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Heat induced anxiety

17 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I totally understand the effects of the heat on anxiety! I'm dealing with that right now and not having a very easy time of it. It was 104 degrees here today, which I believe is 40 degrees celcius?. Anyway you look at it, it was HOT. Also bad humidity which makes the heat index over 110...not pleasent. I have a terrible time breathing when it gets this way and it's been like this for a week...I'm really not doing very well. I'm in a constant state of anxiety and can't seem to calm down much. Tomorrow is supposed to be quite a bit cooler, finally, so I'm hoping I'll start to feel better soon! Hope all of you are keeping cool and calm too!
17 years ago 0 69 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know how you feel.. When it gets very very hot I sometimes get a little anxiety.The best thing to do is drink a lot of water.. Good luck -vanessa
17 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I totally understand Jen that you dont' want to cause any problems cause you just started there!! I respect that! Its good that you brought in some fans....that was smart! Its normal to feel nausea when your extremely hot for a long period of time, regardless of the anxiety! I just hope the other employees that have been there for a while speak up about the air conditioning! Its not comfortable for all of you!! But i'm really happy that you got through the day alright. Just keep strong and think positive girl!! ;)
17 years ago 0 8760 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jen, Thanks for giving us an update. Congratulations on persevering and getting through your work day!! Keep up the great progress, Danielle _____________________________ The SHO Support Team
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone! Thanks for the replies and support! Well, I did do it today. I stayed all day and the temperature did get up to 33.8 on our thermometer at work and the temp inside was around 29 all day. It was hot but somehow I managed to pull it off. I did drink 96oz of water throughout the day and tried to relax. I did however almost go home in the afternoon when I became extremely nauseated. I realized that anxiety was probably contributing to the nausea but it was mainly to do with the heat. I was also tired because I had an anxiety/nausea attack in the middle of the night last night that kept me up for a bit. At least I fell back to sleep. Angel, I agree with you about the air conditioning issue however, I just started this job two weeks ago and don't really want to stir the pot to much so to speak right away. I took in my four fans I bought yesterday and they really seemed to help. It was a long hot day, but I managed to get through it. I have two days off now and hope it will be much cooler when I go back on Thursday. I think I'm going to move to Alaska! LOL! Thanks again for the support. Jen
17 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi jen. HOw are you doing? I totally understand what you mean about the heat. I get a bit nervous when it gets hot outside cause i had heat stroke (or sun stroke) before and its not fun. But I know why it happened to me....its cause i wasn't drinking anything at all and i remember i hadn't eaten lunch yet that day. sooo, just make sure to keep drinking liquids. I mean, you dont' have to drink every minute hehe.......just keep your body hydrated. Drink water, it helps a lot! Another thing, why does your work have no air conditioning in the first place???? Did they used to and it just stopped working?? Or they just dont have it at all? I just realy feel that it is your right (as an employee) to work in comfortable working conditions. If its extremely hot inside to the point that you cannot work, you really should say something to them. I'm not an expert on health & safety, but you should be working in comfortable and safe working conditions. All of the employees really need to speak up here. I can imagine how hard it must be to concentrate on what your doing and not think of the heat. So speak up need to feel comfortable! Let us know how things go!
17 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jen, You will be just fine. Take your cue from your body and keep hydrated. Your employers will respect what you have to say, so speak your mind if it is too hot for you. Keep Strong, Josie ______________________________ The Panic Center Support Team.
17 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jen, I can completely understand your anxiety of working in hot weather. I live in Australia where 30 degrees celcius is a pretty typical summer temperature where I live. I used to hate going to school in summer for fear of heat exhaustion ect, and especially hated sitting in the computer rooms because they would be really hot. However I managed to survive days where the temperature was around 40 degrees celcius and humid in those computer rooms, with no air conditioning in a anxiety attack pretty much all day and never once got any heat exhaustion, so I think you'll be fine.
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Aw jeez, sorry I just realized I wrote that i get an 8hour lunch break! What a dork! I get a 1 hour lunch break making it an eight hour workday. hehe, sorry.
17 years ago 0 16 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone. This sounds really stupid, but I have a really tough time when it gets hot here! I live in Victoria, BC and we are used to very nice summers (sunny, mild weather.) Usually the temperature is 22-25 degrees celcius and I am fine. Right now though, we are having a heat wave and the temperature soared today up to 33 degrees at one point. I know that most of you probably live in climates where it is much hotter but I'm not used to this and find my anxiety soaring along with the temperature! These temperatures have happened before but right now I'm starting a new job in a veterinary clinic that doesn't have air conditioning and we have to be in surgery for two-three hours tomorrow (cap, mask, scrubs ect) I am just getting used to the heat behind the mask but know that tomorrow is going to suck because it is that much hotter. I can leave surgery if I feel too overheated but am worried about giving a bad impression to my boss because I am so new. I work a long day (9 hours with a 8 hour lunch break; again, I know this is standard but I am used to 4 hour days and this is a change). I guess my anxiety is skyrocketing because I'm so obsessed about getting heat exhaustion/stress ect... I was trying to find some tips on how to stay cool while working but all the information I got was all the dangers of working in the heat. Of course they give all the signs of heat stroke and how you need to stay away from working in 30 degree temperatures or you will pass out ect... So basically I'm scared. Can someone honestly tell me it is safe to work at temperatures like this? I get so anxious when I start sweating and flushed, I keep worrying that i'm going to pass out or something. HELP! I need some reassurance that it is possible to work safely at these temperatures. Also, we have two fans provided for us but they don't seem to do much. I went out today and bought four fans and am wondering if it would make me look really strange to take those in to work tomorrow. The new girl jitters I suppose. Thanks in advance for some advice! Jen

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