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16 years ago 0 3045 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
You're always helpful and quite insightful.  Don't doubt yourself. 
I too am tired and not able to put my thoughts into words very well right now.  I remain hopeful that things can change here but it doesn't take away my fear that they may not. 
Hopefully I will have some better things to relay soon, but I am too afraid to hope for that too much.  I'll keep you informed either way.
16 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Mom of 3,
I answered your questions in the "My cat" thread.
I am glad to hear you had a good talk with your hubby. My hubby had gone back to playing way too much so I had to have a similar talk with him. HE has been careful since (excet for tonight which is his game night lol). HE has been very helpful through all this especially snce I our talk.
I know how it feels not wanting to get your hopes up. I have had many talks that made me first hopeful then dissapointed. But sometimes the talks really help. I get why you are feeling tired and rained and anxius etc. But I am proud of you for still trying and for hanging in there.
Sorry if I have not much to say that is helpful or intelligent... I feel tired and not very bright today. Am hanging in there. Please keep me posted!
16 years ago 0 3045 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I think I should ask how you are - being kinda tired translates to being down.  So how are you really?  Any progress even small is still progress.  This is going to take time and you're not going to feel suddenly up so be kind to yourself.
I've posted in some other places and have been hanging in there myself.  My hubby and I had a talk friday night because I really felt neglected and couldn't take it any longer.  Some of what I said hit home but who knows.  Since that talk I'm afraid to let my hopes get up and find myself feeling depressed and anxious.  Since having to put so much out there friday night I feel drained and am having trouble getting back on track with focusing on getting my issues in line and putting my husband first.  I guess I'm just a little hurt and haven't been able to work through it.  So, I'm still trying. 
16 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Mom of 3,
Sorry I have kinda been awol a bit. Been kinda tired. Was wondering how you were doing atm? Keep us posted.
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keep on posting mom of 3! I'm glad to hear that writing helps you. Do you have a journal? Writing in a journal/diary can be extremely therapeutic. I know you are going through a lot right now, but try to stay strong, and again, keep on posting. We are always here for you,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 3045 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi All,
Thank you for your responses and support.  It helps. 
I must admit that I read Gigi's post this AM  before leaving for work and have thought about her post today.  Please know that your comments were received well and I understand where you are coming from.  My first marriage was emotionally and somewhat physically abusive.  So I know what you are saying.  My first marriage was so bad and I did live in denial for many years just to survive. I have considered what you wrote and I do understand that we tend toward the same things in life.  There's a bit of control issue here as well.  Not all control is bad, but lately I have felt a bit emotionally abused where I did not previously.  Like I said - hurt people do hurt people.  I have identified where I have or circumstances rather have hurt him.  I can't totally blame him for his reactions.  Inside I feel the same way about some things, but feel it will get us nowhere at this point to both have our raw feelings hanging out there.
I've been working hard on me, since I am the only factor in this thing that I can control.  I have been working on my depression/anxiety issues.  I've adopted a less stressful attitude about my daughters who are able to make their own decisions and do not live in my house anymore.  I must accept that for better or worse, they must live with the consequences of their decisions.  I cannot fall to pieces because I'm worried or afraid for them.  It's making me crazy.  I have decided that these things will need to stay in God's hands.
I have been reading up on marriage issues and have learned that I have not considered my husband as I should have.  The stress with my daughters, work, other family matters have come between us.  I have fault here.  I understand that I do not own all the blame, but if I concentrate on his faults and not mine, I am way off base.  Mine are the only ones I can do anything about.  So I work on me and when I become tired and have my feelings hurt I vent here.  This is quite often but it does give me an outlet that also has the potential for feedback that just may be the solution to an issue.
If the opportunity to go to counseling arises I will take it, but have held back myself from getting couseling.  I simply do not find that I am comfortable with counseling and do not feel it has ever helped me in any great way.  I don't know why but I simply can't feel comfortable discussing my issues with someone who has the "job" of listening to me.  I've never felt like any of the advice has been helpful or anymore helpful than reading a book has been.  If I found someone who I connected with it might be helpful, but that's like finding a needle in a haystack.  I will continue to consider it however.
Again, thank you all for your replies and support. Doing what I wrote about is much harder than it sounds.  My feelings are very hurt, and I want to give up every day.  Writing here keeps me from doing so, thanks to you all.
16 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Mom of 3,
I wish I could give you great advice but I must admit I am all out of it. In my own relationship I have been advised by my therapist to just observe and talk with him and see what happens. I have ben advised to just let things go how they go and stop putting all my energies there and to put them on myself and see what happens...Hard for me to do. Am a bit of a control freak so letting go of so much is tough for me. BUt i get why he gave me that assignment because I do take a lot of energy I would need for myself and put it where I have very little control to do anything or change anything really. Time to refocus and help myself and see what happens. My husband has been very understanding and supportive though at this moment. He is very good to me since Oscar passed away.
Hmm I have digressed. I am sorry. I think councelling is a good idea, or anything that will help you guys communicate better. I think situations where both feel hurt are hard to negociate and I applaud you for trying to understand him. If venting here helps you with it all please come here to vent more often! Here for you!
16 years ago 0 1153 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mom of 3,   Keep trying to talk to your husband about counseling. Having professional help can be very beneficial to many couples. It can open up new lines of communication that you didn't have before.
  Keep us posted on your new developments.

Brenna, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Mom of 3,
I do hope things are going better between yourself and your husband. 
I suppose I am always assuming a man is being abusive because my ex-husband had so much control over me in abusive ways. ... so please don't be angry with me, but do a check on that, ok?
I mean, really look...and if he has legitimate reasons - fine...but don't make excuses for him.
Please don't think I am accusing.. I'm just thinking about you.  
Please take this in the spirit it is given.
16 years ago 0 3045 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Hi Faryal,

I'm hanging in there.  You're right, communication is lacking, but right now I don't think he'll go to counseling.  Maybe later but right now he's angry with me because of the amount of attention and shut down I did with my daughter's rebellion.  It was hard for me to take, I was worried, I was stressed and I shut down b/c I didn't have the "perfect answer"  I did neglect him and I now realize it and many other things as well.  He's been hurt by it and hurt people hurt people, just like I did to him. I love him and I'm willing to walk through whatever fire I have to, it just gets hard and I get upset.  I am hanging on to the fact that I love him and am trying to focus less on my hurt and more on him.  However, I need to vent sometimes because I'm hurt so I tend to do it here or in my journal - or both.

I did tell him that his reaction made me feel like he thought I was stupid.  He said he was just concerned about my safety.  So by the end of the day we had spoken about it and went to sleep on better terms.
So I am just hanging in there as always




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