Hi all, Name's David, Dave, or any derivative thereof...
I am a new quitter, well not really new to attempting to quit, as I have done numerous times in the past, but definitely new to actually quitting.
I was a pack and a half to two packs a day smoker for the past 20 years. I am now on Day 13 of Chantix, and smoke-free for 3 of them. I never would have believed I could make it this far, and I know for a fact, based on the past three days experiences, that I can definitely quit for good this time!!!
I found this site through posts on Topix.com in the "Has anyone ever heard of Pfizer's Chantix" thread. Seems a lot of folks over there used to or maybe even still do visit here regularly.
I'm looking forward to interacting with everyone here, and posting my own quit experiences so that maybe others can take some solace and know that they can make it as well...If I can, than anyone can!!