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Flu or Anxiety

16 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My pleasure, April! 
Maybe you can write the book?  You have a really positive outlook, and the experience to know what we PA sufferers must overcome.
16 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ha I like the quote turn all Einstein on it that is funny!  Sometimes laughter really is the best medicine for this.  Maybe someone should write a funny book about panic...although when we are in it, it's not funny, but sometimes laughing at yourself can lighten you up...!!!
Thanks for the laugh I needed's been a roller coaster day!
16 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi April,
Aha, I am definitely very partial to baths!  And not so partial to doctors...although personally, now I don't care so much about getting over it, I just deal with it and move on.  The less you feed it, the less of your life it can control.  I go when I need to, and don't think about it the rest of the time.  Easier said then done, I know...but rather then worry about it, I now challenge those worries with the 10 q's and such.  And then there's days when even that doesn't work, but I just ride it out and let myself feel whatever I feel.  Like Dazed said, it's a part of life that everyone must face, we panickers just like to turn all Einstein on it.
Lol Dazed, I wrote that quote some time ago.  Doesn't really matter how you quote it, the idea is all that matters and you got that down!  I tend to "change the characters" whenever I say it anywho 
16 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you so much for your kind words, it really does help to know that people understand where I am coming from as often people who don't have this just don't get it.  Everyone on here is so supportive of each other it's great.  I am really trying to just work through this and not dwell on it. I find if I stay at home and do nothing I dwell, but if I get up and out with the kids it makes the day so much more pleasant for me and them!
Thank you again
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi April
I'm sorry to hear you're having a really bad week.  It's tough juggling our own stuff and then being "super mom" on the outside.  Always trying to ensure that you're "on" for the kids etc.
Be patient with yourself it does get better.  As hard as this sounds sometimes we have to not push those feelings aside and face them and see what happens.  When we do the fear loses it's power...
Somone very wise on here shared a thought the other day... It said that we all have an angel and a demon within us... Which one is stronger???  The one that we feed.  So you need to nourish the good stuff and not empower the bad... (I apologize for quoting this wrong but this was the jist of it and it made a lot of sense to me)
You can do this April and the bad days will become farther apart.  We must remember too... even people without our disorder still have yucky weeks and days... It's part of life.. We just like to overanalyze everything.
Take care
16 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi DM, thank you for sharing your story here as it seems we are all alike us panic sufferers we over think every little thing that happens.  I find instead of taking the time to be sick and rest up I worry about what's wrong with me and it takes longer to get better....I even do it when my kids are sick, I just worry non stop about them...but I am trying not to sit and worry and push those things to the side, it's hard, having a really bad week.
16 years ago 0 313 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Funny... I was just coming to post about this... well similiar at least.  I was really sick about 3 weeks ago.  Sicker than I've ever been in years. Swollen glands...sore throat and couldn't even get out of bed.  During that time I knew I was sick and was fine anxiety wise...but since then I've had a hard time getting better.  I still have lingering swollen glands.. feel achy and I'm tired.  So in the last few days I've been questioning whether or not something terrible is happening to me.  I've had  a few moments of panic and anxious thoughts.
Logically I know I'm fine as I'm running again, living my life but I just don't feel 100%.  I also find when I'm super sick my meds don't work and my anxiety somewhat creeps in.  My kids are now sick and so is everyone around us yet I can't help but question if it's anxiety or not.
So like you the battle goes on in my 
It would be almost too easy to go to the doctors and ever since getting "better" anxiety wise I don't go to the doctors unless it's necessary.  Gone are the days of just popping 
Well I hope you're feeling better soon, and just getting my fear out there and sharing has made me feel a bit better.  It always does...
Thanks for sharing..
16 years ago 0 34 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Thanks for the advice!  I don't go to the Doctors unless I am really sick because I just get all anxious about going...I know I need to get over that. As for the baths jhori82 I think I could live in my bath sometimes, it's my comfort zone for sure!!LOL I wonder if most anxiety sufferers are partial to baths???  See I think too much!

16 years ago 0 466 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can definitely relate to that.  A nice warm bath usually helps, it relaxes me enough to differentiate the feeling of being sick and anxiety.
16 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Your frustration is understood. It doesn't hurt, when you aren't feeling well, to make an appointment with your family doctor or to pop into a walk in clinic to find out for sure what is wrong, and hopefully that could help put your mind at ease.
Hopefully you are feeling better, keep us posted on how you are doing,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator

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