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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey today is my anniversary. I've been here four years. 
I got an Email from a past member who just did a cruise up the pacific coast of Canada. A very rough trip she said. Some very anxious moments when the ship rolled bad. One more exposure survived to add to her collection. She said she slept through the flight home so it had no lasting effect which is how it should be. This is a big difference from not being able to drive over bridges even. A success for sure. 

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Does Edd go with you to your appointments. If so then I would suggest you leave it up to him to keep track of them for you. One less burden for you to have to think about.
I am one of those people that can write down an appointment and forget it till I have to be there. Not that I don't make arrangements. I just don't care, it is just part of this life I'm stuck with. A life that tried to end on me more than once so nothing is worth getting worried over. I'm on borrowed time I owe it to make the best of it. Not always easy and sometimes my armour slips. ( some one once said I was her knight in rusty armour) For those who don't know me.

Sun is up and it is not raining, that is a bonus.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not much new today..Went for a walk this morning and looked for shoes again at the mall this time and came home empty handed again..We did get a dvd and came home and relaxed and watched it tonight. I have a busy week starting tomorrow. Left a message for the dentist to call me about a upcoming procedure and have a doctors appointment with new primary doctor at a new clinic on Thursday..Still need to get all the medical records in a folder for the appointment.
The biggest challenge for me is going to be to not let myself get to anxious about these appointments..I have been feeling the anxiety building for the last few days so I have been trying to distract myself with activities. I just choose the wrong type of activities this time like being in crowds so it was not helpful.
I still do feel a lot of anxiety as things built up with all the anticipation over these exposures. I really dislike these feelings that I get..
 I read some where that the heart feels your emotions and it feels your pain, sadness, joy and fear..These Feeling that I have, I feel in the center of my being, my heart really..These are the ones that are hard to feel and let go of. This are the ones that scare me and make me sad too sometimes because feeling these feelings in my heart is both emotional and physical at the same time..It does overwhelm me at times.
So for right now I am going to go to bed and wish for pleasant dreams tonight.
Last night I had a dream that I was in the hospital again. I was alone this time and was not sure what dept I was supposed to be in. I was there to have surgery again..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Despite feeling sad for a number of reasons, one being the end of the gardening, and despite feeling very sore I managed to get a lot done but I have to admit it was not how I planned to spend the day.
There are always flies in the house this time of year so I spent some time killing them. That made me feel better. They are just looking for a place to hibernate. I did the usual chores, dishes and laundry but was still restless so I stacked the rest of the wood to get it out of the way. A mindless chore to take up time. It looks like we are going to get our first snow on Tuesday. It won't stay so it will look nice since I won't have to move it. But tomorrow I better pick up hoses and tools and at least get them into the garage. It is a big garage so there is plenty of room to just pile stuff for now. I should take the waterline apart and put it somewhere out of the way to drain. I've done enough for today though so it can wait. I don't feel like getting on a tractor to move it. What I really feel like doing is making a cake. So I think I'll go do that.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It rained pretty much all day. It stopped long enough to go to the grocery store for stuff for the green tomato mince meat.
It is bubbling away on the stove. It needs to cook three hours till it thickens. I'm making bread too since I'll be up a while.
My wood stove is going since the door is open for the cat to come in when he gets around to it. I can hear the rain better with the door open. My other cat Theodore is a strange little cat, he is waiting for the movie so he can sleep through it.
Not little really, last time I weighed him he was 15 pounds. Jasper doesn't mind the rain, he will come in when he feels like it. Independent like me. I'm running late because Richard stopped in to get me to fix his sand blaster and then we had to plug it in to my compressor and try it. I got him to change some light bulbs while he was here too.

So the day was good just long and long days give me a bit of anxiety. Time to put the bread in the oven. My neck is sore from bouncing around on a tractor yesterday in the garden. I'll put some heat on it. I did laundry but I'll put it away tomorrow. Fresh bread coming up.

Hoping you all had a good day too.


10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The rain sounds beautiful. How I long for the sound of rain again.
I live in southern California as everyone knows here. We don't get to see or smell much rain here..
Maybe I just have to buy one of those white noise nature sound machines..One that has a rain sound on it..I wonder if they make one. Or better yet maybe we can get in the travel trailer again soon and go looking for a little rain somewhere.
If all goes well maybe that will happen sometime next month. Edd been talking about a Fall trip..Now all I have to  do is get my ducks in a row so I can go.. New doc appt. next week, than 2 dental appts again this month one to do the prep work and a follow up one to get the crowns put on after they come in and then if all goes well I may be on the road again..I am crossing my fingers and praying on this one for sure..
Getting tired now, so I will sign out with a Good Night sleep tight my friends..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sitting here listening to the rain come down is rather pleasant. I'm having a bowl of soup for a late supper also and then I have to go back to shredding cabbage for sauerkraut. After this I have only mincemeat to make and a few zucchini to shred and I'm done with the produce and can get on with something else. I have some blocks from the Flowering Crab Apple I took down that I'm looking forward to making something out of. 
Geese have been passing over and today the wind was blowing the leaves off the trees. It is nice to see them on the ground. I must remember the snow will be here next month and I'll be another year older. Oh dear and Christmas is not that far away.

Well back at it, might be time for a movie after.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Me too...Good Night Davit!.....
You too Hugs... if your still up!..
Good night to all the new members too...
Nighty Nite all...
Baby Red.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sitting here by candle light waiting for the power to come back on. Needless to say the bread is in the fridge waiting till tomorrow and the sauerkraut never got made. I did till under around 500 pounds of old hay into the potato patch And I have 1500 pounds to put in the garden. Yes it will grow weeds, I'll till them under too. It needs to dry a bit first.
So today is not such a good day but since it is not my fault it is okay.
It is so quiet I can hear the carboys bubble. 
I think I'll call the cat in and go to bed since the power will be out another three hours. The rest will do me good.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today was pretty good despite being tired. I pulled out all of the annuals from a flower bed and most of the weeds. There are a few left, I may get them tomorrow. Going to make a lemon meringue pie for a treat. It is going to freeze hard tonight and even harder tomorrow night so it is time to dig some Jerusalem Artichokes. Things are like weeds, almost impossible to get rid of. Maybe I'll check tonight to see if it is worth the trouble. Shouldn't be too much work to dig up a plant. I'll know whether to put it on my mental list. 
I'm slowly getting everything done. Not supposed to rain for a few days. It was warm today but that was about all. Lost some time today going to the store for rock salt. But on the other hand I got to look at the trees in their fall colour.


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