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Rebuilding your Self-Esteem

14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Strangely enough, I agree with Goofy.  The new therapist I met last week has me working on a list of my strenghts.  It has proven to be quite the challenge for me as I am not used to seeing/recognizing these things in myself. Needless to say, the list is short.....very short.  I know where (most of) my self-esteem issues stem from.... taking Goofy's advice and reading her posts about how she came to learn the comments made to her were not her issues, but issues of those who stated the comments, has moved me to take a closer look at comments/actions/reenforcements made to me over the years.  Logically, I know most of the "worthlessness" comments are false.... Feeling the falseness of that is a different story.  It's something I would like to work on.
Pete:  I certainly don't view you as weak or inadequate.  You are here helping others (you've helped me tremendously) and getting help for yourself.  To me, that shows strenght, not weekness---yes, I know... these are things I should be telling myself as well.
I've been a huge believer of taking personal responsibility for what has gone awry.... However, there are times the responsiblity is not ours.  Admitting that to myself is more difficult than... than... well, it's been difficult.  I'm not looking to "blame" others for the way I am as much as I am trying to reason that just because I was told I'm worthless doesn't neccessarily make it true.  Well... I don't know if I make any sense, but I'm trying.
14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Pete, I agree it is something to work on with your therapist.  I am working on issues that impacted my life with my therapist too.  However it is a paradigm shift (we've come back around).  I think I'll refer you to a moderators post dated today.  It fits nicely with our topic - I can't remember the name but it's about blame and self-blame.  Please look for it Pete. 
And an opinion, it doesn't matter how old you are how many years ago it happened.  I'm 47, some of those things were said to me in my pre-teens.  I opened my eyes to them, see them differently, no longer believe them.  I am not ugly when I cry - I used to believe this but it wasn't true, she was uncomfortable when I cried.  She handled it the best she knew how - not realizing the negative impact it would have on me.  I know I've made something of myself, I don't have to prove that to anybody with a PhD, my grandmother had a goal that I'd be Dr. (last name here) and she was expressing her disappointment.   My dad telling me that "I'll grow up to look like my mother" was him expressing his displeasure with her by saying that to me in front of her.  Those people effected me in a negative fashion because of their issues - not mine!
Opposite:  I know I'm smart - I told you why I think that, I get positive feed back from y'all, grades in school, professors, letters of recommendations, commendations.
I know I am a good counselor: positive performance evaluations; letters, notes, feedback from clients.
I know I am a good mother positive feedback from my son and his achievements in life. 
These things/people effective me in a positive fashion because I am smart, a good counselor and a good mother.  Making any sense Pete?
Please read the mods post - it's much clearer.   
Lost, we allow crappy here - we allow good here, we allow positive here, we allow negative here, we allow bit**ing here and complaining and whining and compliments and hugs and anything you need to do, just say it or do it here. 
I know I keep quoting Emotions Anonymous (12 step program)  but I didn't get here in one day, so I ain't gonna come out of it in one day.  You can ask the moderators, there's a way to read posts from a long time ago - go back there and hey, I was not far from being out of the bed (literally for two years over depression)  I gained weight, I didn't do anything.  My house is embarassing right now and it's a project I am hiring people to fix what has broken from lack of attention and upkeep for two years.  I'm on my way back and 5 years into it.  I've tried many things in desperation to get back on track and if someone suggest something on here - you bet I'm gonna look into it.  If it's something I can use I do it.  I do the things the moderators suggest and I do the things in the sessions and I do lots of time consuming things.  And I do spiral downward, I'm climbing out of one now (near where I was when I started falling).  But the whole is not so deep anymore.
You've got it in you too.  The very first thing I did that got me out of bed was exercise.  I decided if I just exercised on my treadmill for 20 minutes a day, I'd feel better.  Well, I got on it and after 3 minutes I was crying.  I couldn't do anymore.  I called my son and he said mom, that's great, do three minutes later today an tomorrow a couple of times, then try 4.  I couldn't see that I had done something.  I did exactly as he suggested.  Then as I got stronger I kept adding things that I found worked -
14 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I really don't know how to challenge all this - we are talking about things that happened thirty years ago and more, so it's all dug in pretty deep. In answer to some of your 'twenty questions', it's very hard to think of specifics. The whole school experience has solidified into an amorphous mass of misery and frustration in my memory.
My present feeling - which I suppose I have to challenge - is that things progressed the way they did because of my own weakness and inadequacy. Everyone else I knew came out of that school apparently contented and successful. So the fault was not with the school or the environment but with me. Surely there are times, in this process of identifying negative beliefs and self-criticisms, that we have to acknowledge that, yes, this was down to me. Y'know, take personal responsibility for what has gone awry. A negative or unhelpful belief is not always untrue, is it?
My parents? I've no idea if they noticed me changing or not. If they did, I've no idea what they thought. We were just not a family where such things were discussed, and for much of my teenage years they had quite upfront emotional problems with my sister, and were probably just relieved that I was quiet, didn't go out all hours, didn't drink or get into trouble....
So, difficult to break it down. Sounds like a job for my therapist and me. There may have been individual instances, happenings that did particular damage, but right now I don't want to go digging that deep into an especially miserable period of my life.  More miserable than I am now, to be honest.
I'm not sick of your opinions, Goofy. I post in the hope that other members will read what I have written and share what they think. I've praised your wisdom elsewhere and haven't changed my mind.
I appreciate the hug. Why don't you have one back?

14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

"The depression plays mind tricks on me.  I feel these things and know these things about myself (attributes, good things about me, I'm a moral and virtuous person, treat people with dignity and respect, etc. etc. ) but when I start spiraling or am depressed - it doesn't seem to matter how good I feel about me - I just don't care.  does that make any sense.  And those negative things do tend to shine then.  As they come to the surface though - I'm challenging them (they are negative core beliefs, I got from somewhere)."
you make perfect sense to me.  Last night when I read your post I had lots of comments to make....
first off I wanted to apologize.... I get caught up in how crappy I feel that I feel crappy and don't think about how my words may affect others.  Then I wanted to thank you!  Your words (at the time of reading them last night) were just the kick in the pants I needed.  Unfortunately, the sting wore off.  i admire your tenacity.  I admire your strength.  I admire your intelligence.
For some reason all I can think about is how I have none of that in me.  I'm sure I'll feel better once I wake up.
You have helped... even if it doesn't sound like it... you have.
14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Tired of your opinions?  Goodness NO!
Just my opinion.
I want to give you a hug.
That's all I got for now.
14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
20 questions and an opinion:
Pete, I recognize, from what you've said, that the compilation of things that occurred during those formative years effected you negatively.  Can you think of specifics.  Something(s) someone said (teacher, principal, fellow student).  How was this change in your personality perceived at home - or was it?   How do you think the progression of this experience occurred?  On-going exteranl or internal reinforcement?  You can see where I'm going with this.  Can you break it down?  How can you challenge the negative thoughts that you have developed or were reinforced by this experience? 
Opinion:  you may need to break it down with your therapist - this might help her to understand more about your self-image issues.  (if you haven't already). 
lol, do y'all get tired of reading my opinions? 
14 years ago 0 3043 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can look back and see what certainly blew a huge hole in my self-esteem. It was an event rather than a person. And, ironically, it was a success, an achievement, at first anyway.
Up to age 11 I was a confident boy. I was very good in school, and was 'officially' cleverest kid in my junior school. At 11, it was time to move on to secondary school (I dunno, same as high school???? Ages11-18). I managed to get into the best school in my area, a school which picked the cream of the kids from all around. Only two others from my junior school got in, so it was quite an achievement.
And you know what? That school crushed me, and the confident boy who entered at age 11 came out at age 18 feeling like a complete failure, an insignificant, shameful waste of space. And that self-image has stuck with me ever since. It was just a shock to go from being  top dog, a big fish in a small pond, to being merely average. And the school put great emphasis on music and sports, neither of which I was any good at, and it was sports prowess, above all else, that determined peer status. By age 13, I was painfully shy. By age 16, I was taking long solitary walks at lunch time rather than socialising or playing. And social life? No. I didn't go to any of the parties, didn't date a girl while I was at school, nothing. Left at age 18 with exams under my belt and went to university, and still felt like a nobody, a failure, a social misfit. And the endless unanswerable question - 'What is wrong with me??'
I guess I was just completely unsuited to the culture of the school, and it destroyed me. And that is still with me.

14 years ago 0 1044 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hmmm, I think my post was maybe taken out of context.  I was just trying to give Pete some subtle things that were said that might have had a negative impact.  These things did, but they aren't the issues I need to work on, the one's I haven't discovered yet are.  I feel very confident that I have made something of myself, I know I'm intelligent, articulate, analytical, have values and morals and it's okay if I cry and I don't look ugly and I can manage my weight and be comfortable with who I am.  I've dealt with those.  I didn't mean to sound vain above - I just can list my attributes. 
I can also list issues with my self-esteem and am looking for other things that may have contributed to the negative self-image and self-worth. 
So, I my parents were a source of both positive and negative issues that effected self-esteem. 
My son is a positive in terms of building my self-esteem.  To quote him "I'm the strongest woman he knows".  Now he did say that pre-depression initially, but tells me he still believes it today.  he also tells me "I'm the wind beneath his wings".  A bit corny for a mom and son to have "our song", but that's it.  I always feel he is the wind beneath my wings too, He is always respectful and complimentary.
I was, and still would be if I were working in that capacity, a good counselor, my performance evaluations as well as the positive feedback from consumers (what some call clients) reassure(d) me of that. 
I also know I have alot of determination, my mom and dad told me that.  My track record of life accomplishments reassures me of that. 
The depression plays mind tricks on me.  I feel these things and know these things about myself (attributes, good things about me, I'm a moral and virtuous person, treat people with dignity and respect, etc. etc. ) but when I start spiraling or am depressed - it doesn't seem to matter how good I feel about me - I just don't care.  does that make any sense.  And those negative things do tend to shine then.  As they come to the surface though - I'm challenging them (they are negative core beliefs, I got from somewhere). 
So I have many good things I feel about me - but I also have that negative list too. 
Ashley, thanks again for the compliments, they are reassuring.
Lost, I don't think it's a waste of time, I thinking seeing them on paper is therapeutic, it gives us perspective on things and if we can identify where thye came from we can negate the erroneous ones and confirm the true ones.  I don't think it's a sit down and do it all at once activity (I couldn't emotionally handle that), but I can do it over time.  I know that you are not worthless, your posts on here imply the contrary.  You are a caring, feeling and empathetic person.  I think it's also a good thing when you are thinking things might actually be okay to jot down those feelings too.  You definitely underestimate your abilities.  You must be smart to be a lab specialist and to know how to take photos.  You are articulate and compassionate.  So start with that list - it's true - I wouldn't say it if it weren't.  I have a virtue of honesty as well. 
And remember, though we are faceless - you are NOT alone.  We value your posts and your insight. 
So I think as Ashley suggested we need two lists.  One for people who effected our self esteem in a postive way and one for people who effected our self-esteem in a negative way.  Doesn't matter how long either of the lists are and it doesn't have to be totally inclusive - ju
14 years ago 0 63 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I don't mean to diminish your feelings at all, and I am so sorry for the horrible, terrible things people you love have said to you.... but I've been wondering.... What good is it to write all this stuff down?  Isn't it bad enough that we have this stuff playing in our heads over and over and over and over again?  I don't have enough paper, or enough computer space to log comments from my "loved ones".  I would need a mountain of pencils to trace my feelings over it all. 
They tossed me away and that's all the proof I need to know I am worthless.
I have tried so hard over the years and at times, I think I might actually be okay.  Then  it all comes back and I am nothing again.
It's scary being nothing.  It's lonely.
I'm sorry to be a downer........ I so want to get to the place where you seem to be.
Keep writing.  It is really so helpful to me.
14 years ago 0 11221 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing goofy.
But don't forget that good people too!  There are so many people on this very site that have said so many nice things about you.  You know I have said how articulate, intelligent and warm you are.  You have helped so many people here and in your profession as well I am sure! Ok maybe we are not the most important people in your life but we think you are special!! 
Members, please share your list with us!  Be sure to include the postives!
Goofy, share some postives with us. 

Ashley, Health Educator

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