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10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Back again just for a few minutes.

There are long shadows on the meadow as the sun goes down along the spine of the Cariboo Mountains. (it is spelt that way) There is a lone large male Canada Goose in the meadow too, by the pond. His mate is sitting on her eggs. They should hatch around the end of the week or the middle of next week. It would be nice to have Goslings in the pond again.
He and Jasper have settled who owns what and they are ignoring each other. So since I have time before I light the stove I'm going to dig a few dandelions and check the roses. One more might have survived. Sometimes things are just slow.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
6 pm and I guess I'd better get some supper. All I have left to do is have a shower and light the green house stove at 8:30. A half hour before dark so I don't have to use my yard lights. I planted melons and a few tomatoes and sage in it. I still have more tomatoes, peppers, basil, valerian and stevia. Rosemary isn't ready yet. Lemon balm is going outside this year, it does better.

If I'm still awake at 11 I'll put more wood in the stove. Low temperature light comes on about then and the electric heater comes on with it. Only supposed to go to minus one celsius tonight now and zero tomorrow. There are a few clouds but they are small. Tomorrow I want to hook up one sprinkler at least on the fence. I was going to do it today but ended up planting sour cherry whips into pots for now. Pump kicks on and off too often with only the potato patch sprinkler. Two sprinklers and it stays on. I have to take the hoses out of the garage anyway. My tractors look lonely, they aren't getting any attention. 

Today I was wondering if it is all worth it. I get that way when I'm tired. Of course it is worth it. But that kind of thinking is annoying.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I took all afternoon to put up curtains, a rod, and shortened the curtains, finally, so I might sleep better. They don't block the light totally, although I have a roller blind too, but it's something. Problem is sparrows are nesting where the neighbours had put a dummy owl, to scare away the pigeon. And the sparrows are cheeping their brains out. I'm afraid I won't be sleeping in the morning anyway. Maybe the solution is to just go to bed earlier?
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Short stop for lunch. Doing piddly things today. I don't ache just tired. Got up at five to check green houses and stayed up. It was a beautiful morning. Doing laundry and moving plants outside to the green house so I can have my house back. I also need to transfer every thing in the deepfreeze on the deck to the one in the kitchen so I can have my deck back. But first I have to make room in the garage. Well I have to make room in the garage anyway. I'd rather drive a tractor or sit and weed a flower bed, but some times I don't get what I want. So I have to want what I get. It is all important. I bet I find time to drive a tractor today. Even if it is late when I do. I do have to get the thermostat and the heater set up in the bigger green house. Tonights night time temp will be below freezing and tomorrows right on the line, 
After that they start to go up.
Tulips are going to flower soon. I only have one colour left. Pink. Voles ate all the rest. If there is time in the next while I have to lift all the perennials in a flower bed and till it. Electric tiller works good for that. I don't know if I will put them back or move them somewhere else. Probably put them somewhere else for now. 
I want to go to the store too so I better get my butt in gear. (chocolate)

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well here it is almost nine and I was still outside. Water pump to pump out of the pond is hooked up and I'm using it to water flower beds and green houses. Potatoes are planted. We never did get that rain. Doesn't matter I can put a sprinkler out there. I'd rather let mother nature do it of course. I need to move two sprinklers and remount them on the fence. I'd also like to make two portable tripod bases for sprinklers. That might not get done. Or at least not till later.
Nice red sunset tonight. Today was a bit tough after two days planting potatoes and other chores so I never got the thermostat and electric heater (back up) installed in the bigger green house. A person can only do so much. I did make a chicken casserole so I won't have to take time to cook tomorrow. 
I have a mosquito in here bothering me. 
Looking a little black tonight, be nice if there was rain in those clouds. I have a fire in the stove in the green house but only because I was burning scraps and bark from last winters fire wood. That is all cleaned up. Did I mention that it is a fireplace stove. (franklin) I think I'll get some wieners and marshmallows. I think that would be fun on a rainy day. (if we get any) The last few years have been pretty dry. For some reason this year I am doing all the things that were planned for years and there wasn't time. Actually mostly there wasn't money. Now there is, but more than that is that I am happy and that makes the long days easier. Everything is easier when a person is happy. Moving Van could be here as early as next week, I'm going to have to make room to temporarily store everything in the garage till we can decide what comes in the house. Some of her stuff will come in, some of mine will go out. Is this fun? Not really. Not in the middle of gardening.
So this is part of how I cope with all that life throws at me. Be happy and stay busy. And above all else get rid of as many causes for stress. And above all else find a reason to do things that need to be done. 

I think I need a cup of tea now.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It was pretty cold this morning when I went out to spread peat moss in the trenches for the potatoes. It never really warmed up till noon. So I put on a lined shirt and went out anyway. When I feel good I hate to waste a day. It was the wind mostly blowing down off the snow on the top of the mountains. When the wind let up it was warmer. Green houses were warm still. That is always a good sign. I'm going out to light a little fire in the stove in a bit. It will still give off heat even when it goes out. Enough to keep it from freezing since it is supposed to go below freezing tonight. I see my black currant is going to have flowers soon, maybe too soon.
Today was a good day and it is not over yet. Tomorrow if I can still walk without too much pain I will plant potatoes. I'd like to get them in before the four day rain that is predicted. Today I watered off the well but would rather water out of the pond. Green houses still need to be watered even if it rains. Tomorrow might be a little done day if I'm as sore as I expect to be. I can always plant the basil, I can do that sitting down. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well today is starting off slow. I noticed a long time ago that every second day is harder and I usually get less done. Like today, it is lunch time and all I have done is laundry and dragged the water line for the pond pump to the pond. But it is something. I may still get something done this afternoon. Actually I know I will but I have to go to the hardware store first. Not what I want to do. I'd rather plant potatoes. I'd rather do anything but shop. But I don't dislike it so much that I won't do it. There are mallards in the pond. The geese should hatch out their eggs in a bit more than two weeks. About the same time my friend gets here. Then she can do the shopping. Maybe :-) Of course if she is happily gardening I'll have to shop. Some one has to do it, right. Actually it is a nice day for a drive. Probably better than packing seed potatoes out of the root cellar. Calling for rain and snow today but the sky only has a few small white clouds. I suppose that can change. Supposed to be a few rain days this week. I'll get the pump going anyway. Rain doesn't do anything for the green houses. Lawn will need a trim in a few days too. The work is pilling up. I never said my life was boring :-). 

Lunch is over, time to get back at it.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It snowed today but melted as it hit the ground and then rained on and off. Tuesday it is supposed to freeze pretty hard. Usually if I water just before dark there is less damage. Trees are starting to leaf out. They will be okay. Tulips will take frost but they look bad after. Of course it could be wrong too but I will cover the tulips. I'll cover as much of the perennial bed as I can. With luck the frost will kill the mosquitoes. There were hardly any last summer but the one before they were horrible. I haven't seen swallows yet this year. I only get house swallows and I have boxes for them. They nest every year. I'm just about ready to plant potatoes. I have my tractor trencher, I just have to switch the back blade for it but first have a bit of work to do. All things at the right time. Tired and sore but still happy. I have my tractor back with it's new tires and I have work for it if it doesn't snow. I had some repairs done while it was in the shop getting new tires. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't think you can entirely get away from anxious thoughts. But that is all they are. I don't like them because they are time wasters crowding in where logical thought should be. All this because yesterday I was too sore to climb a ladder. It is frustrating having limitations. Now on the other hand the anxious thoughts did lead to another way I might be able to do what I want to do. What I am trying to do doesn't have to be done. It works, it will just look better if I fix it. A person can waste time doing this and end up frustrated or worse, mad.

It is another clear day and if the mosquitoes aren't too bad will be a nice day. I will water my plants and transplant some more and move flats and pots that I don't need to the garage so I have more room in the little green house. Then I will go back to my fix it project. No getting side tracked and doing things in the wrong order. Still ahead of schedule so I have time. I even have time to enjoy my coffee this morning while I do dishes. My wagon is getting a good work out going back and forth. Maybe today I can climb the ladder. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
After having had my bp spike yesterday I'm a bit tired today. Clear days make for cold mornings so I'm in no rush to go outside. So today I will clean enough room in my shop to use the tools to build cold frames. I need four large boxes for starting squash. I'll go outside when it warms up. I have some adjusting of the stove pipe in the big green house. Which means getting on a ladder. Need to wire the pipe up too since it has elbows.
So coffee is over, time to get to work.


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