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Diva news...

15 years ago 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
the most perfect advice wildcat! diva - i reread where you said you went to your graduation and without having to take any meds but also you said that you didn't stay and socialize any more than you had to. give the meds a chance on a daily basis and maybe the next function (you know it's coming) you will be able to relax into it.....and have deserve it
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi diva,
you know it is nice you husband was honest. he could have said a bunch of meaningless dribble, but he was honest.  Now teach him to follow up with a hug and you might get somewhere?
15 years ago 0 1693 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
How are you feeling today? You have a lot on your plate, so it seems pretty 'normal' that you would be feeling overwhelmed. Take some deep breathes, get yourself organized, set small goals and work on them one at a time.
You can do this!!
Keep us posted on how you are doing,
Breanne, Bilingual Health Educator
15 years ago 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi diva - "your student" are you a teacher? that would explain the lot to do. my daughter-in-law just graduated and is teaching elementary school. she loves it, for the most part. noble job. overworked and underpaid. your lucky to have your mom! hey, you may be tired, but you're not lazy or lame!!!! take a hot shower and a pill (sleeping and/or pamprin) - i'm so glad those days are over! and then crawl under the're not alone! maybe just concentrate on the job at hand and steer clear of hubby - if he isn't making you feel better right now, you're better off not talking or confronting him. you graduated!!!!!!! think positive, you've already accomplished alot, now stay on the horse  hold on tight to the reins, you are in charge and you can do it! 
15 years ago 0 910 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Karen, thanks for the reply!
Hey Rose,
Yeah, you told me so. I just find having to take pills incredibly frustrating. As my therapist has identified I want to be above it all and see myself taking pills as a form of defeat. So my ego takes a hit when I have to take pills to help myself. This is something I obviously have to work on. But I have been tking my pills. Well the lseeping pills anyway. I might take an anxiety pill soon though as I feel really overwhelemed atm. Thanks for talking to me about this. It is good to talk to someonw who is less unreasonable then me when it comes to medication.
Yesterday I went to my grad. I didn't even take any anxiety meds either to do it. I posted in Successes.
Today, I am not doing so well. I am tired. Well less tired than usual. The sleeping pills have been helping a bit. I am also hormonal (that time of the month, sorry gentlemen!). I am really anxious. I start work on Monday. And I have a super important meeting on Tuesday. That meeting could decide my academic future and I am not nearly ready to go! I am just not getting anywhere. I can't seem to manage to do anything. I feel like a hamster in a wheel! I run and I don't get anywhere. I feel like a big lazy failure. Here I am with a great opportunity ahead of me and I can't even manage to get ready for it. How lame! I feel so horrible and overhwlemed!  I talked to my mom. she will come over tomorrow night and help me with a few things. Tonight she helped me prepare my class for my student. I am so behind on everything. And that meeting is so importnat. Man I am blowing this cause I can't seem to do anything except spin my wheels for no reason.
As you can see today is a bad day and I need to start applying my thought challenging skills. I am sad, depressed, tired, anxious and overhwlemed to the extreme. This is not a good day for me! I feel lame.
I feel alone. My hubby asked what is wrong but when I tell him he doesn't answer anything. When I tell him I wish he would say something he says he doesn't know what to say. I feel alone.
I want to get control over myself. I want to get back to what I was which was organized and productive! Now I am tired and lame and lazy! I am blowing all sorts of things because of it too! I just want to fix things and I don't know how or where to start. I am so overhwlemed! Most things in my life are a mess at the moment! I just want to crawl under the blnkets and hide.
Keep having to remind myself of the truth: This too shall pass!
15 years ago 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good to hear the anxiety medication worked for you.  Hopefully the sleeping pill will help as well.  Keep us posted on that.  It will get better and it too shall pass!

Karen, Health Educator
15 years ago 0 201 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
diva - i gotta say it, i'm such a snot - i told you so. give those anxiety pills a chance and i bet you'll feel 87% better within a week. you'll sleep, and you won't feel like a hamster running and getting nowhere. they just calm your thoughts down or slow the wheels from turning enough to where you can think in a logical order. if you're not calm you're out of control - we all know what that feels like  i love the "pills don't teach skills" i've never heard that before.but maybe they increase your ability to learn, remember, tolerate, do-over, put up with, get done, stay focused, be patient, etc etc etc infinity
15 years ago 0 538 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hiya Guys,
Thank you all so much for all your replies! It means so much to me! You all made valid points about sleeping, napping and bathing. Thanks Rose, Stardust, Karen and Wildcat!
Today, I showered at around 5h30 am. Then I tried sleeping. I slept from 6 to 7 am, then from 8am to 11 am. Then I went to see my therapist. We talked and he agreed with me that I have a lot on my plate. He also agreed with me that the lack of sleep is pretty bad for me and hindering me. We pretty much came to the conclusion that depite my being exhausted and sad and depressed, I am also anxious and my nervous system is in a state of hyperarousal. As such, it makes it really hard for me to sleep whether I am tired or not.
He is usually the one to tell me that pills don't teach skills but he recommended I take an anxiety pill (I keep some PRN) and that I take a sleeping pill tonight. He said to call him tomorrow and we will assess my meds again tomorrow. So I took my anxiety pill and I must admit I feel much calmer. I was handling the anxiety pretty well but the meds helped me feel less agitated. The agitation was exhausting. I am hoping I sleep well as I have another big day tomorrow.
I still feel very tired and overwhelmed today. But I feel a bit better. I still feel like there is too much of to get done and not enough of me to get it done though. That ways heavily upon me. I feel like a hamster in its wheel. Running and running and just not getting anywhere. I am trying to relax tonight but it makes me feel guilty because there is too much to get done.
It will get better. This too shall pass!
15 years ago 0 456 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Diva,
I think one of the First symptomes of depression should be forgot to to wash.
I really think that when we forget or we lose track of time and do not wash ... we feel worse.  So much of how we feel about our self is tied to how we look.  And the first thing to get dirty is often our hair.  So dirty, greasy hair (that cannot be freshened in the sink like hands) really signals sick or lazy !  Like I really partied to the wee hours this weekend and finally recovered from a massive hangover - I need a shower  LAZY!   Or I have had stomach flu for three days and have not left the bathroom for fear of losing the contents on my digestive system all over the floor. SICK! 
So Diva, If you have not had a chance to take care of this basic need and you feel strange it is entirely normal.  A really good reason why one of the first words of pampering everyone offers is "take a luxerous bubble bath"  It washes and comforts! You come out feeling human again  -  even more useful than sleep sometimes - because you can fake alertness, you cannot fake clean.  
Wait a minute ... not to say that you smell or anything ... It is just that I have noticed that the energy associated with water and the ritual of cleansing helps us present our best selves.  It helps us feel the most comfortable and confident.  And because we retreat to privacy,  we have the chance to catch up with situations that are escaping us at that moment. 
15 years ago 0 406 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0


Sorry to hear you have so many things to juggle on your own, perhaps a family member or friend can assist you in completing tasks.  Make sure to take some time out to relax and as Stardust suggests, try progressive muscle relaxation (posted under Mod's corner) to help ease some of the stress.  I hope you feel better soon.
Karen, Health Educator

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