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All is Well in the Hearland

17 years ago 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera, It great to hear from you about your struggles and successes. Monday and today I am doing fine and have resolved to continue going fine. I think your story and Reggie's and Heather1 stories helped me put my situation in perspective. I simply didn't have any desire to quit before and the desire is definitely here. I can't continue doing this to myself. Thanks for sharing.
17 years ago 0 212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera, That's great! We are proud! Keep up the great progress and keep us posted. Danielle ________________________ The AHC Support Team
17 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I made it through the day fine. I must have got slammed with guidance and prayers today because I didn't even think about drinking after writing. I did exercise for about 2.5 hours and talked to some friends on the phone and then donated a pint of blood and now it is almost 6 pm and there is no way I am picking up a drink now. So thank God for divine intervention because it worked. I am in a much better mood although I am disappointed I did not do any schoolwork,,, I always have tomorrow.... Bye....
17 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi to eveyone!!! Coco, sorry to hear about your 'misstep' on Academy night but don't beat yourself up over it. Try and learn from it. It is very hard to be around alcohol without partaking. It is just natural to join in on the fun. But you can have fun too being sober. I am finding that true, one baby step at a time. I have not had people over to the house for dinner parties since I quit drinking. I am not sure I am ready for it. And if that is the case, as it seems to be, better safe than sorry. I am OK dining out at restaurants with drinks available. So that, in itself, is a big step for me. I can't hide out from alcohol. But I am in control of the situations I put myself in. If I did not feel confident, I just wouldn't go. That is the bottom line. I had a very long day at school yesterday,,,10 to 8 and then come home to my husband telling me that the land surveryors were here and the green space and trees and the peace and quiet we have now will not be there in a short time. They are developing to the south and east of us. That news, along with a long and tiresome day at school, made me want to just get back in my car and buy a bottle of wine and drink. They say at AA, HALT is a trigger. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. I felt all of those. Well, fortunately, my real brain kicked in and said that is STUPID to go out at 8:30 and start drinking. I slept OK last nite, but woke up way too early today and I am not in a much better mood than I was going to bed. I have said my prayers and done some reading and now I need to find the resolve in me to get out of this funk. I have many things to do today and drinking was not on my to-do list. I hope I don't add it!!!! I am 58 days sober and will be talking to my higher power alot today, I'm afraid. As long as it works, I am fine with that. As I read this, I really believe I need to change my attitude to a more positive one. I am just too negative and it is too early in the day to be that negative. So, Sober is good for me. Sober is good for me. Sober is good for me. Please God help me today as you have never helped me before! I need strength, guidance, acceptance, patience and diversion today. Everyone who reads this maybe can give me a thoughtful kick in the butt, and ho
17 years ago 0 212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Coco, Learn from this experience and the lesson towards your next goal. What could you have done differently? Danielle _________________________ The AHC Support Team
17 years ago 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Heather1 and Chera, I didn't accomplish my goals during my academy award party. Most everybody drank coke but my sister brought a bottle of vodka and toward the end of the evening it looked pretty good and I had some, in addition to the wine I had been drinking. Next day felt awful as usual. But today is another day. Looking forward to hear your success stories.
17 years ago 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Coco How is it going. I've been so busy this week, to many late afternoon meetings at work so I havn't signed on for a few days. I also had a slip up over the weekend, Saturday was good and I was able to keep busy, but Sunday I had a few. Funny thing is it started out great, I exercised in the morning did a little shopping, but once I got home it was like I threw caution to the wind and didn't think about the consequences. But Monday morning I didn't feel my usual self. Most days now I really feel good and this was the first time in almost a month that I just felt empty and needed that crutch. What do you do when you find yourself in those situations? Hope you are doing well and hanging in there. Heather1
17 years ago 0 212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Coco, Learn from your setback and keep going! You've made great progress thus far. You've got a good plan for your Oscar party, let us know how it goes. Danielle _______________________ The AHC Support Team
17 years ago 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera, Thanks for your candor. You and Heather are a real inspiration to me. I have cut down the past week but yesterday night blew it again. For me too, weekends are the hardest. Tomorrow night I am having an Academy Award party but this time it seems most of my friends are only drinking coke. Yeah! Although my sister will be here and it will be difficult because she drinks a lot and somehow I always keep up. But this time i bought some fizzy juices and plan on drinking those. Please keep posting your successes and even your failures. That way I don't feel so alone in my struggle.
17 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To Heather1, Great for you for making it through the weekend. To give you a little more insight on me, I am currently not working, but going to school one day a week. So basically, every day is a weekend for me. I COULD drink evey day and no one would be any the wiser (But my husband). But I choose not to drink. You may mightily struggle with temptation Friday nite through Sunday nite, but I do it each and every day. But it is not a struggle. I look on the positive is a challenge I am taking on and working towards a goal as we talked about 'One day at a time.' I remain as positive minded as I can and seek guidance in any way that I can. So 'Just for Today', I am not going to drink and neither are you...'Just for Today.' Keep strong and stay positive!!!!

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