Sheba, so glad to hear the update and that he will be doing okay. I hope he decides to take care of himself. But if he chooses not to, you can't make him, be prepared to accept that. It can be a tough one to deal with.
Thank you for the update. It is nice to hear that it is not as bad as you expected and that with some changes he will be fine! Please do keep us posted about this and how you are doing with it!
I am also glad you have come to realize this is not your fault! HE should take care of himself!
Hang in there and feel free to come to us for support anytime!
Now I'm much calmer I realized that first of all it is not a thing developed over night and with some treatment ang a healthier life style he should do well.
The second thing most of the fault is his because are now several years that my friend tells him that he should take care of himself...
He should change a lot in his life if he prises it....
I am so sorry to hear about your father's heart. I want to echo the others in saying that you are not at fault here. His heart condition is not of your doing and not because of you or anything you have done. I know how hard it is to deal with a parents ill health. Since my dad was diagnosed with cancer we have had a lot of ups and downs together as a family. I am here for you if you need to chat (type). . Please keep us posted on what you find out. In the meantime know that you and your father are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sheba, this is horrible news. But you should know that just because they went out and worked hard for you does not mean that there health problems now are your fault. You did not cause this.
Sheba, I'm not much help with these types of issues. Know you are not alone or responsible for your father's illness. Know that I will listen and support you. Have a hug or two and know they are there are if want/need one. You and your father will be in my thoughts (and prayers).
I don't know how bad it is. He doesn't know right now that has this problem. My friend the sister of the doc that diagnosed him just told me yesterday night. She is also a doctor and was worried... immagine how i'm feleeing. She didn't told my father anything right now because it is only a suspicion and needs to be further investigated but asked me to try to convince him to go to the doc again... The worst thing is that as usual I'm feeling somehow responsable. They always told me that they are working hard for me and that they are becoming ill for this... I cna't either write in a coherent way....
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