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Disturbing New Symptoms

12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Motorgirl,
I hope you are feeling better. It kind of let up for now and I hope it will for you too. I was thinking it was a UTI or ovulation or a little cyst, all those are harmless so I am hoping its one of those things so I will not be scared anymore. I scare too easy.
You can pull a muscle down there if you lift something, did you life something? you had mentioned that or sleeping in a awkward position can too, I know it bothers my neck and back if I do OR it could be you're ovulation, please let me know how you are, come too think of it I did do some lifting that day and vacuming so perhaps I pulled muscles too? So confusing.
Today is my wedding anniversary and I am SO hoping its a good day for me, I would love to get the courage too go out too dinner! Its a work night for my husband but I know he would go if I felt good, say a little prayer wish me luch that I can!
12 years ago 0 25 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Deborah :)
It's strange that you mention the ovarian thing right now because I have been having the same problem. It hurts and I keep wondering "what in the world is wrong with me?!". I have been stressed lately, but it's not normal for me to have those pains outside of my cycle... I have come to think that it may have to do with the way I am sleeping or from lifting things that are too heavy. Not sure. I'm curious to see what the others say about it.
12 years ago 0 542 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Carmie, Hi Davit,

I could not get online last night, sometimes my computer will not let me connect to the internet, so finally its working again.

I have missed you Davit? Its always nice hearing from you, I am trying to think positive, the good news is the panic attacks seem too be under control, thank God, but the worry and hypocrondrias seem to be blazing! What do you think of that?

You sound good Carmie, I hope work was good today if you went. Davit had very good advice about penicillian, I take that when I get sick, amoxcillian OR Kelflex, it seems to work, the only side-effect I had was a little loose stools the first day, which was nothing, take it with milk or food, I have taken it with and without food, the only think is I think pencillian takes a few days longer too work than the new fancy ones, but only like two more days, I feel comfortable with the old timers.

I have been having lower stomach issues all weekend, pains in my lower stomach and ovaries, like a aching pain that shoots too my back, I thought it was a UTI but I have no fever, I got worried last night and kind of freaked out, I started thinking "Oh my God I just KNOW its bladder cancer or ovarian cancer or stomach cancer or diabieties, it took a long time of breathing and praying too calm down, I wish these terrible morbid thoughts would just leave my brain and body its so exhausting and scary and I know in my heart its harboring and making my recovery harder and this thing lasting longer, I really truely thought when the panics left the hypocrondrias, body symptoms and fear and worry would go, that has not happened yet, first I thought heart attack then stroke now I am in my "cancer phobia" and I hate it but I seem unable to stop it, its a little better then comes back full stream ahead, right now my lower tummy is hurting all over, I am hoping it will go away, it shoots too my lower back, the good news is the upper and mid back pain calmed down, that can be attributed to my mattress I fixed, but I cannot blame my stomach pain on a bad mattress. Do you ever have ovarian pain Carmie, like way down low on each side, I do during ovulation,, but thats over and its no where near my period, I wish it would go away, its scaring me, believe it or not its not the pain that bothers me too bad, its the fear of "whats causing it" I try so hard to focus on other things and not think about it, but it scares the heck out of me, I know ovarian and bladder are bad cancers too have, and my husband would be so mad, I mean he could not even handle the panic attacks how is he going to handle cancer? I would have noone to help me! I must stop these thoughts, thats why I sleep a lot just too get a break from all these thoughts, medication takes the edge off, but I am so hoping CBT will cure it, Sunny said she went through it three times {the program} I may have too also, my friend said "you are doing Something wrong Deb" but what is it" what am I doing so wrong??

I hope you are better Carmie and I hope you are feeling good Davit, that wood burning stove sounds so cozy.
12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It does, Davit.  I genuinely feel better than I have in days!  I think that after a good night's sleep, I'll be ready to return to work tomorrow.  I am so grateful to you.  I hope already mentioned that your avatar is adorable and funny.
Thank you!
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think it is. At least knowledge has helped me a lot. See how it calms you just knowing.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wow, this is great, Davit.  I realize now that I have to address my anxiety symptoms along with the symptoms of the strep and/or the antibiotics - and chances are most of my symptoms now are due to the anxiety.  Basically, the only lingering symptoms for me are fatigue, no appetite, bloating, and a rash. 
I think it's fair to say (and my doctor agreed) that these are not things that are unusual or even harmful.  So, my game plan is to rest and to relax.  I think if I do my appetite should return and the rash will go away and my energy will also return.
I can't thank you enough.  Knowledge seems to be the most powerful tool in combating anxiety. 
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Yes I had bloating and felt too full to eat. It was an anxiety symptom. Oddly enough a little calcium and Lemon Balm tea helped. Valium gets rid of it almost instantly so it has to be an Anxiety symptom. 
Antibiotics affect how your body feels and works and this becomes an unconscious trigger in the sensitive. It goes away a few days after the antibiotic is done and clears. Cephalasporins' don't do this too me.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you!  I was searching the forums yesterday because I knew that you had posted once about antibiotics that caused you anxiety!  I am so relieved to know this (sorry to know what you had to go through - but still relieved to know that it may likely be contributing to my wild days of the past week!). 
As I mentioned on another post, I am going to take this as an opportunity to do the panic simulation homework I've been pointing off. 
Davit, did you have difficulty eating or with bloating?  Aside from the fact that I am exhausted and anxious, not being able to eat is the third worst side effect that I am feeling.  I think I have 4 more days.  I think I might have a party when I am through!
We can have an on-line celebration, too!
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Penicillins' are one of the class of antibiotics that give me symptoms varying from anxiety to outright panic. They also made me quite nauseous. I don't know if it was from the panic side effect or the opposite. I was on very heavy dose though ( 3X Max.) If you do find a connection between the two then you can treat it with thought restructuring and it isn't as bad. Tetracyclines' are another antibiotic that does the same but in much lower doses. So much so that some people think they are allergic.

12 years ago 0 373 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It's funny because Annemarie is my real name but most of my friends call me Carmie.  You can call me either.  My doctor was all booked today, too.  I saw one of her colleagues instead, someone that I really like - he was my daughter's softball coach.  He thought that I should go back on the Penicillin, the first antibiotic that I was on.  He was of the opinion that I wasn't on it for long enough.  He gave me some tips like taking the antibiotic with food.  I still don't have any appetite but I am forcing myself to eat a bit at meals so I can get my strength back.  I really want to have this illness behind me.  I have not been this sick in a long time.  I have missed quite a bit of work but my boss and coworkers are very understanding. 
I'm sorry that things were so frustrating for you today.  I will share what is helping me most as I navigate this illness.  When I feel symptoms, I am just making a note of them, I am not going to make judgments based on my symptoms.  I have to have faith in my ability to heal and to get better.  I have to make a choice to not spend hours worrying about things I notice.  I have to focus on resting and filling my head with positive things.  Davit talks about our backpack of positive thoughts.  It's time for me to fill the backpack up.
Do you have any Nancy Drew books around?   Maybe you can treat yourself - to help you get through the night.  Let's both try to have a good and restful night.  Do you have an ipod?  I borrow the kids' ipod and I have been listening to a wonderful program with all sorts of relaxation exercises.  It has down a great job of helping me to sleep while I have been anxious.
I am going to try taking a relaxing shower right now and we'll see how that goes.  It's night time now - is it any warmer where you are?  Can you do something you enjoy?

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