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A Simple Way to Feel a Bit Better Now

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Maybe I should read the manual, since there is so much time at docs' offices.  I'd be a genius.  I did actually read into a wonderful book last time I was at the doc's office.
I don't actually have bucket list.  I was speaking about the list of things which I use repeatedly under my file menu or ..."A collection of direct links to predefined web pages which is stored in your web browser. Favorites can be created and managed by  the user ...". 
My favourites include: Finances, Food, Miscellaneous, Mom,Spiritual,Home Projects and they all magically add up to seven, which is the optimum number between 5-7 which one average person can mentally grasp at one time.  Each has subdivided links to other places on the internet, and so on.

  It's like the musical playlist I think(I don't have a musical collection or medium, but still have an old reel-to-reel tape recorder, and was a creative young man, until I hit a speed bump on  my information highway). 
Mine are things I refer to, instead of thing's I'd like to do. 
See what I mean by being a "popcorn" brain.  I feel like I went around the world, and back...but then if I did, I could stop over at the "Hard Crock Caffe" for some hamburger and beetroot
Cold north American winters ruined my mom's crocodile shoes, she says, as former clothes horse.  I was mesmerized by an ant today, as I arrived early in the massage therapist's office.  I really wished to save it from being stepped on, as someone put on her coat and shoes(not crocodile), on the other hand I didn't think it was a good place to be hanging out, for health reasons.
This brain needs cooling and meditative prayer to be ready for a cavity filling and cleaning tomorrow
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Be glad you don't use a Mac. It can be programmed so touching the pad with more than one finger does different things and sliding different ways including in a circle does even more. Then there is tapping. Of course it can all be programmed out too. So what is this then, over a dozen different ways to make a mistake. Fun hey.

11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hugs, I kind of have a bucket list too. I was watching a travel show about things in my local area, and heard about a portrait sculpture course in Brisbane which is about an hour or so drive from my town. I tried, unsuccessfully, to create a sculpture of a face from clay in my art class at school so this class would teach me how to do this successfully! I've also been trying to find art books that show you techniques for painting landscapes :)
And it's okay, I understood what you meant even with the typo ;) 

Davit, powdery mildew is slightly different in that the spores are airborne and affect mainly the leaves. I know it has a tendency to affect zucchini plants too and these plants grow in full sun, which isnt what you'd expect for a fungus. I'm hoping it does too, because the leaves are the whole point of having a Japanese Maple tree. Gardening definitely is peaceful, and a great way to get some fresh air and sunshine. It would be hard though having reduced mobility, have you seen the little padded stools you can get for kneeling and sitting? 

I could imagine with the geese! Tulips are amazing, and seeing them coming through the snow. Wow! I've never actually seen snow, it only snows in the Southern states of Australia and I live up in the tropics. 


11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My reply should read.."having a Ferrari mind and Chevrolet brakes just isn't practical....."
I find that touching my touchpad on my laptop causes havoc.  I don't think I know how to use it.  It would help if I typed with hands "floating" over the pad, so I don't worsen my carpal tunnel syndrome. so I'll remember this typo to use good technique in the future.
Having a bit of OCB can actually help
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm totally organic and always have been so if I'm not careful I can lose things to fungus in my green houses. Fungus needs moisture which it gets from a cut or just being wet. Plants prone to fungus should not be in shade or overhung by other trees. I spray my trees with a combination of dormant oil. (mineral oil) mixed with lime and sulphur. It also keeps lichens and moss from growing on them and kills eggs that bugs lay at the joints.
I hope your fungicide works. Trees have a persistence we could learn from. 
Being at the opposite end of the world spring is just starting and the Geese are letting me know it. They are so noisy.
Tulips amaze me, they push up through the snow against all odds and survive. 
Sun is shining so we should lose quite a bit more snow and I have repairs to do on my equipment before it is needed. A necessary evil I must admit if I want to garden. Being a cripple I use low raised beds that I straddle with a bench to plant and weed. It is the most peaceful thing in the world and productive too.

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
brakes just isn't practical.  How do we get grounded may be a topic for another thread.Katie,
I've been doing Cbt for a long time, so I've compiled a list of things I'd like.  In the meantime, I ran out of time, and just have a list, with a lot of links under my computer "favourites".  This particular course is similar to another I did, but the delivery is different.  Both instructors have great detail skills, but this one is an architect and the other was more hands-on.
To return my popcorn brain to your question about learning about activities, I can use that information now for a friend who's coming to visit next month, but the frustration for we popcorn brains is that no-one can keep up.
Having a Ferrari mind and Chevrolet
11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Gardening certainly is rewarding, the more you put in the more you get out. Yesterday I had to go buy some fungicide spray for my poor little Japanese Maple tree. It's been suffering from powdery mildew because of our summer heatstroke as well as rain depression from cyclones up in North Queensland. The tree itself is still alive and is growing new shoots all the time, but I cannot manage to keep the leaves alive as the mildew kills them. Hopefully this spray will help but my tree is a reminder for me that perseverence and resilience is what keeps you going. It's a little fighter, and so am I!


I have a 'popcorn' brain too, it always bounces from one topic to the next. Sometimes people have a hard time keeping up with where the conversation is at. With the uncomfortable woodshop chairs, you're lucky to have chairs. In my woodwork class, we had to stand for the full 70 minutes and if we leant or sat on the benches, we got into trouble! Haha. Those different courses you do sound really interesting, how did find out about them?

11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Writer Wallace Stevens said, "sometimes the truth lies in a walk around the lake".
11 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Activity is something I've build into my week, by coercing myself to attend my gym through a monthly paid membership, where I can listen to music, be among a variety of ages who are enjoying the bright lights, tennis courts, squash courts, and vibrant community centre with an art gallery and restaurant along with a banquet hall.
On a daily basis, I never mind doing an "extra" set of stairs, if I've forgotten something, since I know it adds activity  to my day, and exercise of any amount is helpful, I don't hesitate. 
I also take opportunities when I'm out, to be active rather than be at rest, or idle.  In my evening course, which takes place in a woodshop, the seats are terribly uncomfortable, and I could see that others couldn't sit comfortably either, so took advantage of the door being ajar to close it, or standing to stretch.  Next week, I'd like to look at the instructor's architectural drawings, by walking to the side as he refers to them, rather than sit and feel uncomfortable.
A nutritionist spoke about research which recommends that day-long exercise blended into the day is superior to small exercises dedicated to a short period of a single day.  This conflicted with a course on decluttering where the instructor suggested keeping desks and gadgets close to one another for "efficiency".
I missed your reference to seeds, and starting the garden.  As you say "gardening is a discipline", and having discipline is hard when my "popcorn brain" takes me to so many places in so short a span of time.  I think my brain is slowing though, although I wish I could harness the energy productively.
This state of mind makes me want to burn off the energy regularly.
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is almost noon here and I have so far mixed bread and set it to rise and then watered all the flats of seeds that cover every available surface in the house. It is snowing and I have to go to the store now. I don't really want to but We do need some things. Just like I don't want to loosen up the soil in the greenhouses but I will. From experience I know I will be glad I did. Life is like that. I prefer to be unhappy now than later when I wish I had done the little things before they became big things. Gardening is a discipline that has taught me patience and determination. It has taught me that little things can add up to big rewards. Still sometimes it is so hard to get mobile. Especially when it is snowing on the emerging Tulips. It is not as bad as I make it sound, it is snowing but melting at the same time. It will be okay, most things are and those that aren't I probably have little control of anyway.


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