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Ashley -> Health Educator

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How´s it going?

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Made it through another back to business as usual..
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hugs, Well do if we go. It's a antique farm engine and tractor show but there may be some model T's at the show too. So I'll take a pic if I see one. We store our travel trailer at a RV park that has free water so we fill up our spare water barrels there other wise it would cost us to much to fill them at home and we don't get very much rain in Southern California.
We are in a severe drought here right now and the central part of the state is in a emergency stage drought. They grow many of the vegetables that people buy all over the country. So expect the price of produce to go up and the price of meat and chicken too as they eat grain which takes lot of water to produce..
You are lucky you get lots of rain, sure wish we did. It's good to see your channeling your frustration over your neighbor and their messy pigeons in a positive way.
10 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Red, Water conservation comes easily in your state, and I admire that! I have the option of harvesting some rain, from the eaves, but there's a lot of concerns, and I might try it with a smaller rainbarrel. It's funny that we can get too much rain, but that's the plight of being human-being at the mercy of nature, versus trying to turn everything into a man-made machine which doesn't even work right? I was going to go for a walk, to get rid of this nagging backache, but noticed that strong winds blew a cover off an old ac unit. With pigeons roosting above, I thought I'd have to do some cleanup, and replace the cover, and clean the cover too. I mixed a bleach cleaning solution, and climbed up a ladder( which I nearly fell off of), and clean the ac cover. I'll leave it to the rain to wash off the bleach, since it's going to rain overnight. I actually enjoyed channelling my frustration with my neighbour and her friendly pigeons, into cleaning the cover. While nature cleanses the ac cover, I temporarily placed a black garbage bag over the ac unit. I wonder if I should just adjust the garbage bag permanently over the unused window unit, since that's what a lot of people do? The cover I have though, it tight and small, but is so much more robust, and made of leather, from a family member. Mysteriously, my backache disappeared. I'd love to see a picture of one of your favourite cars, if you go to the show.
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Today started out really good with more energy than usual today. So after breakfast we went to the store to get supplies, my idea was get this task over and get the crock pot going when we get back..Of course a little monkey wrench got thrown in unexpectedly. The kitchen stopped up thanks to some contractors putting there dry wall mud down the drain while they working on my kitchen remodel 7 years ago. They mud finally did what it does and stopped up the sink real good.
Anyway I can sure sympathize with you Davit needing to have people on your property or in your house. That is one of my worse triggers when it comes to anxiety or worse yet panic. The other one is doctors and hospitals and the worse one of all is surgery. I have backed out of surgery twice now..
Anyway we came home put the groceries away and then had to start working on the stopped up drain. I did put the chicken in the crock pot first..Ya for me!! The snake wasn't working at first so Edd went and got a new one and I stayed home and gave it a shot myself..and what I pulled back was dry wall mud from 7 years ago..Man those construction workers their gifts just keep on giving..Anyway Edd worked on it some more and we unstopped the sink finally..Of course what motivated us the most was our dislike for letting anyone in the house to do anything unless we have to because it has been our experience that the do more harm than good. We did have someone do the roof last year and it went well so they aren't all bad I guess.
I still have bad bad memories about the year of renovations on the house 7 years ago..I had a major melt down during that time and spent all day one day wandering around the house after it was gutted wearing my late husbands ball cap with all his  military metals on it..Thank God Edd had a camper for us to sleep in. Or I would have lot my mind completely..
I am so so grateful we could clear the drain ourselves today. I was really sweating for a while here today..Thank God it's over and I can go back to enjoying my day again.
Well, Edd just go home from filling our spare 35 and 55 gallon water barrels, just in case we need them if not than maybe we will take a trip in the travel next weekend to Tulare Calif to see their antique farm engine and tractor show..We haven't decided just yet, there's still time for that..It will be a 6 hours drive in heavy traffic..if we go..
Back to cooking my chicken
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well I'm less grumpy now. I found some one else that can work but not till Friday so I'm still waiting. Oh well. Life is like that. I'll find something else to do, no shortage of things to do. Tomorrow it is going to rain. That should get rid of more snow. It isn't going to freeze tonight so it could melt all night. I will be glad when the snow is gone. I still have two plants to move but one is froze in still.


Tea break is over, back to work.
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm grumpy today. I don't like to sit around and I especially don't like to work around other peoples convenience. And I have to do that with the guy I hired to finish my green house. It wouldn't bother me so much if it didn't remind me of a relationship where the ladies dog was more important to her than me. I'd like to forget that but it is in memory and keeps coming up. I've tried the usual things to block it. I just want the green house finished so I can get on to other things. Especially since it is going to rain tomorrow. I would do it myself but my new partner doesn't want me to and since she is paying half the bills she has equal say. She is right too. Ladders are no place for me to be any more.  I can multi task but some things I just like to finish before moving on to the next.

The worst part of all this is that too much thought makes things worse than they are or were. And I do not like me when I get like that. And I usually like me.

10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Not much going on here today..Worked on a jigsaw puzzle this morning as a distraction..Now off to find something else to do..Don't want to let the mind idle for to long other wise it may drift off to negative thoughts and things..
10 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hugs, Davit and Red!

Great to read from you three.

Yes, we do need more people posting. Hopefully now that the site is in tip top shape we'll have some new members stop by.

Ashley, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Ashley,
It's good to see and hear from you again..Thanks for the update on the site... It's good to see it up and running again..
10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley.

Everything seems fine on this end. Still not enough people posting though.


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