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16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
rose, xmas is what you want it to be. it is the same as another Saturday. If you want to celebrate with a party that is a choice. If you prefer to have a nice quiet day in meditation / contemplation that is fine as well. I think everyone throws themself into the commercial aspects of christmas because they do not have the spiritual sense of the holiday. The pagans celebrated the return of the lord of light. Christians celebrate the arrival of the son (sun). Jewish persons are in hannuka - again a celebration of lights. so if you are not spiritual or religious then what is left but a dreary winter day! If part of you depression is caused be the season... we are half way through the worst of it by the holidays. so at least there is some physical good news! So Rose, chose what you want to do for Christmas. Do somethink that makes you comfortable and offer it as a gift to yourself. Write. Sing. Sleep. Cry. Express yourself and let it go. You have the time to recover.
16 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Thank you for you caring support. I think it is a good idea now that I will be seeing another doctor. I still have to see my doctor one more time next week. It's just so hard around this time of year, with Christmas coming, I just can't get into the happiness. The thought of being around a lot of happy people celebrating laughing, having a great time, makes me feel very upset, because I cant even laugh or smile right now... I know this sounds selfish, but this is how I feel. Thank you all for your caring words and help rose
16 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi Rose, I was recently reaally disappointed with my doctor. My Psychologist mentioned that an augmentation in meds might help me to get a better handle on some of the emotional outbursts I have been having... and when I spoke to the doctor he sent me to the psy hospital. He felt out of his confort meds area with the higher doses of meds taking into account my obesity! But now, after seeing the psyciatrist, they think a reduction would be better. Some of my irritibility is due to manic episodes caused by my effexor. I am Bi-polar; I have weird highs and terrible lows. So maybe it was all for the better! The lesson... who knows who/what you will be teamed up with... this change might be all to your better -better health-
16 years ago 0 799 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Rose, Sorry to hear you are struggling so much right now. Please don't feel alone here. Everyone here truly understands what it is like to live with feelings of depression and panic and anxiety. You mentioned in your post that your doctor may be "giving up on you". You may want to try to see this in a different light. I have seen this occur with others and it has been done because it was for the patient's best interest as the the new doctor had a better understanding and expertise for particular situations. This may be the case for you which will hopefully aid your progress. Casey _________________________ The PC Support Team
16 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Well things haven't approved with my situation at all. I am still off work, Panic attacks are stronger than ever, and all I do is cry all day long. I am so tired of feeling this way. I just want to me normal again. The celexa the doctor has me on doesn't seem to be working. I can't see him until next week. All I keep on hearing is about waiting lists to have me treated. According to my doctor the meds should be working, he doesn't really want to try me on anything else. My therapist spoke to my doctor, and I guess they are going to reccomend I see another doctor in the same office. is he giving up on me now. I feel like nobody is listening to me. Nobody knows how I feel. except for the good people here. I feel like I am losing control very fast, and if something doesn't change, I don't know what will happen.
16 years ago 0 40 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I stand corrected - I talked to my mom yesterday and she has had panic attacks after the Rivotril although infrequently and not as severe. She told me that her dr. gave her Atavan (sp?) for emergencies or when she knows she's going to be in a really stressful situation. I guess the Atavan can be addictive so she can only take it very occasionally (like going to the dentist, a funeral, that kind of thing).
16 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rose Please do not consider abruptly stopping your medications. It will only serve to make you feel worse. Carefully follow the doctor's guidelines and keep track of your feelings day-to-day. The Sessions here give you a spot to do this. You then can work with your doctor and be pro-active in your treatment. Taking 'all the pills' is just not an option - at any time. I too, hear you, but if nothing else, please understand that there are many 'better' and happier days to come. Don't give up - they do exist. I used 'relaxation' c.d. for my anxiety and continue to use a 'watered down version' now. It did wonders - every day I 'made' the time to do them. It became a treat and, relaxing more, another reward. Anxiety attacks are terrible and we feel as if we are going mad....understand that you are not - that an anxiety attack is just that. I know some people on Celexa and it took them (as all meds) from 4 - 8 weeks to realize the benefit. Keep trying and keep track. Thinking of you Tipper
16 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Rose, Sorry to hear your day is a rough one. Be kind to yourself today. If you weren't feeling so lousy, what would you be doing? Danielle, Bilingual Support Specialist
16 years ago 0 172 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rose, Sorry to hear you are having a bad day. Not taking your meds is not an optionn believe me, i tried that and ended up in an awful state. Taking all of them is really not an option either, although I do understand where you'r coming from. Keep posting here. There are peole here who have been in exactly the place you are now, myself being one of them. I am not out of the woods yet by a long way, but with the help of this site and support from the people who post, those dark dark days when the tears just wont stop are now few and far between. You will make progress. You can come onto this place 24/7 Try and take your meds as regularly as possible. It taks a few weeks to really see any improvement. Try to start doing the sessions. Just a little each day. Hang on in there Rose. We are all here for you. keep posting. Good luck. x
16 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Thank you all for the kind words. I am having a bad day today, and don't know what to say. I have tried the breathing exercises, and I start hyperventilating. Guess I'm not doing it right. I just don't have any energy at all these days. and all I do is cry. I have a great boyfriend who is very supportive, and is there for me when he can be. But unfortunatly he can't be around for me all the time. I feel a lot of guilt for putting him through this. Sometimes I feel like not taking my meds at all or taking all of them. I am so tired of feeling this way. The doctor tells me there is a 6 month waiting period to see a specialist. What could happen in 6 months to me is anyones guess. But I think I have found the right place to come and vent... people who are going through the same if not worse than I am. You truly to understand

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