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All is Well in the Hearland

17 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To Coco1, When I went in treatment last year in February, I knew I could not quit on my own. My Blood Alcohol was like .170 even after sitting in the waiting room for admittal for almost 5 hours. I had been drinking for months upon months. The one thing about alcohol detox is it is one of the few drug detoxifications that can actually kill you when you detox. I was having the shakes and HAD to drink every morning to get rid of them. Being in the hospital while detoxing from alcohol is definitely the safest route. You don't want to die while you are giving the crap up! Anyway, this second time I quit, I was drinking 2 bottles of wine a day for months, but I had to cut that down because I was getting acid reflux sooooo bad that I could not even drink. I tried, of course. But it hurt so bad. That is when I quit cold turkey in January of this year. I did not go through any health issues I could not handle. BUT, I was very mindful of what to look for and would have went to the hospital in a heartbeat if I needed to. To answer you questions on detoxing in the hospital, Yes they did put me on something to help with the withdrawal. And then I had 2 narcotic prescriptions they replaced with new generation non-narcotic perscriptions. They want you off all narcotic, addictive everything. I hope that helps. I am not a doctor and do not know all of the symptoms of alcohol addiction you are having but if you really want to quit just remember alcohol detox CAN kill you. 'Course, if you truly are an alcoholic, alcohol will kill you anyway. Cutting down and then quitting sounds like a plan. But, from my experience, your timeplan always gets extended and then you wonder if you will ever quit. You are the only person who knows 'YOU', so you need to decide for yourself. If you have any more questions, I would be happy to answer them. I would wish you Best Luck, but it is not luck that gets you to quit or cut down, it is Knowledge and Diligence and Guidance that will get us where we need to be. So, may your find the Power to move forward!!!!
17 years ago 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera Congrads, 6 weeks is a real accomplishment and your advice of focusing on one day at a time is so true. I've cut back dramatically on my drinking and have decided that drinking on the weekends (which was always my big problem)is out. I made it through one more weekend without a drinking by focusing on one day at a time. Good Luck. Heather1
17 years ago 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera, You are a real inspiration to me. I have been "trying" to quit for months (who am I kidding ) - years. Now I am up to a bottle and sometimes a bottle and a half of wine a night. I come home from work and go to the fridge and pour myself a glass and sit in front of the TV for the rest of the night. I'm wondering if I quit totally would I have any bad withdrawal symptoms because I'm drinking so much. When you were in treatment last year do they give you medication or do you just quit "cold turkey" with no medication. I would like to taper down for a week then quit. Or am I fooling myself? Thoughts?
17 years ago 0 212 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Chera, Congratulations on 6 weeks sober! This is a fantastic accomplishment and we are proud! Keep up the great progress! Members, Please check in, let us know how you're doing and if we can help you with any challenges you are currently facing. Danielle ________________________ The AHC Support Team
17 years ago 0 31 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone, I am writing to find out if everyone is doing their best to set reasonable goals and then follow through on them. Myself....I am 1 day shy of 6 weeks of sobriety. I am not sure how I accomplished this feat...except by taking it "One day at a time." And that really is the bottom line. Don't look back, and don't look forward, just look at today. I wake up, say the Serenity Prayer and a couple others, take a few minutes to read some sobriety readings and just ask my Higher Power to help guide me through the day. I can atest to the fact that I could not be doing this 'alone'. I would have failed many a time in the past weeks if I had not asked for guidance. Just in the last week, I have put myself in places with family and friends who have some drinks, want me to join them, but by and all, they have not harrassed me into having a drink and in most ways are proud of me and my choice to not drink. And if I did pick up a drink, there would really be no one to blame but myself. I am responsible for my decisions. And I would be the most disappointed in myself. But I am not going to think about relapse today. A nice glass of wine would sound good after crossing off tasks on my to-do list, but a lemon water or a glass of juice will take its place. It is amazing that each day gets a little easier. More so, because I have made it a part of my life,,,just like a timely sleep schedule or a particular exercise routine. It is kinda like going on a diet. 'Dieting' is not really good for you...You have to make a Lifestyle change. So that is what I am doing...One day at a time. I do hope all of you out there reading this website are doing well and remember we didn't get this way overnight so it takes time and patience and diligence. Hoping you all have a great day and are able to follow your heart which will lead you in the right direction.

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