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Ashley -> Health Educator

2024-05-29 1:50 PM

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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the reassurance Ashley. I really miss the forums. It's kind of sad, that I find myself admitting that I need a website, but it's just a fact. I remember someone reminding me that it's not such a big deal to need medicine either. Partly it might be a stigma, which I could attribute also to my aversion, but in mainstream medicine, it's accepted. An example would be diabetics who need insulin, but with less criticism than this group of diseases.
10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
We are up and running now, thankfully!

We had  a server crash and the poor developers here have been working day and night trying to restore the websites.We  are on a new server now so we should be error free for the  next while (:
Glad to see everyone posting again.

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I noticed that the site has been down since March 26 or 27 and I did wonder if it had crashed or been shut down..
 Oh Well..who knows..not me..I did and do wonder what happened though..
It's good to see everyone is doing well and A Ok!

Not much going on here. It was in the 90's today 20 degrees warmer than it should be this time of year so I took it easy most of the day. It's supposed to be that way all week then it should cool down again.  
A little update I was called to jury duty again last week and it was no big deal at all this time around. So it seems some progress has been made..
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My new gate is frozen, and I couldn't fix the latch. I'm concerned some bully will damage it further.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Davit, I almost forgot it was the end of the month! I feel better after finding some software for analyzing how I'm doing with mom's diet, but it's hard if one's nauseous to eat(and pharmacist have more pills for that too). I went to 5 dollar stores to try to find night shades so I can block the sun, but I think I'll improvise with a t-shirt wrapped around my head. I saw a ninja product for headgear in one store, but everything is packaged, and I don't know what it's made of, if it's opaque. I don't really want to go to a travel store in a mall, and certainly not on a weekend. I'm kind of stuck since mom is so unwell this week, and a new person is coming to help, but I'll have to me more of a micromanager. Now to choose a t-shirt for my ninja head wrap. Daylight savings could help in a couple of weeks. I was much more irritated today, since the cars parked with wheels on a sidewalk bothered me, and distracted drivers too. Maybe I can use the observation as a way of monitoring my pettiness.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I get so tired this time of year and I don't have anyone to take care of. 
Last day of February. Spring is getting closer. Bedrooms here are on the west side of the house so don't get the morning sun. The addition will be on the west side too so it will get afternoon sun.
Today was nice with the sun out but it is cooling off now. Sun will be down in an hour.
May is my worst month with barometer changes. Arthritis can be bad. And anxiety secondary.
I went to the library but didn't really want to go to town. One more day before it snows again.
I think I will just go watch a movie.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Feeling out of it, while I wonder how to deal the seasonal window issue, of too much bright light. It interferes with my sleep, and then I'm out of it. I'm going to buy some bigger blinders to help, since that's usually how I deal with it, until daylight savings time. Mom's not well, and watching contraindications triggered a bad day, but WebMD has a small search to help. It's not pharmacy "grade" but could me at ease in the future. I really didn't need this issue.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
" OH CRAPPY DAY" "Tylenol don't wash my pain away"

That is my song for today. I'm in a good mood for some one who can barely move :-) I saw it coming so was prepared. 
That always makes a difference. Wish I had of brought in more wood yesterday, but I have enough. Besides I don't really need to burn wood, it just saves on the power bill.

Okay this happened because I wanted to reduce the prednisone and this is the only way I can see if I can. Did it too fast.
But yes I could reduce it some. I can still walk so it isn't too bad. 

Arthritis and depression go hand in hand. CBT took care of any depression I might have got. Pain does increase my BP but not too bad.  A juggling act and I am not the only one who has to do this. My friend plans on taking care of me when she gets here so I can continue to reduce the Prednisone and see if I can get my adrenal cortex to start producing it again.
A challenge, and I like a challenge. At least I have a good pain tolerance. Attitude seems to have a big affect on this. It is easier to be in pain when I am happy. I notice it less then. Busy helps. I will just not be this foolish when it is time to garden. And I will hire help if needs be since there is so much to do. 

Sausage rolls for lunch, comfort food.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I feel like someone beat the crap out of me. Everything is stiff and sore. Hot shower might help. It will pass so it isn't going to cause anxiety. Still this is not much fun. Pain killers today.

10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Davit, your optimism is always inspiring, so I read your posts, even if I don't respond, participate. Mom was unwell yesterday, and I thought I slept well, but was drained in the morning. It must had shaken me. I'm better, trying to tweak the darn furnace, after recording the temperatures, and trying to figure if it's a dirty filter I should change(it's only 15 days) or if it's just the cumulative cold days, and the duration of the cold during those days? I think it's the weather. Assuming the house is cleaned about the same amount, although the unfinished basement walls do shed their dirt, I guess I'll just have to crank up the heat. I need some sleep, and want to get a head start now. I'd like to watch an inspirational video from the Tedx series, on youtube. I just wish I didn't have so many nightmares. I consoled mom once, telling her that nightmares are just ourselves getting rid of toxic thoughts creatively. Maybe I should follow my own advice?

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