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CBT Day €“ Anger, Part II

12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

HI Sonia,

Yes, but sometimes I’ve expressed myself too.   I tend not to express myself well, or be accomodating, at my expense.

I was working on a home project, and just realized how I was manipulated a couple of years ago. So many hours have transpired, with great guilt, i must admit, discussing this with my mentor. 
Answering "why" never helps change me

I can’t explain why I process so slowly, but I do. Once I remember being spontaneous, in a training programme. Someone commented on my being different, but it’s more the exception. I even have to compose my posts sometimes. It’s tough to be inside this skin, with so little to offer the world, but that’s the way I am.

If there were a device or pill that could make me more spontaneous, I buy eitwould her, but it’s just the way I am. I feel like Forrest Gump, but without his wisdom. Or like the 3 characters in the Wizard of Oz.
Less GAD, but Same Slowness
It’s no wonder I have GAD, I’m so vulnerable in the world. I can’t assert myself, so I’m a mark when trying to get services, if there’s a timeline. And who would wish to be in a relationship with someone who can’t respond in time?
I remember once at the gym membership office, the fitness co-ordinator was listening to a question posed to me, and she exclaimed “...can he talk?...”.   That was hurtful and inappropriate, since my fees, for the lifetime I’ve gone to that gym, paid her salary and benefits. 
I still venture out
I think it IS a dangerous world out there, for those who don’t have the tools to assert themselves. I wish I could “rent” the tools of “spontaneity”, but they’re not for rent. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taken “assertiveness” training, or similar skill-building workshops, or courses, but at some point, decisions have to be made. Maybe that word “agent” interested me since I need  to just get an advocate to help sometimes?
12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
By "mindful of your agency", I was referring to the awareness you have of your control, your own power over your emotional state. 
Interesting turn of events at the church...In your experience, do you find that the "inability to act" that you experienced can also occur when people become angry? 

12 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi hugs4u,
It sounds like you and I have a similar thing going on with allowing the thoughts to come up in our minds of those that have done us wrong.  I'll be busy getting ready for work, or just doing stuff around the house when I will start thinking of something that was done wrong to me.  It doesn't even start that way with the thought.  I could be thinking of something that somehow rolls into thinking about the person that has done me wrong.  I guess the hardest part I had to deal with this last year was being done wrong by those I met at my old church, one whom I thought was my closest friend.  I listen to alot of Joyce Meyers and have her book "Battlefield of the Mind".....don't know how you feel about her, but she has had some good teachings on our thoughts and how they can play a negative role in our lives.  Recently when these thoughts would come to my mind, I had to start quoting 2 Corin. 10:5 a coupla times to make the thoughts go away.  I know I can't change what has been done to me and I may never know why she walked away from me and another one of our close knit of friends, but I do know that I need to focus on me and getting better rather than allowing someone actions (or should I say lack of in this situation) continue to cause hurt and anger.  I am choosing to walk away from the closed doors so I won't miss the ones that will be opened for me.
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sonia,
I wasn't interacting at church, just an observer.  Similarly for my memories, it appears my mindset is a negative one. 
What is changing is my acceptance of my participation, in a deeper way  I'm keenly aware of my need to be accountable.
Is that what you mean by "agency".
Even at the church, I had to admit that I was flawed, and was admitting to the large group of people, that I needed this special "sacrament".  I realized this at the last moment, as I was listening to the priest describe the conditions for coming forward.  I looked around, and realized that others might be wondering what my "illness" was
A funny thing happened though, to a woman standing in front of me.  We were asked to present ourselves, and I was so surprised by a woman fainting when she was annointed, that I couldn't react.  I did look to see if she needed assistance
Later I was teased by less-than-pious family members who stated the woman probably hadn't eaten, or was hydrated.  I was dismissed when I suggested there was an spiritual encounter  My inability to act, because I was awed, was also attributed to "slow reflexes", since the woman fell backwards(she was caught by others), and I was spellbound
I was also worried if I fell backwards, since I'm much bigger and wouldn't wish to harm anyone(good news is I'm losing weight and close to my target weight)
12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi hugs4U,

Great are ultimately in control of your own feelings. You can choose to change your expectations and let go of anger.

Going forward, how can you set the scene for interaction so that your expectations are not influenced by memories? How can you remind yourself to be mindful of your agency over your emotions?
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
As I noted the number of times I was angered, which were far below the times I expected, I noticed that it was "ME" dredging up the memories.
People who might have slighted me, were not coming to me  and bothering me
At church today, as I was returning to my seat, I even noticed how I set the scene for anger.   I had an expectation that someone would take my seat.  However, there are many empty pews, and there was reason to have one place or another.
As I caught myself with an expectation which might have angered me in the past, I wondered if this was part of how I trigger my own anger. 
Maybe it is my irrational expectations which affect my mood negativelyand not those who I usually tag with "blame"
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
After listing the anger incidents, I noticed something interesting.  I'm continuing the anger listing.
This morning, a news bulletin aroused a thought of anger towards a former colleague.  But I haven't seen her in two years!
Although I worked in a negative environment, I wonder if I'm just "filtering" the world negatively, since this memory could have been seen differently.  This occured to me yesterday as I attempted a homework exercise, but couldn't dredge up enough energy to think of "fun" things or relaxation or leisure. 
Being able to see this possibility that it may be "ME" gives me hope.  This is especially true since not everyone felt bad at work
12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I'm really sorry to hear you had a bout of anger and that this caused some tension between you and your roommate. It sounds like this was a sensitive situation for you. How might you better redirect anger going forward? What healthy activities would help you deal with these feelings?

By the way, just saw your post here and realized you are considering trying journaling! This may definitely be a good idea!  Writing in a narrative way can help to organize thoughts, which then makes the course of action to be taken that much clearer. 

12 years ago 0 270 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi hugs4U,

It sounds like you're taking some great steps towards managing stress on a daily basis. Good stuff! 

12 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
With my circumstances, I had my 1st unexpected and scary bout of anger.  I feel so bad now because it was something my roommate said to me and I ended up yelling at her when it's not even her I'm mad at but to all my friends (but one) tha walked out of my life last year after a disc herniation, reherniation, then surgery which left me in chronic pain where I was no longer physically capable of providing trips for these friends through my timeshares.  One of them I thought was my closest friend and now she's gone.  She didn't even have the decency to call and check on me last month after 2 trips to the ER (1st one overnight stay in hospital for possible heart attack which was thankfully ruled out).  I posted this stuff on Facebook yet she chose not to respond or even call me, yet people on my Facebook that I've never even met (they were friends of my friends and got added on) would post thoughts and prayers.  I've went through alot of hurt over this which has made my anxiety worse.  I was shocked of this somewhat outburst of anger this evening since I'm not like that at all.  I remorsely apologized to my roommate, told her I wasn't mad at her but those that have hurt me and gave her a hug.  She said she understands as she is disabled and went through what I'm going through now.  As my roommate suggested to me last weekend, it may be a good idea for me to start journaling.  Did it years ago to get over some abuse as a child and abuse from my ex-husband and it helped so gonna give it another try.  Something else to add along with my counseling.

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