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How to deal with what ifs

a year ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I hope you had a good weekend Smilen!

How did your week and homework go? Are the questions helping?


a year ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I just made my way through the third module in the anxiety section. I think asking myself questions will be an excellent place to start, as I have to drive to work for the next three days. I'm praying for a good weekend without panic and consuming thoughts. I will start challenging my thoughts and see if I can calm myself using the questions or identifying the answers. I'll come back next week to share how it goes.

7 years ago 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm seeing her Tuesday. Today was a busy week and we couldn't find a time that worked for both of us unfortunately.
I'm going to talk to my doctor today because I started ciprolax in June and I swear my emotions have been so up and down and I wonder if this is a side effect of the pill. If it is I don't want to be on it anymore. I hate pills to begin with but felt like I needed the help because I was such a mess in June. 
7 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Okay im glad yoga helped. When are you seeing the therapist next? Try to see her at least once a week at the very beginning. 
7 years ago 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well on my way home from work I cried quite a bit yay. But yoga was good. It was a very relaxing yoga tonight which is needed so I do feel a bit better. 
7 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Amet, how was yoga? Did it help you feel alittle better?
7 years ago 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
No it has been a busy day but I am going to yoga tonight so I'm hoping that helps relax me. I also noticed (now that I read about taking big gulps in from the mouth that I even do that through my nose!) I was noticing for a while that sometimes I would breathe so much through my nose that as silly as it sounds I felt my nostrils grow larger and my throat felt funny now I realize its because I'm trying to take in these big breaths through my nose. Ughh anxiety.
7 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know. Find comfort in the fact that youre not alone. 

You will pull through.  The road to recovery will not be A to B in a straight line.  It will be 
A --- D ----Z ---- x ----- B -----X-----Z--------E ----- etc

Life isnt always neat but that is its beauty and its curse. 

Amet - youre having a crappy day.  I have lots of them.  I remember I told my therapist that I hate happy days - because it means sad days are ahead.  He said ....and then there will be happy days ahead of sad days.  So my dear, there are happy days ahead.  

I know you are in Toronto (like me) - did you have your lunch?  Do you take walks?  Find ways to burn off some of that adrenaline.

7 years ago 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for that! And mine duplicated before too not sure why it does that lol. Its so hard to shake these feelings of sadness when you have those super crummy days.
7 years ago 0 85 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Why breathing helps

When you notice your own early warning signs, regardless of what they are, they are due to the activation of the stress response (your sympathetic nervous system). You can read more on this by clicking here.

To calm down, whatever it is that you feel in your body, you need to activate your relaxation response (your parasympathetic nervous system.)

Different rates of breathing, result in different emotions and feelings in your body.

You breathe too much during a panic attack, resulting in hyperventilation.

What happens when you breathe too much?

Your heart rate speeds up.
You take in too much oxygen and your carbon dioxide levels lower.

This is known as hypocapnic alkalosis – or more simply put, your blood is too alkaline and makes you

light headed
feel unreal
suffocating or smothering feelings
And a host of other symptoms.

You can read more about the symptoms of anxiety by clicking here.

When feeling unreal, light headed and dizzy, you panic, which of course, makes you feel worse and your symptoms increase.

Breathing is something that your brain takes care of, it is normally outside of your control.

If you are having a panic attack, you are breathing more than you should be, and you need to take control.

Taking control of your own breathing will allow the anxiety to melt away.

Controlling your breathing will

Calm your heart rate
Restore the levels of carbon dioxide, and your uncomfortable symptoms will go away

How to take control

If it feels like you are gulping in air, or notice that your belly really expands when you breath in, you are taking in too much air.

The uncomfortable feeling of panic breathing will naturally make you want to breathe more deeply, but don’t.

Your over breathing is the problem.

Breathe in, through your nose, slowly, do not gulp.

Breathe out slowly, through your mouth, as if you were blowing up a balloon. Make sure your exhale is longer than your inhale.

Each time you breathe out, relax your shoulders, let them drop.

Wait for the next breath to come. If you are gulping in air, you probably started to breathe in, before you needed to.


Wait for the next breath to come.

What to do if you are controlling your breathing and your mind is racing?

It is normal to have scary thoughts during a panic attack. In addition to taking your control of your breathing, you need to ground yourself.

This will take your attention away from your thought

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