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9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
If it was just messed up weather it would probably straighten itself out but 2014 was the hottest summer on record. Glaciers are receding and it is getting hotter and drier here. So dry the pine trees got weak and didn't have enough sap to wash out the pine beetle and they died. Millions of acres of dead trees. Hemlock looper is killing the cedar and hemlock because it can. No one seems to care. If this summer is hot again I would say we have a pattern. And I would say it is not a good one. If it is global warming the change could be disastrous. A couple of degrees overall and the polar ice caps will melt and low lying areas will flood. 
Trees draw moisture out of the ground and give it off as vapour that makes rain clouds that benefit every plant and animal. Dead trees do nothing. What will be will be. People will sit in the sun on the beach as their food source dies because it is too hot and dry. 
So, I hope I'm wrong and this summer is cooler. I'd like to sit on my deck more, even if I need an umbrella. I'd like to spend less money watering my garden. 

9 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I noticed that some of the birds have been singing the last 2 weeks like it is Spring already. I saw a pair of mallard ducks paired off at the lake this morning too. I wonder if this has to due with global warming. Last year we had two springs. The climate does seem to be changing. I think we can take our cues from nature. Not sure where this is heading but we will all need to adapt to these changes..Red...
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I saw a robin here this morning. Poor thing, it doesn't belong here. If it gets cold again it won't survive. It is here almost two month too soon. Before my cataract surgery I wouldn't have seen it. I wonder what it can eat.

Clear sky and a bit cooler, much nicer than steady rain. Too early for spring, I'm sure we will get more cold and snow.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I woke up this morning barely able to move. This happens and I lose all or most of the day. I have to take some extra pills for it and then I'm okay except for feeling nauseous. By rights it should make me anxious. Instead it makes me mad for not spotting it in time. I did make bread so that was okay but would have liked to do more. 
I down loaded plans for a clock made out of wood. All wood, gears and all. I'm not sure if I could build it. I have the tools, just not much of me left. I might try anyway starting with the hardest part first. Never give in. Try at least and accept what you get. You never know what you can do till you try. 

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
People come to this valley with intentions of retiring or semi retirement. Often their dreams become lost dreams. What looks ideal in Harrow Smith magazine proves more expensive or just plain too hard. All the nice pieces of land with a babbling brook and a view are taken. Still it is quiet here and if a person throws the magazine away and uses what the land has to offer the dream doesn't have to be lost. It might be different but is that bad. My first place had a stream and the cleanest water, fish in the river, a good view and poor access and a long ways to the last power pole. I traded it for this place. There are cows walking in the spring on the first place. No one lives there but the cows in the summer. The field and garden I worked so hard on are full of weeds. This place which took the last of my capability has a garden and a field and poor water till it gets filtered and softened. Beaver dammed the creek into ponds and the access is paved and I have power. A bit of compromise but I don't think it is a lost dream. Just a different one. Change doesn't have to be a bad thing which is good since I've had to change more than once. Getting rid of panic attacks was the biggest change. Just a mental change so I'm still me just different, better in fact. Problem with panic attacks is you can't see how life is without them so it is impossible to see what is offered, what can be. You just won't know till you try.

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Forgot to mention, garlic freezes well too. Bell peppers freeze cut up or not if you are using them for stuffing stuff them before freezing. Cheese freezes best shredded. Potatoes in stew don't freeze very good but mashed potatoes do. 
Cooked hamburger freezes well. If you start doing this you will probably cook more because it makes it easy. Even cooked sausages are handy. ( for sausage soup if nothing else ) Cooked macaroni freezes well as does rice. Pie shells freeze very well. And of course Casseroles. Lasagne freezes cooked or un cooked. 

9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hugs, if you freeze some celery and onions, cooked carrots and cooked beans you can make soup or chilli or spaghetti sauce real quick and spur of the moment. I slice my bread and freeze it too. It stays fresh that way. 
It takes less power to keep a full freezer than an empty one. Air doesn't freeze well and you lose a lot of it every time you open the freezer. One of my freezers is 20 years old. It doesn't owe me anything. But then I have two others for back up and during most of the winter all three are full. The old one won't be used during the summer. I know one family of four that has five freezers. They have a big garden and a root cellar too. 

A real quick soup is a frozen chicken breast cooked in the microwave on power six and cut up small. A cup of cooked egg noodles and celery, onion and peas from the freezer boiled. A bit of turmeric for colour, a bit of pepper and summer savoury if you have it. Better than Campbell's. Better for you too. 

What you feel is natural. I still miss my Dad, I even miss my cat and he has been gone a year and a half. I have him on as screen saver to keep my perspective real. I miss all my cats and my friends that are gone, but life must go on even if it hurts. I'm 64, people I know are getting old and dying.  I wish they would't but they do. 


9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, I didn't know that about onions. I'll buy some and freeze them. I'm not sure this old freezer should be used, since it's so old, and is probably using a lot more than a better replacement. I also feel unsure if I should be planning so far ahead. I don't feel I can have "vision", with mom's death. I feel this numbness won't go away, but I am functioning. eg. I can cook, wash dishes, do laundry, and am physically fitter than I have been most of my adult life...but this shock/numbness/sadness...
9 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I use a lot of onions. I grow a lot too. I don't know if you know but onions are not stored in the fridge. Put them in a colander or basket on the counter. Use the bigger ones first. Onions freeze well and are handy that way. Just cut them into little pieces and freeze loose in a plastic bag. No blanching. The same for celery. You don't have to thaw them before cooking.

9 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The big city might have rooked me when I bought veal shoulder, at a dollar an once. I usually buy it a butcher. I wrapped the cutlet in onion, and baked it. Onions are so cheap, that I thought I could buy a 10 pound bag, only if I used one a day. Since I cook using an oven daily, I could use the onion daily, since I figure a bag has 45, and I could almost use the bag up in a month.

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