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Diva news...

15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ashley and Mom of 3,

Thanks so much for the lovely reply. I felt so touched by your kindness I was all teary eyed! Thanks so much for all the nice things you said! (blush). and you are both right, I shouldn't care what they think. It is just hard for me to understand how someone can be like that.

As for the emotional eating, thanks for the tips. I will definitely try and keep those in mind! And yes Mom of 3, you are right, I have been an emotional eater more or less my whole life. Let's just say I have had a difficult relationship with food and weight most of my life.

Today was a better day. I got a lot done and ate lunch with my mom which is always fun. Plus I had a good evening with the hubby. Oh and he liked my cooking! I am a bad cook but tonight I did good! He always says he loves my cooking but I can tell when he really does .

Anyway, I am hoping to have a good night! I need sleep. Been running on 5 hours and less for a few days now... 

Thanks again for the replies, I can't express how much it means to me!
15 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I just read your post.  I sorry that you were subjected to such rudness.  You are correct in saying you shouldn't care what they say or what they think.  If that sort of thing happens to me I am usually able to disregard their comments as worthless but have trouble with the fact that they felt the need to be so rude and mean. It is something I would never do to someone as I'm sure you would never do.  Write the experience off as their problem and not yours.
As far as emotional eating, I agree with Ashley, it's hard to avoid if you have that tendancy.  Comforting yourself with food is something you've probably been doing for a long time and it won't go away overnight.  I try to remind myself of what I am trying to achieve and it helps sometimes.  Sometimes I eat less than I would and other times I can avoid it.  Maybe finding another source of comfort would help - like a hobby to work on instead of eating.  I eat much less when I'm busy.
Just don't get down on yourself.  You are a wonderful person and the comments made were by people who do not know you nor did they even try.  We are so much more than how fat or thin we are.
Hang in there Diva, you are a beautiful person!
15 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kids can be terrible!  I think every one of us have had run ins with kids trying to be "cool".  It is bothersom but like you said, who cares what they think.  They could do that to everyone they walk by, who knows. 
Emotional eating is tough too.  Try not to have too many trigger foods in the house.  If its not there, its hard to binge eat.  Also, remind yourself that the eating never makes you feel better and it usually makes you feel worse.  But I know it must have been a rough day for you .  But don't let them get to you.  You are an amazing person, those kids didn't even realize what they were doing and how it effected you.  Keep on walking and loving your wonderful self!
Ashley, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had a date to go walk with my mom today after she got off from work. So I go to get ready. and I try on clothes and nothing fit me. I put on so much weight nothing fits me right anymore. So I am there feeling really fat and ugly. But I decide to dress up as nice as I can anyway with the few things that do kinda fit. So finally I manage to get an outfit together and I feel pretty goof about myself despite everything. Plus, I found my hair looked nice and I put on some of my new accessories. So all in all, feeling fat but stylish at least.

So I go walk with my mom. It is a good walk. Eventually I dropped her off at the bus stop and decided to walk home form there. So I am walking home and the walk is feeling good. I am listening to my MP3 player, enjoying my walk, minding my own business. then these two skinny little witches (with a B) who are well who knows but I give them around 15 maybe, start laughing at me. So I decide it isn't worth it. I figure what do I care what perfect strangers who btw are ill-mannered think of me. So I just act as if I don't hear because of my MP3 and keep walking. So then they start getting louder. So I keep ignoring them. so then they actually collaborate and combine their efforts to make sure I hear them and start shouting: "1, 2, 3, Loser!". I felt so hurt and humiliated and embarrassed. And I know I shouldn't care what some food deprived prepubescent child thinks of me. But I was mortified. 

Why do people think it is o.k. to just be mean and cruel to perfect strangers for no reason? Why? and what is it about me that attracts that from others?

I usually like walking in my neighborhood. It usually is one of the things that makes me feel better. Now, I don't even want to go out.

Then to make things worse the whole emotional eating came into play and I did not feel better till I had eaten my way through bread and cheese, fruit salad, ice cream, stir fry and a whole small pizza with dipping sauce. Then I just felt foolish and fat and ugly and nauseous...No wonder I am fat.
15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What happened Diva?
We're here for you!
Sarah, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys,

Me again. Still tired but doing my best to get my stuff done anyway. funny how when I am tired little things that are usually easier to do all of a sudden seem like a huge mountain!

And well, it just goes to show how one can make oneself miserable by what they think or jumping to conclusions... Hubby had not brought lunch because he had decided to come home for lunch and surprise me! So he walks in and I was all surprised and then felt foolish for getting all worked up for nothing! Just goes to show!

Note to self: Wait till I have all the facts before getting all worked up!
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys,

Me again. Feeling so tired. Slept only 5 hours and woke up like 6-7 times... I think the sandman slipped me the cheap stuff! (yawn). On top of it I have a headache and restless legs. Makes my legs feels so edgy and fidgety! So most of me is too tired to move and my legs can't stop.

On top of it, my hubby didn't bring his lunch to work... I know it is silly of me to get upset over this. But last night I worked really hard to cook a healthy meal and make enough for lunch the next day. I packed it all in tupperware so it would be easy to take to work. and he said it was good and he liked it and he would be happy with his lunch. And then, yet again, he did not bring his lunch! What basically he prefers eating crap at double the price which is not even good for his health or his weight instead of bringing a lunch prepared with love and effort? I am not sure why I am being so silly but it really hurts my feelings.

I wish I had managed to sleep better. There was tons of stuff I wanted to do today and I am not sure I will be able to do them.

Anyway, I am off.
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ashley,

At the moment, I am reading "Sense and Sensibility". Next I want to read "Pride and Prejudice". Jane austen is great.
I did have fun with my mom. We walked and sat at a terasse drinking virgin daiquiries! Oh and she really liked her gifts. And get this. One of the gifts I had bought for her, she had bought one for me too lol!

As for being tired. I talked to my doc about it and she checked and checked. It seems in my case the tiredness is linked with my sleep issues and my depression mostly. My nutrition might have some to do to. But for now, I try and rest and take advantage of the good days.

I had a mellow weekend but that means I have more to do this week if I want to get things done. I want to get the house done. I am not looking forward to the paperwork though : (

Don't have much to say. Feeling tired. Gonna go see if I can sleep.
15 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jane Austin! Which book?  Jane Eyre was great.
That's really good about your mom. I hope you enjoy yourself!
Have you talked to your doctor about being tired?  Fatigue is a symptom of depression but I am wondering if there is anything else that can be done.  Are you eating healthy and exercising? Vitamins may be a good option as well, possibly a B vitamin?  You will have to discuss the vitamin option with your doctor though.  There are other things that could be affecting you as well allergies, sleep disturbances, medication etc.  Talking to your doctor about your symptoms would be a good idea.  It would be great if he/she could suggest something.  Being tired all the time would really make things difficult. I can see how that would be very frustrating.

Ashley, Health Educator

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