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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Okay this is very good and very informative. I must say UC is not something I would want. Any members who think they might have this should look at it. Sending the site on to someone who might have this.


10 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for your thoughts Davit.

Even if you and others don't have UC it would still be helpful for us to hear your feedback on the program and website.

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have had ulcers and even a perforated one that I almost died from when it got infected. There were no symptoms except a sore back. 
It is said that stress doesn't cause ulcers but I believe it sets you up for bacteria to do it's job. Stress definitely caused my perforated ulcer. It took a lot of stress though. 
Crohns and arthritis go together but I've never had it. I doubt I have or have had UC. Diarrhoea is something I might get once or twice a year. Going on two years now and that time it was food poisoning. I have read on IBS, IBD, IBC, and more related things and was only mildly surprised to see CBT used to treat them with some success. Studies are small and so far inconclusive. One study suggests that feed back is the cause and it is a known fact that the hypothalamus controls the organs through the pituitary gland. In theory stress could cause it to call for less mucus for protection or too much fluid retention. Even spasms and cramps. The next few years will prove or rule out.
Panic attacks won't kill you but long term stress certainly will. 

I'm leaving this to others since I don't think I fit. Keep asking people, some times it takes a while for them to respond.
I hope they do though, it could be very good for them.

10 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Unmanaged stress and anxiety may increase your risk or worsen certain health conditions. One potential problem is Ulcerative Colitis (UC). UC is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes long-lasting inflammation and ulcers in your digestive tract.

Evolution Health (the company that created the Panic Center) has recently created a website and text messaging program that is intended to act as an interactive coach to help those with UC. It is free and there is no obligation - you can stop the program at any time. As you are all valued members of the Panic Center, we would really love to hear your feedback on the UC website and text messaging program. If we could get a discussion going that would be ideal! Please help us out by offering a bit of your time and feedback.

Please post your thoughts in this thread. To access the site go here: Also, use this DIN # 02399466.

Thanks so much!

Ashley, Health Educator

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