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15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Flu or Anxiety

Thank you so much for your kind words, it really does help to know that people understand where I am coming from as often people who don't have this just don't get it.  Everyone on here is so supportive of each other it's great.  I am really trying to just work through this and not dwell on it. I find if I stay at home and do nothing I dwell, but if I get up and out with the kids it makes the day so much more pleasant for me and them!
Thank you again
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Flu or Anxiety

Ha I like the quote turn all Einstein on it that is funny!  Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine for this.  Maybe someone should write a funny book about panic...although when we are in it, it's not funny, but sometimes laughing at yourself can lighten you up...!!!
Thanks for the laugh I needed's been a roller coaster day!
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Separating yourself from your anxiety.

That make so much sense learning to not "label" yourself by your anxiety.  In our family my sister and I were labeled, me the independent one and her the dependent one.  Because I have the label of being independent I stress out over anyone knowing that I get anxious, because that means I am not perfect....I am trying so hard to not label myself and in return do my kids the favour of not labeling them.  Very good insight Darkblue, thanks! 

15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Separating yourself from your anxiety.

Darkblue, what you say is so true!  We take so much time analyzing ourselves and categorizing ourselves that it contributes to our worry, and therefore causes the panic to escalate.  Thank you for sharing....Through practicing Yoga I am learning to just "be" and stop over thinking everything.  Also when we pass judgement on others it contributes to us judging ourselves again.
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Self-Awareness. The Key to Success.

I completely agree with what Darkblue is saying.  If I start to have a physical symptom and then start to think oh no that is going to turn into panic, it inevitably does.  However when I choose to ignore it and focus on something else it goes away by itself.  I still mentally "check" myself often, through thinking how am I feeling right now but I try not to dwell on it if I can.  Often it's easier said than done though....we are so used to thinking a certain way that the thoughts automatically come up after the physical symptoms, so I am working on the reaction to my thoughts.  Sometimes I think if someone could read my mind they would be really scared(i.e. I think my body is just going to stop working, I always feel that when I start feeling panicky)...but then I wonder what do other people think about all the time anyway...maybe the same sort of stuff???

15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anxiety transforming into stress?

I definitely find a difference between anxiety and stress.  If I am stressed, I am usually focused on something and the stress gives me the adrenaline to get it done.  I do not find stress overwhelming and I have always worked better under pressure.  I am anxious or panicky when I am not focused on anything and really it's more often when I am alone with my thoughts.  Yesterday I had a super busy day and was great all day.  Today I am not so busy and feel like I am teetering on the edge of Panic (which I am trying to ignore), so I went for a walk, got a little panicky half way through but walked through it.  Now I feel super tired, I find working through it tires me out.

15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
life, the universe, and everything

I too have the thoughts about the life and existence and all that.  But what I am really trying to do now is live in the moment (way easier said than done) but it makes so much sense. Those people who seem oblivious to everything (oh how I wish I was like that) are either not voicing their real thoughts, or they really do live in the moment.  I find very young children do that too, but they lose it fast because they learn that their lives become scheduled just like ours and they start to think ahead too.  It's a really tough concept to learn and I am trying really hard but as I type I am thinking about things that I need to accomplish tomorrow!
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Finally going back to work

Darkblue, I think it is great news that you are going back to work and definitely a success story.  I hope that it went great for you :)
A bit of healthy work stress maybe the focus you need!
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Awful evening :(

Hi there Faith, First of all that scene you are talking about it really disgusting I know I would feel awful looking at it.  I do not get panicked looking at vomit but I find I have to turn away when people vomit on tv or if I see something like that Monty Python scene.  Don't be so hard on yourself, vomit in general is disgusting for most people, in your mind you have just taken it that one step further by attaching panic to it.  You should be proud of yourself for attempting the exposure therapy in this circumstance and I think that you have done really well.  You will have setbacks but use them to give you the strength to try it again!  And really don't see it as a set back see it as part of the process.  When I haven't panicked in a while and then I do, I get frustrated thinking I have started all over again but have to remind myself of the days without panic that are a success!
Keep it up, you are doing great!
15 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Complimentary Therapies

I use Bach's remedy every day.  I find it does not help with a full blown panick attack, but for daily calm I find it works (even if it's a placebo I am good with that, but it makes my mind think it's working...LOL) St. John's Wart I have found is also useful, I don't use it all the time but sometimes for sleeping it helps.  Yoga definitely helps with the relaxation (I am better at a class than at home though, and it's only once a week).
The food you eat can have a big impact on anxiety from what I have read, the challenge for me is that when I am anxious or panicky I cannot eat, and therefore the cycle begins because I am not getting the nutrients I need or I just eat something fast which is usually the wrong thing, so it's a catch 22....