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Headaches and irrational thoughts

15 years ago 0 187 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just for everybodies info. This months edition of Nature Genetics has an article about how they are finally finding the genetic causes of schizophrenia.
This was a difficult obsessional and irrational thought for me to get over. The thought of going mad and losing control of your thoughts can be very scary. Well, it seems that unless you have the biological predisposition for schizophrenia it is impossible for you to develop it. No matter how stressed you are or how high your anxiety levels are. Psychology textbooks use the words "stress" or "environmental stress" as reasons for developing schizophrenia. However, the most important "stress" factors are related to brain damage during the feotal development and possibly oxygen starvation during birth.
So we cannot stress ourselves to madness!   
16 years ago 0 341 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I find a good massage is good for a tension headache, its a bit spendy sometimes, depends where you are.  But they really work on the knots in the neck.  Also a friend got me a pack that has wheat stuff in, and you can microwave it and put the heat on the neck, it got rid of a bunch of my headaches. 
16 years ago 0 2101 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Darkblue,
I am truely sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say that I have had headaches like that and was also told it was from tension. But I do think any persistant pain should be checked out by a doctor.
That said, I think it is great to see so many great posts about how we can beat this. I find this program has helped me so much. I have sooooo much more good days than anxious days nowadays.
Anyway, sorry I cannot be more helpful.
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is a horrific thoght to think "I will never recover" but you will - we all will. 

That's the thing.  This is curable. OK - you may never feel the same as you were,  but you will be able to function.  To live life.  To go holidays, etc.
We can live - again.
I'm planning to go on holiday in June.  I will worry, I will fret,  but no anxiety disorder will stop me living.
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was just beginning to think the same of you.. I just read a few of your other posts today and they are very inspiring and reassuring :).  I think for many of us this journey has been a long one...for myself  when I look back I had a lot of anxiety even as a child / teen.  Lived the "perfect" life... great student, happy, cheerleader..blah blah blah..and inside a big knot of worries..
My career was the same.. always had to be #1.. smiling / happy know the when my world came crashing down and I could no longer pretend I didn't have a lot of support because people could just NOT believe it...
I'm in a better place now but as I've mentioned before I have had a recent setback and it really challenged me.. all my negative ways of thinking came back and I was terrified.  Without the help of so many of the people on here reassuring me by sharing their stories I don't know if I would be on such an upswing.  I've had to up my dosage of paxil but hey.. if that's what I need to do to live a happy and productive life then so be it.
I think for me my greatest fear is when I feel "bad" that it will never get better... That to me is terrifying..
Take care darkblue...
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dazed - you really are the star of this forum, aren't you?  Always there to help give perspective. 

The headaches are subsiding, and I am grasping the fact that I am not going to die from them.  Anxious thoughts are consuming and damaging, but they needn't rule me.
Sudden death really is a big fear of mine, and my old fear of choking is returning - but I'm questioning it and not letting it overcome me.
Thank you again :)
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I too am sorry for your loss... :(
About your headaches... I get AWFUL headaches / migraines... and have had many times when even my hair hurts.. if that's even possible.  When my anxiety was in it's "health scare" phase I was sure I was going to die...and never did.  For yourself having someone  so close to you die so randomly of something very uncommon only allows your thoughts to confirm what you're worrying about.
I've had the pain above one my temple... really everywhere and as has been mentioned before tension headaches can affect you in the way you're describing. 
It never hurts to double check with your doctor though and with all that you're going through it would probably put your mind at ease... They can rule out anything more serious..
As for the thoughts about dying... I've had these too.. and they can be a bit overwhelming.. For myself, I've done a lot of "soul searching" and research on the subject and that gives me peace of mind... I think for me personally it's the fear of the unknown..and having my time end before I've done all that I want to do.. mostly seeing my babies grow up...  I'm not sure if you have "faith" or "religion" to fall back on but for some it helps a lot.  I'm still searching .. but it's a wonderful journey...
And you only prefer the panic attacks because they're no longer there... lol.. I battle both anxiety and ocd... and always felt as though you do.. until I had my setback and realized both are pretty bad... but we're a strong group of souls on this site and full of successes and triumphs
You'll beat this just like you did your panic attacks..
Take care DB.... 
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Have you been having these headaches for some time now? If so, I would suggest making an appointment to see your family doctor. It could be a number of things, like the other members said it might just be a tension headache.
I am also very sorry to hear about your friend.
Let us know how everything goes,

Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
16 years ago 0 150 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks everyone.
It comes and goes and seems to get worse when I think about it.
The scariest thing about it is that I've, of course, convinced myself it's fatal and that I could die at any moment.  Typical.  I had the same thoughts when I thought I had diabetes - that turned out negative.
And it's not just thoughts.  I can have these 'flashes' that I can actually imagine what it would be like if I dropped dead - right there.  I worry about what my girlfriend would do, how people would cope. 
It's a horrible disorder, and I would sooner have any physical impairment.
Having said that, I am recovering.  I no longer have panic attacks, which I'm forever grateful for.
Things have been quite stressful lately.  I've had my brother staying with me the past 2 weeks.  In some ways it's been positive.  I've been forced out my comfort zone and realised I can handle it there.
 But in other ways, it has taken its toll.
The headaches and irritability are filtering through, but progress is a slow thing to make up.

16 years ago 0 53 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have head pain like that doctor said that it was a kind of tension headache caused by the muscles around your head..thats why it is sore to the touch...If you go to the doctors you'll feel much better...

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