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8 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Christi, All The Best, you will definitely quit Smoking. You know when I decided to quit I did not use any substitute, I just quit suddenly. After that I tried not to even think about cigarette and I succeeded and three months passed now I haven't smoked. Even you can try this, just don't even think of cigarette, if it comes in mind just divert your mind to somewhere else, like start running or walking fast it will definitely reduce your cravings.
8 years ago 0 11220 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome ChristiC,

Congrats on getting started. I am very sorry to hear about your recent scare with your father. I think you leading by example is a great approach. The depression and trouble sleeping will subside soon. Exercise, getting outside and lots of rest will help right now. Be sure you go to bed at the same time every night, no computer or smart phone at least an hour before bed, cut back on caffeine and find different ways to relax yourself life warm milk or herbal teas before bed. I hope you are feeling better already.

How are you feeling today? 

Ashley, Health Educator
8 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My name is Christi. This is day 2 for me. I decided to quit for many reasons. The main reason being I have diabetes and am terrified about the repercussions of smoking for 5 years now. But I figure, better late than never. Haven't had any health scares but I've noticed in the past year, I'm less energetic, cough more, and have a harder time exercising. So decided it's time to try and be healthy.
 My dad recently had a heart attack. Which scared the hell out of me. He's 56 and he's been a smoker since his 20s. His father, my grandfather, passed away from lung cancer. After seeing my dad have a heart attack, I guessed that scared me straight. I really hope I can do this. My dad and brother both still smoke. Maybe I can motivate them to quit.
The hardest thing so far is dealing the depression symptoms. I feel HORRIBLE mentally. I haven't felt this bad since I was a teenager :(  I feel completely unmotivated, listless, and overall blah. Please tell me this gets better. I'm having cravings just to make this feeling go away. I don't want to do anything. I have to get up early in the morning for work and have also had a terrible time falling asleep. So going on no sleep too.
I reallllly hope the symptoms subside. Does anyone have any advice? I'd appreciate it.

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