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2024-04-20 11:42 PM

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2024-04-11 5:06 AM

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2024-04-08 3:54 PM

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2024-03-25 2:47 AM

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Riddle of the day.

10 years ago 0 6252 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
What is big and black and sits in a tree eating apples?  6:00 in the morning, can't even see clear and I'm chasing a bear away. He certainly did not want to leave the free meal. This is a source of stress every fall. I've been here a lot of years and a few times bears have contested their right to my apples. They can become down right dangerous, even to the point of trying to come in the house. But this seldom happens. Still it does cause stress. Two things have to happen. The bear has to go and the thought has to go. It is debatable which is easier. This is similar to trying to make hay here. People walk around looking at the sky hoping it won't rain till the hay is made. But it passes and no one seems to get panic attacks over it. It is just part of life, just like the bears. Yet something as common place as going to the grocery store does. Why?
I figure it is probably want to and have to. I know that when I go to the grocery store here I want to because I get to talk to some people. People are very friendly here. The same as when I made hay. I enjoyed being on the tractor and the rush of racing the weather. And the challenge, yet I do not enjoy the challenge of trying to get around a big store. I think it is because I'm off my ground and out of my safe zone. We all have a safe zone. CBT has allowed me to travel out of my safe zone with a minimum of discomfort and for that I am grateful. Now if I could just make this bear disappear. 


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