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Taking An Opportunity

11 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cute pic Shari.  My daughter adopted two weiner dogs from a daschund rescue centre in the U.S. a few years back.  For a Halloween costume she had a hotdog bun for one of them.  It was very light and not uncomfortable.  It was never on too long...

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sunny 

Thanks for your response!  I used to have a Toy Poodle and I taught myself to groom her, from books.  I did such a good job, when I was at the Vet, their Groomer came out and offered me a job!  Unfortunately, the Vet I went to was a two hour drive, one way, so I couldn't do a 4 hour commute through both D.C. and Baltimore rush hours; I'd spend half the day getting there and the other half getting back.  You will laugh at this...I am a great dog groomer, but it takes me like 8 hours to do one tiny dog and you're supposed to only take an hour and a half.  Of course, I gave my little dog tons of breaks.  I would usually do her head, paws and tail one day, which made her body look like a Chia Pet, and then I would do her body the next day.  So, if I had a week, I could probably get a couple of dogs done   In the States they do have mobile groomers that drive their van up to your house and wash and groom your dog in your driveway, so they don't have the stress of being in a cage at a groomer's all day.  Also, they have do it yourself dog washes at many groomers.  You can come in and wash your dog yourself and spare yourself a hamster sized hair clog in your own bath tub   I'm trying to think of alternate ways I can help animals where I'm not tempted to taking them in, myself.  I'll keep working on it.  I thought about taking George with me to the shelter, but then I thought, we both might walk out with dogs.  I'm laughing, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.  I just haven't found the right venue.  On a side note:  I'm glad you spelled purposefully correctly.  I meant to spell it that way, but I type faster than I think and some times my words come out in ridiculous ways.  After posting and re reading it, I usually wince - oh well, at least everyone knows what I mean.  I just thought that was funny.

11 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Shari:  Oh gosh, I have no advice on this one.  It's tough.  I feel it.  I can mention that I did know someone who was going to AA and you are right.  They purposefully avoided those places which caused them to be tempted when they were still weak.  Some could never go to those places again, where alcohol was served and people were having a good time, mainly bars and lounges, but some after they were sober for a long while and strong and healthy, could with no problem at all and even serve alcohol in their own homes to guests without any temptation.  George seems to be very understanding which is good support for you.  What other avenues might there be for support/education re: animal care?  Did you ever think about pet grooming?  It's not exactly saving animals but there sure is a need for it.  Wouldn't it be great if someone could come to your home and do it there?  The animal might not be so nervous.  
Just an idea,
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Maybe someone could help me out here.  I need advice.  I am waffling over going to the animal shelter.  The shelter I'm going to, kills the animals there.  If I see a Chihuahua or a little Dachshund, or a little Poodle mix, I honestly don't trust myself to walk away.  I'm concerned/afraid that I will come home with another dog or kitten.  I'm not saying it is bad for me to adopt.  It just took a long time for my two Chihuahuas to work out their pack leader issues and throwing another dog into the mix, is going to disturb the peace and although there's a chance it won't disturb the peace, I don't have a guarantee.  My rescuing animals, in the past, has been like a recovering alcoholic going to a bar, just to hang out.  What are the odds the temptation to drink will over come his sobriety?  I try to stay away from shelters, because I don't know if I can walk away and let an animal die.  I know I can't save them all, but realistically, I can save one.  I don't trust myself.  I talked to my husband about it and he said he couldn't walk away from a Chihuahua that looked like our old dog, who passed away a couple of years ago, and he couldn't walk away from a Dachshund (his favorite breed).  It doesn't seem like I would get in trouble with George if I did adopt a dog, but I don't know if I really should do that.  The odds of me walking away empty handed are slim.  Although, I have walked away before.  I was trying to think of alternate ways to help animals without the temptation that working at the shelter provides.  I thought about starting a Facebook page with everything that's important to me like spay and neutering your pets, saving the environment, saving the whales, etc.  But, George said only your friends read your Facebook page.  He said I would need to blog if I wanted others to read it.  Then, my daughter warns of "trolls" who purposely attack your blog or Facebook, just 'cause it's fun and then they go and troll someone else.  I know I'm probably making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be.  It's something I'm passionate about, so I'm not objective.  I also don't trust myself volunteering with rescues and no kill shelters, because I get emotionally attached to the animals I work with and in the past, I've ended up adopting them.  It's called Foster Failure :)  I'm also thinking about not doing anything until the spring, because of the move, which will give me more time to think. Thanks for any help or ideas.  P.S. I just got a call from the Geo Thermal Company and the coil replacement came in for our heating system and they want to come out this Monday, so I won't be able to go on to the shelter as planned that day.  I wonder if it's a sign - ha ha.

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
New avatar in honor of volunteering at the animal shelter.

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Ashley!

11 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Fantastic! So glad you decided to give her a few chances.

Ashley, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Sunny!

Irene said she works from home, so it's important for her too, to meet for coffee.  I'm really happy 

11 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Shari:  Woohooooo! a real coffee date and perhaps an intro to a couple of other ladies' groups.  Sounds good.  I think your attitude/perception was great.  Good for you, I'm proud of you for being friendly, patient, understanding and flexible.  You gave this relationship a chance to grow and hopefully it will be beneficial for both of you.  She sounds like one busy lady at work and a coffee date would probably be a nice occasion for her to get to relax a bit.  

11 years ago 0 1071 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley,

I'm taking away the idea, that just because something is new or unknown, doesn't mean it has to be feared.  So, I will continue to try new things and not be so concerned about it.  

I have apprehension about the Animal Shelter on Monday, not because it's new or that I'm afraid.  I'm going to go and see if it's something I can do.  I believe I can do it, I just have concerns about adopting which I really don't need to do.  I'm going to see if I can help and make a difference.  I won't know unless I try.  I was also thinking that people without anxiety issues, are probably apprehensive, as well, about trying new things.  I heard a great quote, "It's okay to be afraid as long as you don't let it change who you are." That's my new motto :)

So, the last time I heard from Irene was an email yesterday saying to meet her at 10:30 for coffee and I agreed.  So, I get a phone call at 9:30, from Irene, stating that she is already at the coffee house.  She said she never got my email about me meeting her and I said I never got her email with the time change (she had a meeting at 11 a.m.).  I told her to give me 10 minutes and I'd be over there (it took 15 minutes).  Initially, I was angry, for the last minute switch, and I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get dressed and take care of the pets, and my heart was racing.  I was thinking, why am I rushing for someone who it not dependable, so I slowed it down a bit, to a normal pace of getting ready.  My main concern was that she'd be gone by the time I got there, but she was there with her iPhone and iPad and coffee.  I erased my negative thoughts and decided to enjoy the moment.  It turns out that I really like her a lot and we have many things in common.  I also found out that her boss just passed away and she has quadruple the amount of work that she used to have. And, that she is "on call" for work and conference calls and meetings, so at any time her schedule can change, even at the last minute.  So, taking it all into consideration, if I want to be her friend, I need to be flexible and spontaneous, and so the question becomes, do I want to do that.  And, to be honest, I really do.  After her daughter graduates from college in a year and a half, she is going to move from the area, so at least I'll have a friend till then.  Fridays are less busy for her and she also likes to go to Starbuck's and Books A Million, in addition, to where we met today at Panera Bread.  She's gone for two weeks out of each month, traveling for business, so the next time she can meet is the first week in February, so I'm going to get dressed early and be prepared for anything and just have fun.  I think she's good for me, because I am a planner and I like to know everything, months in advance.  She's spontaneous and flexible and I used to be that way when I was younger and had college friends.  I'd get a last minute call and was up for anything, so I'd like to do that again.  I think as long as I go with the flow and don't take it personally, this will work out fine.  It may be that I can't make it sometimes, but the other times, when I can, it will be fun.  So, I'm going to lighten up, be flexible, spontaneous and fun.  How's that for going outside of the box and my comfort zone :)  Come to think of it, I'm spontaneous when my daughter comes for visits, every other weekend.  We never know what we're going to do and we just figure it out as we go along and we always have fun.  When did I become a control freak and fuddy duddy - ha ha.  Well, here's to trying new things, being a free spirit, and having fun and enjoying life.  Oh!  And, Irene, is a member of two other meet up groups with women our age and she's going  to invite me to their activities when she gets back, so I'll have a bigger social network and other people to do things with after she moves.  So, my social life is looking up!  I'm glad I stuck with it, instead of throwing in the towel.  It was worth the effort.

Cheers, Shari

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