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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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health anxiety/phobia

8 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't have anxiety any more and never did have HA, it may be because my memory id full of health successes. I have meds that work and I have been very sick and cured. So I have a positive attitude that makes it easy to accept the facts about any health thoughts I have. It is like lightning. When people get sick or die I think like lightning, "that was close but it missed".  It probably comes from doing dangerous jobs. So many close calls. You knowHA revolves around possibility not reality just like any anxiety. You have in memory negative memories you use to keep the anxiety going but you also have logic that says your thoughts are not accurate or relevant. I use this logic to stop the unwanted thoughts.
8 years ago 0 111 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I completely understand,I am the same! I am hoping to get better about it too.
8 years ago 0 24 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
well after today im pretty sure i am suffering phobia about beign ill

with banging my head the other day and tonight being bit by a local cat and suffering severe panic both times im sure health anxietys a big problem for me.i hope this program helps with this too ?

i got into  areal panic about beign bitten by a stray cat as i shoowed it out as it tried to get into my didnt even break the skin but i ended up ringing the doctor abut tetanus anyways.then read for hours about it
conclusion should be immune for like with the tetanus jab so no need to be panicing.they dont even recommend booster jabs anymore like they used to and as my skin wasnt punctured or bleeding they didnt even need to see my finger

it still took me hours for the anxiety to lesson and ts still pretty high now

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