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new to the Panic Center but not panic

15 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HEy Sharon,

I just wanted to thank you for sharing with us. Welcome to the forums.
15 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Sharon. I totally agree with you about how mood disorders are percieved by people who haven't experienced them. I'm going to generallize a bit here, but it seems to me like there's 2 kinds of people, the ones that ask you if you're ok and what you need in a strange tone of voice while keeping their distance like their afraid it means you could turn into a gun toting maniac or something at any minute. Fear of the unknown i suppose, and then there's those, who, like my parents reacted the first time, think, so you're sad? worried? get over it! everyone get's anxious! Not everyone gets anxious to the point that they get dizzy and delerious and can't breath. Sorry about that little one person dialogue. 

Suffice to say, I agree, mood/anxiety/panic disorders are poorly understood in the general public, and are either not recognized as an Illness, or treated as an insanity. Of course my perception of things could be highly skewed, I make no claims to always think rationally.
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi CM,
Thanks for your positive words.  I wish I could change my physician but I live in Canada in a city where there has been an extreme shortage of doctors.  New doctors will only take patients who are without Doctors.  My Doctor is capable but her answer to everything is a prescription as she is not one for talking.  She has never referred to me by name and never recalls any of my history though I have been with her for 7 years.   My partner goes to her as well  and he also feels frustrated by the lack of time to discuss anything.  However I have been told the key is to book a double appointment which I have done for the next time I see her.  She is not going to be happy that I switched from effexor to prozac while seeing the retired doctor that was filling in for her.  He was a great doctor but he only see's his senior patients. 
One thing I cling on to is that panic disorder is supposed to subside with age.  My father is rarely bothered by it anymore. 
This site is so helpful and I have added it to our resources at work as I have so many clients who have panic disorder usually related to the crime they have been the victim of. 
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the support and am so glad I found this site.  I have one more week off work and as of today I took my last (I hope) effexor and am going to continue on the prozac which has helped in the past.  I am now only taking one rivotril as I am aware of the addictive qualities of this drug.  Had a great walk in the woods today with my dog in the snow.  I did not have an anxious moment and in fact felt really good.  I think getting outside in the fresh air helps a lot.  My energy is coming back and I am not having panic when my heart speeds up or skips. 
Is anyone else frustrated by the stigma attached to panic disorder?  My manager even asked me what I wanted her to tell my colleagues about why I was off?  When I was off having treatment for breast cancer I received flowers and best wishes.  It is time to change people's perceptions of mental/brain health.  That is my rant for the day.  
15 years ago 0 180 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ya Sharon:
Welcome to the group, here you will find a lot of very caring people who will be your on-line cheering section in good and bad times.
I guess the one thing that pops into my mind is would it be possible for you to find another doctor?  A 10 minute policy to me is unreal, my doctor who is on leave right now is more like a friend .  I can talk to her about anything,  It really helps having a doctor who understands and doesn't limit your time with them.

15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
First off, welcome to the boards and thank you for sharing your story with us.
It is good to hear that you have access to the activity workbooks. The goal of increasing your physical activity sounds like an incredible idea. The positive benefits of exercise goes farther than just our physical health.
Continue to work through the program and the sessions. Please let us know what you are finding helpful.
Members, any other suggestions for Sharon?
Please continue to post Sharon and let us know how you are doing, we are here for you!
15 years ago 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am off work for a few weeks after a particularly bad attack which caused me to rethink my meds.  I have had panic disorder almost as long as I can remember and I am 54 now.  I have had long periods of good times where panic was low and other times when I was agoraphobic.  I have been on many drug treatments such as xanex, prozac, effexor and propranonol(sp).  I work as a victim advocate in the criminal justice system providing support to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse.  Having panic disorder is a blessing and a curse.  A blessing as it helps me understand what many of my clients are going through and a curse when my anxiety prevents me from giving my all in my profession.  My particular trigger now is mostly if my heart beats fast or funny as years ago as a fitness instructor I had the same triggers and ended up leaving the profession. 
Thankfully my employer (government) is under more pressure to recognize and support mental illness but I am still frustrated at the assumptions people arrive at when you "come out" about the disorder.  My Doctor has a 10 min policy with all patients so difficult to find time to speak to her about anything other than increasing the medications.  I am very happy to find this site.  I do have the anxiety workbooks but I think this site has the benefit of providing support from others going through this. 
I have finished part one and am going to do my homework and have discussed this with my very supportive partner.  My homework will be to increase my physical activity which is something I avoid once panic sets in.  I am also weaning off effexor and going back on prozac which helped me for years.  The rivotril I am taking at the moment is so effective that it is hard to bring on an attack but I don't plan to be on it long. 
Looking forward to meeting others and finding and sharing support

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