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New and a bit frightened.

12 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Again thank you all for your welcoming and supportive replies. Ive been slowly reading a few posts at a time the past few days..and will likely start posting off and on soon. Youll notice ill likely go in like crazy and then go quiet for a day or two lol. I also finnally put in for a appt with the local MHMR will be next tues Morning (suppost to be) to see if I qualify. Im scared to death I wont qualify financially and I wont be able to afford it. Tho I know I should..I mean heck I dont even make 900 a month with child support and am supporting 5 you would think..LOL and my son qualifies. My husband just keeps telling me to breathe and that we will find a way but my brain just wont quit there..I need to KNOW how we will find a way lol. Anyways..I should qualify..from there we will see what kind of help they are willing to give me..and what they say. I know it took awhile to get appointments for the kiddo..I think im getting impatiant already because now that ive convinced myself to seek afraid that I will either be denied it..or chicken out. Kinda helps knowing that at the very least I have this..Id like to have both..Id like to be officially evaluated..and treated and have this but it does help that I know that I am going to be able to work thro this either way lol and have the support group here either way.
12 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It can be hard to try to find the right help and feel certain that people are not going to judge you . i have had a lot of those fearful thoughts you express about what people will judge if you admit to them you want help. i wish all doctors and counselors could reassure clients that they are not going to use the info agaist you ever but they seem to do the opposite don't they? i find that whole scenario hard. 

I also don't talk to family members about any aspect of my mental health. they would not be compassionate and that is not my problem. but it is sad and frustrating. it is just the reality.

I know that people with anxiety can be excellent parents to their children. i wish i could impart that on everyone so that our fears could be laid to rest. its so sad but true that not everyone knows that. some peopel judge so harshly. but not on this forum. not that i've seen. so this is a good space to post!

someday anxiety won't be stigmatized. someday. i can't wait. 
12 years ago 0 4027 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome.  It took me a long time before I had the courage to post.
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You are most welcome here and so are your posts no matter how long or short. We really are a friendly bunch who want to help and support. And remember that even those of us here that are better once were just like you. We had trouble opening up too.

12 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just wanted to hop on and thank you all for the replys. It was super scary for me to post and introduction..which is likely why i rambled on so much. I tend to do that when nervous lol. Thank you all for the warm welcome. I Love the fact that this is a place I will be able to post and not feel like the weird person if you know what i mean. I intend to post here often, it may take me awhile to get to that point..posting in itself causes me to get a wee bit anxious. Its scary for me to come out of my immediate family and talk about these issues, For one of the same reasons I never looked for professional help..(other then finances). I keep getting this crazy Idea that by seeking help..the fear ill be seen as unfit because of this ..a unfit mother..wife..person. I KNOW its not true. I know Im not unfit, I know no ones going to come storming and and rip my son away..ect..I know having a anxiety disorder doesnt make me unfit..but those are the fears that pop in anytime i think of seeking help. It is so nice to just look through the boards and see that ones being judged for posting. No ones pointing fingers and yelling "freak". Its just nice to know I CAN post.LOL Again thank you all.
12 years ago 0 356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Cerrydwyne,

I joined this site last year and CBT did help me understand anxiety better. I thinkthere is a lot here on this site that can help you. And it is all free! Hooray! 

Over the last year or so of being here on and off I have seen this as the most supportive place i've found so far. No question is too silly. all questions are worth asking and all questions get attention from the moderators and other members. so it is a very supportive place to be. 

you are not alone. 

Sometimes my mood falls apart and I am unable to be on this site for a while. Then other times, my mood is back and I have to attend to all the work that piled up. and yet i am accepted here despite not being able to offer much help yet. Anxiety is awful. It can be managed. I believe that. 

good luck to you and post often!
12 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Cerrydwyne,
I can hear you are in a frustrating situation. It sounds like you want so badly to see progress but you are kind of "stuck" right now.  Well, you have found the right place. This program will give you the tools you need to take control of the anxiety.  The program is a lot of work but if you put the work in you will see results.  Make a plan on when you plan on working on the sessions. Stick with it and reward yourself for completing sessions and reaching goals.
Post often, we will be here to support you every step of the way.
I look forward to hearing more from you! It sounds like you have a thoughtful and determined attitude, I can't wait to see all of your successes.

Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome Cerrydwyn

My name is Davit. Your storey is a familiar one to many of us. Complete with controlling core beliefs, and a number of other things that add up to put you in the state you are in. 

This program does work. It is based on CBT, a proven cure and is in simple steps. People who do it say they get some relief with as few as a couple of sessions. It is information you need to understand what is happening and how to change it. It isn't magic it is logic and does take time.
No gimmicks, just logic and answers. Oh and support. There is a very good support group here with loads of personal help ideas. A really good place to vent or just talk and a good place to ask questions when you don't understand something.
If you get time to read past posts you will see that your condition is reversible and that I have done it as have others.


12 years ago 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone. I dont really know where to start. I am a 27 year old Mother of one boy, wife of another LOL. I have lived with anxiety and panic since litterally as long as i can remember, and as i can clearly remember quite a bit..even up to the early age of 3 thats quite a long time. Ive never really recieved any help for it. My mother refused to take me to anything besides the family doc as a child, and about freaked when I was diagnosed with "cronic fatigue" and the mention of antidepressents where made. "No child of hers could be depressed" Thanks Mom LOL. After all the mental and physical abuse of my child I couldnt understand how it wasnt expected LOL. but i digress. As a child I had a constant fear of "not being good enough" or "not measureing up" My earliest stepfather demanded perfection and anything less in even the smallest parts of our lives equal out to very steep punnishment. I was constintly reminded that I was a disapointment. As i got older this situation changed, My stepfather was removed from my life, but I think the damage was already done. I constantly felt I wasnt good enough. Sitting in a group of kids at school..i couldnt do anything but imagine what they could be thinking..the horrible thoughts they could be having about me. The thousand of things that could go wrong if I tried to approch someone. Always, I have this stream of thoughts in my background of "what ifs" all of them bad, so much so that i can find myself practically paralyzed at the thought of making a decision. Its like a act of congress to get me to call the the electric company to ask for a days grace..I start to panic, and visions dance accross my eyes of my family freezing to death under a bridge if i cant get the electricity to stay on and possible domino effects that could happen. Driving is my worst issue. I was never comfortable behind the wheel, but after dodging a deer at 17, and rolling a vehicle..nearly killing my best friend and mother..I have had it much worse. I am a darn good driver..the rational side of me knows that. But just thinking of getting behind that wheel can have my chest seizing up..and me hyperventalating to the point of passing out. Yes I have once blacked out behind the wheel after I got hit by a panic attack and didnt pull over fast enough. Somehow i made it to the shoulder. I have no memory of it tho. I can drive..certain vehicles..and on very spacific paths..with absolutely no changes. As an example. My old job, after my husband drove me to work and home everyday for a year and a half I finnally managed to start driving myself..I had to take the exact same route..I could not even switch lanes. And I STILL had panic attacks once or twice a week minimum. That was a 45 minute..nearly straight shot highway ride. I still after living in this city for 5 years..not drive 3 blocks away to the grocery store, docs office, school, library..or anywhere "in town". I have to be driven everywhere. Not so good for my self image. It makes me feel like im a burden on my family, and a failure as a wife, and a mother. I know my family doesnt see it that way..but I cant seem to help it. Im the only one in my family physically able to work to support my family, and its like walking into a nightmare to go to work each day..just to earn minimum wage and still barely skim by with enough food to feed my family every day. I know I am a intelligent women, I am fully capabile of get a job with better hours, and pay. If I could just get to such a job..after landing it. This panic stuff is holding me back from so much in life. Its hurting my family. I need to learn to live with it, to overcome it. And I need to do so without putting others in danger (such as not wanting to black out at the wheel again and possible hurt someone). I have no insurence. I couldnt afford a dollor a month to pay for health care right now (and no im not kidding, we ate beans a rice donated from a church last week, im that broke) but i cant keep putting this off because i cant afford help. So I set out on a search for some self help, something that could help me learn to deal with my panic and anxiety even if its not perfect. Okay sorry for the Ramble.

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