Everyone is telling me to do yoga. Funny it triggers anxiety for me too. Its like i have to be focused on anxiety to keep it in check or it will harm me. That probably applies to you. Same here. When Im calm I feel like I can do anything and when I experience panic, im curled up into a ball completely at its mercy lol. Actually my psychologist says its called amydala hijack. Apparantly if your emotional (anxiety) brain signals danger but your rational brain signals safe and they are both exactly the same intensity the brain listens to the emotional brain because the consequences could be potentially fatal (your body thinks there is a tiger - doesnt know it is imagined). So your amydala is hijacked by your emotional brain. Thats why we cant think, were restless and scared. Theres a terrorist in our brain called emotions and it's hijacking the plane of logic lol. Anywhooo. When I panic, I feel like I dont get enough air also. So thats definitely normal symptoms of anxiety. What stops it is breathing through your nose. Do NOT mouth breath because it will continue to throw off the c02 levels. That should stabilize the levels. Try it and let me know if it helps