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Lousy Days Are Back Again

14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How about volunteering at a place that wants volunteers not free employment?  You didn't say what you work you prepared to do.  Is there some transferable skills where you can look beyond the specific field?  Often times there are liability issues allowing people to work for no money; how are you addressing this?  I'm not familiar with Canada's liability issues (I know it says I'm from Canada but I'm not) and/or their programs.  Here there is a vocational rehabilitation program that helps people with disabilities (including depression) find employment.  Do you have anything comparable?  Do they have placement specialists?  How about looking for a job then moving into the area you are trained for at an employer who hires the people trained in what you do????
Just some suggestions. I hear your frustration.  The economy is bad; holidays is a bad time (pre and post) to find jobs. 
Congratulations on completing your training program.  That is an accomplishment, something you should be proud of and even if you don't use it (I have an education but due to my depression am unable to work in that capacity) no one can take it away from you!!!  It is yours!  Again, congratulations.  Hang in there.  The stats show for every 10 applications there are 9 no's.  So keep that in mind. 
Networking is a good resource like Josie said.  Also, keep a log; who did you contact; who did you sent a resume to; when did you send it; when will you follow up on that.  Did you include a cover letter?  If you get an interview did you sent a thank you note.  If you didn't get the job it's okay to talk to the employer and get some feedback on your interviewing skills and how/what you could have improved on that will help in the future.
Okay, enough.  Just some ideas.  Good luck!!!!!
14 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah I agree with Jose, good job on doing something about your situation and going to upgrade. I really also do believe that just because the doors seemed to be closed at this moment, there is a reason for all of this, one will open up when you least expect it. You can't give up now though, you have come so far, evne if you don't feel like it keep going!

14 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for checking in. You have upgraded and this does put you in a better position and your qualifications are increased which makes you a better candidate.  Have you spoken to your professors about possible connections?  How about your classmates?  Have they had any luck? Why not try a head hunter to do some of the work for you?
After the holidays is definitely a down time in the work industry, so give it some more time.  You can also volunteer to get yourself back into the work force slowly.
Keep in mind you went back to upgrade and this is commendable, you are doing something to progress and move forward!
Josie, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya All:
Haven't posted here in a while but I'm really at a low period right now, especially tonight, there is a lot of anger.
Anger because I feel as if I have emerged from a cocoon after 3 years of this emotional roller-coaster and there is nothing, no hope for a future, no hope for a job, no hope for a life.  In short no hope.
You see I have been attending a up-grading course at a college near by since September 2008. The main reason I enrolled was because of the work placement component of the program.  Being re-integrated back into the work force was my main goal.  The program I thought had ties with the business community who knew of the emotional issues the students in this program have faced.  A lot of people including myself were under the impression that the program which has a job developer got the students the placement - wrong!  It's all up to us and in the economy employers it seems don't even want people who work for free.  Believe me I have tried and tried and tried to find a placement since September 2009.
I now find myself saying where do I go from here?
Just wondering if any others have been in a similar situation emerging only to find - what?
How did you deal with it?
Success stories would be nice to hear.

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