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New job failure

17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Purpleisme, You're absolutely right, nursing offers many settings in which to work! Lucky you, you have your choice! Danielle ______________________________ The Panic Center Support Team
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Purple! Ok, that is ok that you quit that job. I was going to be a nurse but decided not to for that very reason! What about searching for a job in a doctors office? Usually you can get a job in a nice setting (ie: air-conditioned office, your own desk, steady flow of patients and no emergencies.) Just keep working at your anxiety and find a hobby that you can really enjoy and love to make some time for YOU! Keep up the good work and let us know how you are doing! Jen
17 years ago 0 14 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Purple, My job causes me a great deal of stress and anxiety too. I also have one of those not so understanding husbands. I know he cares about me, but he often gets very frustrated because I cant just "get over" the anxiety. I really wish he would do some research and come to realize that people cant just make this condition go away. I am looking for another job, but for now I am trying my best to hang in there until something else comes along. It is definately not helping my panic and anxiety. As for the nursing job in a hospital... I think that would be very stressful for anyone with or without anxiety disorder. Hospitals are scary to me. Maybe you could find a job at a school or some other place that would be less demanding and slower paced. I wish you the best of luck! Samantha
17 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for being supportive. I did quit my job and realized I don't want to be a nurse working in a hospital. Fortunately, i can work as a nurse in many other settings. As for my husband, he a little nicer now. He is just worried about our livelyhood ($ and housing). We had to cancel our first vacation together do to me not working. I'm trying to stay positive and take care of myself.
17 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello! First of all, Jen, your post is amazing. You are so bright and positive. It really opened my eyes to a lot of things. Thank you for that!!!! Purple, i really hope ur feeling better. I have to search for a job too very soon and i'm nervous about that. But like Jen said, new jobs are stressful for many people. I think that its CHANGE that makes its stresful. Any kind of change in a human's life maybe be somewhat stressful because its something new to us that we must deal with. But that does not mean it has to be negative. It can be a positive change that creates some stress/anxiety in us. But thats ok! Its normal! U will be just fine! about ur husband, dont' be mad at him. I know its frustrating for the both of you. Trust me, i know! But you must understand that people who don't have anxiety/panic will NEVER truly understand what it is or how we think. They never will. Plz don't get me wrong....i'm not saying he will never understand you. I'm just saying that its difficult for them to truly understand our anxiety and why it happens. But he can do some research on it to understand you more. Its not just understanding.......its acceptance. Ur husband needs to read about this and fully accept what you are dealing with right now. Thats the key !! It will not happen overnight.....but with time he should learn to accept this more and more. Dont worry, everything will be just fine! Smile! :)
17 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Purple, Have you tried the program? Its a treatment program that's all about getting you actively involved in your own improvement. How great is that? It teaches you things you may not understand about panic and agoraphobia, your own panic, your own panic cycle, and as you learn and get involved, you begin the journey and the process of taking back control from a fear that at the moment is controlling you. Doesn't that idea of getting back control sound wonderful? So it's not about talking. Its about doing. And in doing, its about recovery. But maybe this idea of doing scares you and you avoid it for that reason. I've had emails from people who say this too. Well it's not about someone telling you to smarten up or just get with it at all. Its a guide, a silent teacher, and a whole program. Its like going to a school that offers a course in your very own fears and how to beat your very own fears down. It works this way: The Program guides you through the process of getting back this control. It prepares you for this, one single step at a time, and gives you some homework to bring you along from session 1 to session 2, and onward, in a series of 12 sessions over a period of twelve weeks. Let us help guide you and see the difference it can make. Keep Strong, Josie ______________________________ The Panic Center Support Team.
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
WOW! I just re-read my post and have to clarify something! I didn't mean that it is "so what" about losing your husband! that came out SO wrong. I meant that it is okay if he is frustrated, don't let it bother you! Has he ever given you some indication that he will leave? Or could this be a perception you are making because you are upset and anxious (believe me, i've thought that people are getting mad at me before too and was totally wrong!) Men aren't the greatest sometimes (or women for that matter) about expressing their feelings. Sometimes concern and anxiety about your anxiety will come across as frustration or anger. Also, I meant to say that for non-anxious people, starting a new job is a top three stressor, not sure for anxious people. I'm really sorry about that, I need to re-read before I post!
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi there! Can you tell us a little about your job? What is your position, your hours what you do in a day ect. ect. I totally understand what you are talking about! Maybe instead of going on leave or finding a new job, we can help you with the elements of your day that you are finding unbearable. You know, I started a new job in the past few months and I have to admit, I phoned in sick my SECOND DAY! I came home from work after my first day and was so worked up about the stress of the new job, how my anxiety would be at this job, what would happen if I failed at this job, yadda yadda yadda that I caused myself to get physically sick to my stomach (and other ends... lol not a nice picture) and terrible sweats. I was convinced it was the flu and even if it was, I let myself think my anxiety was beating me. Then, slowly, I started back to work and began to feel more confident and a little more sure of myself and found myself enjoying my days. A new job is terribly daunting especially when we have anxiety already! Did you know that even for people with anxiety, starting a new job or career is listed as one of the top three major stressors in one's life. I took that knowledge and made a concious decision to take care of myself, pamper myself and most of all, not worry about the large amounts of stress I was feeling. Extreme stress in a new job is NORMAL because you are in a new environment (for us anxiety people, that is like the biggest obstacle), we are with new people and doing new tasks that we aren't familiar with. You are completely out of your comfort zone and are overwhelmed! THAT IS OKAY! You are going to be FINE!! Try and take this experience of how your anxiety is making you so much stronger because you are doing something that is so new, unfamiliar and stressful! Your anxiety is normal and when you start a new job, it feels like it is back stronger than ever (even if it was there to start with) and i bet you are so devastated that you percieve yourself failing at a new job. YOU AREN"T FAILING! Our anxiety responses are so exaggerated at times that it feels like any anxiety we feel is horrible and so wrong. Actually, some anxiety can help motivate you to be an excellent employee! This is what I did to get through the
17 years ago 0 71 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
awww hun im sorry to hear about your job and i know about husbands not understanding that is one thing that i have very much trouble with has he done any research on anxiety and panic disorder? maybe if he did he could be alittle more understanding after years of me having these issue my hubby finally did althou he doesnt fully under stand it has help him to help me maybe you can do some part time work and build your self up to working full time and extra income helps take care purple and keep smiling DEB
17 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I've been very anxious and depressed and unable to cope with my new job. I called my boss and I don't qualify for any leave because i've only worked there a week. I just can't work...its too much. My husband is pissed and doesn't understand. He doesn't make enough money to support us. I'm going to try to get state disability, and a less stressful job. I'm just scared about losing my husband.

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