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Not anger management! Need alternatives...

12 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Calico,
I am sorry you are dealing with all this anger. It sounds like this is something that is really holding you back. Thank you for posting about it, I think this will generate an interesting discussion. Know that we are here to help you through this. Venting here could be a great help as well as using th blog as a diary of sorts. It looks like you have already received some great advice and support!
This program doesn't exactly focus on anger but going through the program will still help you with depression. You may also want to check out the sections on relationships and resolving disputes. These sections will help you constructively deal with your anger in certain situations.
We ask a lot of questions in the forums and I encourage you to carefully consider them moving forward. It sounds like you really want to release this anger and let go of it, knowing this, what is making you stuck? What is the obstacle in your path?  Also, how do you think your life would be different if you were no longer holding onto anger? How would you be different?
Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Calico,

I read your story and recognized myself in it. I also used to have an enormous amount of rage internalized. I have had periods when my anger was the driving force behind my ambitions... later on I would be angry at myself for having that amount of anger. People around me were not aware of the amount of rage inside and if I would hint at it, they would advise me to let it go...

The main issue I had, was that I didn't really know what "letting it go" was. For me "letting it go" meant more or less repressing the memory, avoiding certain places and people...

Since I was diagnosed having a bipolar streak, I was prescribed medication that stabilizes my mood (a very low dose of lithium in my case). Now I know that "letting it go" means accepting the memory and not being bothered by it... the mood associated with the memory is no longer strong enough to direct my functioning. It is one of the most peaceful feelings I have ever had.

If you have a psychiatrist, you could bring up these feelings.
12 years ago 0 1022 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Calico... nice to see you back.  I too have been struggling with anger.  What it is about and what the heck to do with it.  There is quite a thread on Anger on the forums in the Panic Center.  (You don't have to be a member to read the posts... if interested, go to the top of this page and click on "More Help" in the toolbar... click on ""... go to "home/challenging your anxious thoughts/anger"... ).  Below I am pasting one post that has been very helpful to me.  I have yet to fully implement in a successful way... but I am making progress.  I hope it helps.  I would love to continue this discussion here and am very interested in how others are managing their anger.

 I suppose one needs to feel comfortable expressing one's anger in constructive rather than destructive ways.  Emotions/feelings feed the thoughts/thinking, then the physical/doing.  Anger is not an evil emotion, just an energy needing direction.  That choice thing again, what do you choose to do with it?  It depends on what or why you are angry.  Sometimes you may not even know why. 
First things first, identify the anger.  Is it an anger you feel toward someone else - a real or perceived hurt
                                                     Is it an anger toward yourself?  (I should have done better!)
                                                     Is it an anger toward someone who is angry with you - (so you both start yelling)
                                                     Is it an unresolved issue of long ago?
There are more reasons, of course.  Next is to figure out what you are going to do about it.  Use the W's.   Who, Where, When, What, What and How. Yes, two whats.  Who do you need to express your anger to?  Why do you have to express yourself?  What outcome are you looking for?  What do you want to say?  When is the best time to do this?  Where should this be done? and lastly, How should this be done?
12 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not sure if this is the right spot in the forum to post this but... since this is section is about negative thoughts and most people would agree anger is a "negative" emotion — here is where I'm plunking it.

I know part of depression can be "grumpiness" but I've got it in spades and have for quite a while. Yes, life has handed me some really rotten situations and worse people over the past few years and some of my actions and reactions made those situations even worse. Yes, I grew up in a dysfunctional family (very) and I've had depression nearly all of my life. I've also studied Eastern philosophies, stress reduction, and all sorts of things that have helped and have changed how I look at things.

I've been very introspective lately, mainly that comes from being very depressed and trying to do some things to climb out of the pit. I have varying success. I've realized this before but today it hit like a ton of bricks as my brain was replaying something that happened recently at work that I will have to deal with tomorrow... I realized how angry I was at the situation, my boss, the annoying bureaucrat, yada yada. All of that thinking — all in anger — lead me to some other memories of the last year of things that just made me ANGRY. More yada yada.

And what I know for sure is that I'm carrying all of this ANGER around with me all of the time. My guess is I could get rid of the anger and I'd still be depressed, but with the anger the depression is just all the worse.

I know that holding onto this stuff has no value. All of these things are is in the past (except for the part about my work). These anger producing things really have very little to no bearing on my life right now (although some of it is why I'm in a lousy situation at the moment). Honestly, I don't know if I'm really all that angry at the past things or just have so much generalized rage pent up inside that it is easy to pick things out that I think I'm angry about.

I don't want to manage my anger. In fact, I think most people would be extremely surprised to know I have all of this stuff pent up. My anger doesn't need management; it simply needs to be released. It needs to go away. It is emotion hurled at non-existent things and since it has to hit something, it just ends up hitting me.

So, to the question: Is there anything on this site, or any reading that can be recommended about dealing with deep-seated anger and letting go of it?

Reading this thread: