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9 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Negative thoughts

Hi I am Michael.I am suffering from panic attack symptoms 3 years now I managed to reduced panic by my own research and with out any medication. From a scale 1 to 10 i can say that i am on 7-8 or 9 well. The only thing i am still dealing with is negative thoughts.For an example,every time i go somewhere,on the way i always think if something is going to happen to me but i am always fine.
A month ago while i was sleeping i felt that i was passing out.I woke up and i was confused in my speech,i couldn't spell any word correctly,numbed tongue and lips.I thought i was having a stroke.I went to first aid and after some examinations doctors said i was absolutely fine.Meanwhile on my way to hospital i was already feeling better.
After that day, instead of dizziness or breathing difficulties symptoms i had,i started feeling my tongue and jaws tensed,and than i am going to confuse my speech again.
How can i stop paying attention to every single symptom that i feel and how can i replace those negative thoughts with something good? 
9 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Negative thoughts

So far so good.I am in the 4th session.I hope i will learn something to help me stop feeling every single harmless symptom.And stop thinking in a negative way.
9 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Negative thoughts


I am unemployed at the moment and i am dealing difficulties finding a job. I think this is a very big awareness of those symptoms.Fill up your days with something pleasant and don't waste your time on doing nothing.Possitive or replacement of negative thoughts will come through.