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Can someone help me figure out how to communicate with people on here?

11 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Red... I've been in recovery for so long and really have done well over the past 11 years.. Not sure why, but the anxiety came back recently especially at night.  Since I started to listen to meditation music last night it seemed to help a lot which I will do again tonight.  I would love a full night of sleep as I do work a full time job and not sleeping a good straight 6,7,8 hours gets to me..  I'm really trying and may even come on my computer, like you said, to see if anyone is awake or on line to talk to.  I like this site but I'm a HUGE people person so communicating via blog is kind of a bummer for me.. I like instant messaging too. I think sites like this should have access to that too. If anyone turns up a fake, you can always block them.  I would hope people would not come on this site as a joke though..  I'm really trying to use all my techniques, CBT, therapy, meds and etc. but sometimes I do get overwhelmed and just need to chat with someone to get out of my mind. I feel badly waking up my BF or Sister as they live with me because they need to get up early for work too.. I have reached out to them in the middle of the night and it has helped so I have to get over my guilt about waking them up. They don't mind so they say.. LOL..   Ok well I'm going to listen to a relaxation CD.  It helps me to chill and I'm going to try to listen to them more prior to bed and then listen to guided meditation while going to bed and hopefully this wake up cycle will come to an end soon. I have to remember prior to the anxiety returning, I had many good years of sleep and relaxtion.  I just have to let the neg OCD thoughts go and bring back the positive reinforcement that I will be ok...  It's nice emailing with all of you.. Thanks!
11 years ago 0 2508 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Monica

 Your doing great..Keep posting when and as often as you like and of course working the program it a big help...
We have never exchanged phone numbers here..Some have exchanged email addresses and have become pen pals and even partners here like David and Sunny, but most remain anonymous like myself..

One of the things I have done that helps me when I wake up in the night with anxiety or panic is to come here and use the search feature and look for and read posts from others who have had some of the same problems I am having..I also post in in the forum about how I am feeling while it is happening and that seems to help calm me down. I also turn on the radio at night and listen to it when I wake up in a fright and that helps take my mind off of it and I usually go back to sleep. Sometimes I just stay up and that is ok too..I don't have to do that very often now that I have been working the program here..Like last night I woke up in a panic and realized it was just a nightmare, so I just rolled over and back to sleep. This was the first time I was able to do this..So all I can say is that cbt must really work..I got 9 hours sleep last night for the first time in my life..and it felt great to have control again...

Keep reading, writing and working the program and it will get better..I have been posting here off and on for over three years now and sure it takes time but it will happen it will get better...


11 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Guys.
Thanks for responding.  I do realize that the internet is not always the safest place and that saddens me because I am an honest person and would never hurt anyone.  I enjoy talking to positive people on the phone. It helps me a lot.  I am on meds, doing CBT with a therapist and have a psychiatrist for my meds as well. I was looking for a local group but there aren't any in my area.  Katie as for the night, I was waking up with anxiety and I was feeling trapped.  Sometimes I still do.  I started listening to meditation CD's last night and it did help. I also listened to guided medication which I think helped. I'm trying to pinpoint why I'm so afraid of the dark and waking up in the middle of the night. It's just scary for me even with people right next to me.  I think it's a bit of the "fear of Dying."   I was free from Panic for 11 years and it reared it's ugly head again.  It just upset me very much and relearning the techniques is hard.. It's hard to remember sometimes..  I'm in NJ and it's darn cold.. LOL.. I'm having a hard time with being inside.  I'm claustrophobic so Winter is a little hard for me..   I've been getting out as much as I can but burrrrrrrrrrr it's cold..  I'm looking forward to the Spring and the flowers and trees blooming again..
11 years ago 0 177 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Monica,

I do fear waking up in the night to a certain extent. I quite often wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep. My problem isn't getting to sleep, it's staying asleep. Are you able to identify what exactly you are worried will happen if you wake up, or what it means? Waking up during the night isn't something to fear in itself. Are you worried about hearing noises when you wake up, such as thinking there may be an intruder in your house? Do you fear you will wake up and be alone? Once you can pinpoint what it is your afraid of, you can start using CBT to find the evidence as to whether that thought is true. For example, with the worrying about an intruder being in your house you might look at how often you have heard of people waking up in the night to find someone in their house compared to how many you know who have never had such an experience.

Do you actually wake up during the night, or are you just worried it might happen? There are some techniques for dealing with your anxiety once you have woken up. I always have some water beside my bed, and my window is always open. Fresh air helps. Maybe you could get up and go for a walk if you would find that relaxing. I usually have a magazine to read or a puzzle to do as a distraction. Anything that will help you to relax, as I said before, waking up during the night is nothing to fear in itself. It's mostly your thoughts and reaction to when this occurs.

As Davit and Sunny have said, personal contact with people you meet on the internet may not be very safe. You can never be too sure. There is generally people on here almost 24/7, so most of the time if you post in this forum someone will reply. I'm from Australia so midnight for you is about 3pm the next day for me, so if you're awake in the night I might be on here :)

Good luck,
11 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Instant messager never did work for me because I use a Mac computer. As for giving out phone numbers, there are two problems. What time zone are you in, and who really are you. This is a good program, but it is still internet. You can phone the crisis line in your area. I do trade Email, but I need to know a person is serious as would anyone. Besides you wouldn't get anything that you won't from reading the past posts. You can ask anything here and someone will answer.
There are no short cuts short of medication, CBT works but takes time. There is lots of information on what people do when they wake at night to get back to sleep. A lot depends on what the trigger is. 
Keep posting, you will get the answers you need.

11 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you. I'm trying... I'm looking for anyone who can give me insight on how not to fear waking up in the middle of the night. It's so scary for me and even with my BF living with me I'm still scared..  Is there something on here you recommend I can read to help with that?
11 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your doing fine!
Continue to post or search messages for added information.  If you have questions or concerns, post with us and know that the members are kind, caring and knowledgeable..they can help!
Take the time to look through the program and use the tips and tools. Don't forget to keep posting, it can be very therapeutic!
Josie, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 1665 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Monica:  Welcome to the program/forum.  I don't know if you can get phone numbers.  We just post and someone will see it and answer, just as I am now.  I hope you study the CBT program offered here.  It is the best for anxiety, etc.  Some of us post every day, under one of the topics, whichever one may interest you at the time.  Some only come to visit once in awhile and give their updates.  I do both.  
You can look up past posts too.  Lots of insights and success stories.  Good luck.

11 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm so confused as to how this works.  I can't seem to figure out how to connect with anyone on here. PLEASE HELP

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