anxious after your busy week is normal.  Try to meditate or do a little relaxing breathing.  Treat yourself today!
Let us know how you are doing.


Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ashley,

It is not my feeling with my dad that trouble me. It is my feelings towards my dad wife and her daughters! The are complicated to say the least and you are right I should examine them. Understanding why I feel the way I do migfht help me figure out what to do about it which is the important part isn't it?

Today I had a crazy day. I was going from 10 am to 6 pm. I managed to get my whole to-do list done and my errands and did all my errands on foot!

At 6h30 pm I crashed and slept till 10 pm though... Then I watched a movie and now I am going to read myself to sleep!

So that was my day. I feel a bit anxious tonight but am dealing with my anxiety. I am tired but I figure I will fall asleep soon anyway. Today was tough but productive.
15 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Diva,
You have accomplished a lot, you should feel proud of yourself.  
You should examine your feeling when it comes to your father.  Sometimes when you understand where the emotions are coming from it is easier to resolve them.  Think about it and write about it.
Try to do something fun for you today.  You deserve a reward for accomplishing so much!  Perhaps make a nice romantic dinner for you and your hubby.  What a great way that would be to end the evening and to resolve the argument.
Let us know how your day went.

Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Faryal,

I have no idea how I would summarize my efforts to far. Good question, will think on it!

And yes, I need to be careful not to burn out. I have so little energy to begin with lately. Monday I cleaned. then tuesday I dealt with the doctor thing but then I voted myself the day off. I was just too tired. So besides laundry I rested. Then yesterday I had a charity supper to go to. That was an activity I went to for my dad, but boy was it exhausting. I spent the whole day resting before and I still came home wiped and feeling like a complete loser! Seeing my dad's wife and her daughters leaves me feeling bad about myself a lot lately, I don't know why... Today I have a gazillion things to do... so tired... but it needs to get done. 

On top of it hubby left for work angry with me. Had a stupid stupid fight. Anyway, I should go and face my dreaded day head on. the faster I get through it, the faster I can get to bed!

This too shall pass!
15 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You have begun working through some of the issues and concerns that bother you which takes time and patience. Finding solutions does not happen overnight - let's face it, the problems did not get created overnight either.
Although you are doing things that help you to feel content, ensure that you are not overwhelming yourself with too many tasks or distractions. You know your body best and it is important to respect your limits so you don't burn out.
How would you summarize your efforts so far?
Faryal, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anyway guys, sorry for the long disorganized posts. I can't seem to roganize my thoughts. I feel discontent with myself today.

On a positive note, my cat seems to feel better! Oh and the house is slowly but surely coming along1
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi guys,

Thanks Furgitit, Wildcat and Ashley for the replies. 

Funny how I keep finding I have a ton of things on my plate lately but I know realistically I have very little compared to others. I do not work at the moment. I have no children. But between fixing and cleaning and purging our house, the parties I have, the signing at the party and everything else I feel completely exhausted and overloaded. And that makes me feel completely LAME!


I have started a few to-do lists but I still feel overloaded and like I am forgetting some things. I need to take more time for my emotions and getting better. I feel all over the place and disorganized and even my lists feel incomplete and disorganized... and sometimes the lists look so monstrous they make me anxious... I feel pitiful...

But tomorrow is another day!

Oh, and Furgitit, 

sometimes I am comfortable with my body and sometimes I really am not. Oh and you are right, when hormonal I do bloat and that does not help my body image! At the moment, I am not. I feel fat and ugly and annoyed with myself that I have gained weight. None of my bras fit and that makes me angry. so yes, I am going to need to find small things I can do to improve my health and body. And you are right, I need to set goals which are realistic for me not anyone elses idea of what is good. I think for now my goal is to lose the 20 pounds I have gained. I would be happy with that I think for now. and yes, I agree about chips and chocolate. I do not do well when deprived 

As for the party, well, I will be fine. I found clothes and feel a bit better now. Now I just need to go back to my singing exercises if I can remember any. I guess the singing thing makes me nervous. I'd rather sing in my shower for myself! There is also the fact that I hate crowds and hate large parties. What have I gotten myself into? But at least I have clothes. I also have an appointment with my hairdresser for the same day so that is one less stressful thing.

And btw, thanks for the lovely compliments it really touched me! And yes, my husband does seem to find me beautiful :) Thanks for reminding me!

Today I am feeling a bit better. Friday, a friend of mine visited me. His visit cheered me up some. I miss him as he lives very far. I am tired and without energy. I am feeling stressed out and anxious. I feel sad easily and near to tears.  But I am better from the 28th. wow that was a bad day!

As for my body playing tricks on me, that is too true. And yes, stress... Bleh!

As for hormones, I am off the pill. I took it for a very long time. But I stopped. I feel better since I have stopped so I am not planning on going back on them. Yes, my periods are rougher but the rest of the month is better. Plus, birth control hormones kill my libido and I mean kills it! And that is very rough on my marriage even if my hubby is very understanding. So, I don't really want to go back on. But thanks for the suggestion!

As for my mom, I know she meant well. I also know she was tired and was doing her best. I just find myself feeling oddly still angry about it all. Not sure why. And it is silly as I Love my mom so much. I am going to lunch with her on thursday and I hope thing will be back to normal between us by then. I just wish I knew why this is stuck in my craw still. I hate feeling less then happy with my mom.

15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi diva.
how are you today?  Really, how are you?
I know that the bod play tricks with us ... and with all the stess I have been under lately ... I really know how you feel ... a major depressive episode is a source of stress !!!  So you body is trying to store resourses for the difficulties ahead!  Stress is an old early warning system for the body to get ready.
Since you are a young lady are you on hormones?  I ask because if you can take them, there are different doses that can help to smooth out your cycles for a while, and let you get thing under perspective.   Unfortuneately, I could never take those - heaven knows I tried!! I got the low-dose stuff due to the Migraine headachs.  As a teen I lived on furinol (sp?) and as an adult I too Maxalt (a T4).  2 or 3 times I went for codene shots!!! I loved those !!!  nearly fell asleep in the park out front of my house, once but ah the relef.    But I digress...  sorry.  Ah Yes, and the hormones are a also effective birth-control!?! convient, eh? 
You know, I think your mom just wanted to help you do your exercise for the day.  She may have squeezed it in between other things she planned, but she will never believe you are less that her adorable daughter.  
15 years ago 0 271 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diva, breath 1-2-3-4.
Now, ask yourself, are you comfortable with your body?  If you are, great, if not, then find small things that you can do to make the changes you want (make sure these are reasonable changes and not someone's ideas of realistic).  Remember if you reach for the chocolate bar or bag of chips, that is fine because we all need to fall once in awhile
Now the party, enlist the help of your hubby and make the list of what you need to do and what he can do to help out.  As for what to wear, seeing as you said earlier you were being hormonal, give it a little time, maybe it is hormone bloating  (I'm trying), if not wear your jammies and be comfy (no just kidding, I am sure you have something or will find something, we always do).
Wow singing, that is quite nice to be asked to do that, no-one dares ask me for fear that I will screach their ears off so count that as a very nice compliment and accomplishment.  Be proud and sing loud (that's what I do when I drive, close the windows, turn up the tunes, and the AC no-one else can hear me)
And there is nothing wrong with hiding under the bed until tomorrow as long as you come out once in awhile to let us know how your doing.
One more thing, your hubby must think you are beautiful, and I am sure those of us online who have received messages from you know just how beautiful, kind and extraordinary you are.
So chin up and yes, this too shall pass

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