Hi wildcat
I have to say, there's a part of me that wishes for your highs, but I know that this is because I've never experienced them. Would that I had even half the energy or enthusiasm to want to tackle Kilimanjaro. Since all that sh*^ with my ex and my girls over the holidays, I can't seem to shake the heavy blackness. I'm trying to push myself to at least function, but I had calls yesterday and today from hydro and gas to remind me that I haven't paid my bills. Why do I do this? The money is there (n the line of credit, at least). I pay bills online -- I can write here, so why can't I just pay my bills? I have booked myself on a course for my work this weekend, which I've really been looking forward to, but it started this afternoon and I sat there checking my watch every 5 minutes for when it would be time to leave and go back to bed. I'm in a very deep low and I need help and I feel so alone.
My littlest one was only 2 when we were going through our lice issues, and she hated having her hair brushed. She hated anything being done to her, actually... brushing teeth, getting dressed, seatbelts... I had to choose my battles, so hair was classified as a non-crucial issue. Except for when the lice came. My sister was visiting at the time, so she helped -- we had my little one in the bathtub with me combing her hair and my sister popping a Smartie in her mouth whenever she opened it to scream. My little darling :)
Counting my blessings, and I will get through this low. You know, this is why I resisted my doctor's prognosis of depression -- I don't feel sad, just apathetic, lethargic, and so heavy that I could just dissolve into the ground.